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Posts posted by Deez

  1. Hi

    I couldnt find this on another thread although I am sure it is probably here somewhere.

    Next week I need to go to the immigration office. Will I need to go to the new office?

    Can someone post the address so I can give it to a cab driver? I dont want to be taken to the old one by mistake :)


  2. Due diligence was not applied in vetting Thaksin in any way.

    MC is now at the bottom of the heap again; one bloke to blame.

    And he is such a wonderful business man, he can save the country from the world wide recession,

    but can't managed a footie team... Oh yeah lets give him back a nation to run in tough times.

    Yeah! Right! "That's the ticket!"

    Bottom of the heap? Glad to see you check your facts before posting. They sit in second 3 points behind Chelsea with a game in hand.

    We know you are the leader of the Thai Visa Anti Thaskin Brigade, but give the boys from MC a little credit :)

  3. Why even assume it was or had anything to do with Red shirts? Could be any number of people even one of his own, after all the NAZI's and the like have done this kind of self attacks every time they needed a new crackdown on the opposition. I would think most of the blind followers and haters of each side would be easy as children to manipulate in this country. Facts - don't let them get you to confused. Find them first then sling your accusations. Unless you know something ahead of time which would make you part of the guilty party how can you know. Not all of Islam are terrorist and not all red shirts are ether and you can be sure a fair share of yellow are in fact just as bad as the worst of the other side. To dis agree with that will make you simply another of the blind from ether side. It could be as simple as a nut case that didn't like the latest gas prices.

    The best reason for such a stupid attack would be to get posts like this started

    "We call them RED SHIRT THAKSINISTA terrorists…

    To the red shirt apologists, HONESTLY tell us what percentage of the so called pro democracy reds are OK with this kind of violence (aside from those who are actually acting out violently)? I say a HUGE percentage. By OK I mean psychologically supportive, even silently, and certainly they won't denounce it. Tell me that you actually believe that Isaan would not be DANCING IN THE FIELDS if these thugs had hit their presumed target?

    Bottom line: the red shirt movement is a movement that has no qualms about causing bloodshed in Thailand ... red, how apt."

    Seems one side has a lot more to gain from the attack then the reds would ever have.

    First intelligent post I have seen on the matter. Everyone is so quick to take sides before any evidence of responsibility is known. Have you all been in thailand so long that your loyalty to one side or the other is totally biased? Brutal


  4. More "income" is rolling in... and this "law" will be exploited merciless to the fullest extend

    Foreigners are the main target... MHO

    Maybe someone in the Government, that REALLY had a brain in his head should INVENT ROAD RULES FIRST for Thai Drivers,and educate them on WHAT a Pedestrian crossing is for and how MOST of the civilized world STOPS for Pedestrians , and not try to run them down, then get the DAMM MOTORCYCLES OFF THE FOOTPATHS, I think think the police could become millionaires if they did that.

    Absolutely right. Why use a crosswalk when most thais dont even know what its for.

  5. This survey is a joke. I wonder how many of the stranded tourists during the airport closure got a vote. I dont believe this survey at all

    Well, of course, your own personal opinion has more meaning than something published internationally.

    Wow you are quite naive if you believe everything you read. Learn to form your own opinion. This is especially true when it concerns thailand.

  6. Hi all

    Not sure if this has been discussed before , but when they show an exchange rate at the bank, one column is for T/C. Is this for travelers checks?

    If so would this not be a good way to avoid the "spread" you pay and also avoid the ATM fee? My bank in canada offers no fee checks.

    Also, the exchange rate for T/C is always better.


  7. I am in chiang mai. I have been waiting for the school to give me the required papers to take to immigration for the 3 month reporting, but time is running out. My current 3 month report expires june 13th and I leave for canada on june 9th and return july 5.

    Isn't a reentry stamp useless unless I get a new 3 month report and extension?

    Thanks for the replies

  8. I have a one year single entry ED visa which requires reporting every 3 months. I have to leave the country. Is it possible to get a reentry stamp at the embassy in Canada? I have been waiting for papers from the school to do it here, but it appears they will not arrive in time so my 3 month reporting period will be expired by the time I return.


  9. Our future school. 260 square meters. It requires a lot of investment but once it is finished it will offer comfortable premises for studying both Thai and English.

    Callan & Walen School

    Finally pulling the trigger huh? I waited a long time for you guys, but could never get an answer from any of your staff or website as to when you would be coming.

    Finally went with Pro Language. They are also very good.

    Good luck with the new location.

  10. Well, I wouldn't expect him to tell the truth. lol

    I don't believe it. I cannot see how anyone could be anxious to invest here.

    Total BS......Thailand's economy has been in decline for several years and its annual rate of growth is the lowest in the region.

    Other countries like Cambodia and Vietnam are generating far more investor interest. And, yes, I have the statistics but please don't ask me to post them (getting boring).

    How to fix the problem:

    1) alter the business rules by making it easy for foreigners to establish small scale businesses (the backbone of most economies);

    2) abrogate the visa rule changes that have taken place over the past nine years to make Thailand expat/business/tourism friendly;

    3) implement true democracy w/ the rule of law firmly in place and freedom of expression written in stone (next election should be held under the supervision of UN monitors);

    4) demolish the education system (top to bottom) and start over following the advice of foreign experts.

    Agree with all four 100%. They might want to work on the corruption a bit too. :o
  11. A lot of worthless comments here in my opinion. Let me try to help. You are getting pointed in a lot of directions because at the end of the day, it depends on the girl. Same as back home. Back home you are probably used to dating from your same social class level so the rules tend to be the same. If you are going to date poor girls in Thailand or girls much younger than yourself, then anything goes. It will depend on the girl.

    Unfortunately there are too many idiots (in my opinion), that just throw money at these "poor helpless" girls and feel sorry for them and eagerly hand over money. But if you talk to the "real" Thai girls that have never had any exposure to foreigners, they behave by rules very much the same as back home. They share the cost of the dates, they don't order more than they can eat, they take the bus home, etc, etc. Basically if a girls is expecting more, you are being scammed. Thais just don't date outside their social class for this very reason.

    I think the behavior of foreigners and reckless spending has tainted the girls image of us and some of them are very good at taking advantage of that. Yesterday I went on a date with a beauty salon girl. She makes very little money and I expected to pay for the date. But... I didn't expect that she would show up with 2 of her friends. Immediately they picked the bar they wanted to go, and when the cover charge bill came, I asked them all to fork out the money. The were angry and wouldn't talk to me the rest of the night. Personally I don't care and never want to see them again because their behavior was disrespectful and out of line, even to Thai culture standards.

    I don't believe the lie's about "man always pays, Thai culture, etc". That is old school. I date many middle class girls (and poor uni students), that don't act like this. Choose your girls wisely, and don't be afraid to push back when you see a scam.

    Spot on. There is your best advice right there.

  12. Last time I was in Australia I went to Office works and was ready to purchase $1500 of goods. I askeded for a plastic bag to carry it...was refused and told I could buy a reusable bag. Cancelled the order and came to Thailand. Maybe I will have to move again.

    you base your life choices on where you get an over-abundance of free plastic bags! i base mine on the availability of cheap beer and hot girls. i guess everyone has their reasons.

    LOL,was thinking the same thing.....

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