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Everything posted by koosdeboer

  1. https://www.facebook.com/NSRSolars/ I used north solar rooftop. Good service. A friend asked them an three other companies for a factory. They came out cheaper and better informed. English speaker phone 0850905458, name Chon
  2. rule #2 Women stay away from sticky rice balls.
  3. Thank you. Great information
  4. Looks like a big problem at Chiang Mai immigration. I am on a marriage visa and had been for renewal the beginning of June. Under consideration in Bangkok. Yesterday I was told to collect my definite visa stamp ( my last day of my former visa). My wife went to collect my passport. They told her to wait in the neighborhood. Went to PTT coffee. They would call. Waited more than 2 hours, nothing. Almost 4 o'clock I called. They told me to come back today. Went to immigration this morning. Nothing came back from Bangkok. I again have to wait for a phone call. My visa expired yesterday and I understand that more married people are waiting als with expired passports. More people with the same experience?
  5. I am very happy with North Solar Rooftop. They come from Lampang but installed many solar systems in Chiang Mai. Good advice, good after service and good price. They have installed a solar system in my house and were very flexible with my extra wishes. https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fnsr-solar.com%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR2pnObKhgMk0eeYGCDCw4SyQHyWYwfFJIgDWSVgsbfSw1BBHUil3Oi8nWM&h=AT2eY057RhLC6d2oh_TglUUwIocxZ2yWYyweoBiVbyIG0zlLfdgsNqSkWg1n8ZHoaPIJSYVTp7Zlp3nCVkaWa248roWDPWGwy6RRzKGGGk0d0d92S4-sNTcPsqsdZv75Z16sSw Phone number for an english speaking technician 0850905458, name Chon
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