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Everything posted by garyk

  1. Come, come said the spider to the fly.... Once you get here we will take you to the cleaners..
  2. What is this a joke, this guy is in every police station in Thailand.
  3. Government planting this seed in Thailand means it will be played to the hilt. Best to avoid Thailand until back to normal now.
  4. Best way to save money now is going to a nice resort or hotel and tell them to give you the special farang price..
  5. I don't know why they are so insecure, they have a submarine and jets., waiting in ready.... haha They are ready to torpedo the opposition...
  6. Yeah, last time I was on the border a muslim guy working in the park invited me to his wedding of a 13 year old girl he just bought.
  7. Let's just hope they keep the violence in the South. If they move north to the tourist areas Thailand is history as a tourist destination.
  8. For the life of me I cannot understand why anyone would want to go to Thailand?
  9. Most people here don't have a clue what is going.
  10. This is Aseannow man, it is either party hats or the world is coming to an end... haha
  11. All I know is I exploit it when this happens , really all over the world now the dollar is strong. Enjoy it while you can. Just finalized my plans to travel to Asia this month. Good time for me.
  12. You just described 99.9 percent of the people here. Exactly right.
  13. Just saying what the hotel, travel industry and private hospitals wants to hear. Same with all politicians. Puts money in his pocket.
  14. You are doing exactly what you should not be doing, read any article about managing in retirement. Student loans and helping pay , a doctor , CPA. Really? You are 57 and still have a kiddo in High School. At your age! You are living the American dream for sure.
  15. Don't listen to these guys, they don't have a clue what is going on. 30K is a good life most places especially if retired with no debts. Hell, I keep a nice home in the US and travel the world and live a comfortable life for that, and save a few bucks every month. I spend most of what I make now, problem is I have been living a thrifty life so long I have accumulated to much. But, not changing now.
  16. Believe me they will have a few, the same guys that fell for the " The buffalo is sick" , Thailand is the home of this kind of nonsense. From the bar girl to the highest official, same mind set.
  17. Just like the US used to be not so long ago.. Lives ruined for no reason.
  18. Government must have bought a few to many masks, clearing inventory.
  19. Yeah, mine has gone up over 100K in that time. Just a lower middle class home. Totally agree, it costs me much more to live in Thailand than in the US. But, not near the fun, and I can travel and have a blast in one month what is would cost me in a week here. My problem with Thailand it is not a retirement destination for older expats IMO. Way to polluted. Just miserable after you reach a certain age if you have any kind of respiratory problems what so ever. Many other place so much better when you get old, but a blast when younger...
  20. And sleeping with a hottie 2-3 times a week, Shamefu..
  21. I saved lots living there before the new rules started. Then I vacated to greener pastures. So basically I was spending about 70K a month before the rules, after I was spending NOTHING.. But, to be honest Thailand is such a polluted cesspool, I was going to leave anyway.
  22. All those countries are so close together I am surprised it doesn't happen all the time. By the time you take off you are in another's space...
  23. New Omicron Subvariants Will Spread Across Thailand Shortly Me too..
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