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  1. Imagine turning up at the airport in that. In fairness she wouldn't be dropped off at the entrance but taken to the deportation holding area.
  2. I didn't. I think many of those who did are regretting it, especially the Thai owners who thought they had bought a CBD condo. When I moved in it was Thais, Japanese, older farangs and Koreans. Now it is the 'go to' place in Bangkok for Muslims and Indian Sub Continent/Bangladeshis. They have made it their building. I hear stories of bunk beds four to a room for staff at the local restaurants to crash on after being handed one of the communal key cards or following on through the security doors/using the fire escape. My point is that this group does not think the rules apply to them.
  3. I meant buying advertising space, effectively buying a service. The point here is that it is not illegal to come and buy something in Thailand, but yes, if she was actually contacting clients then that arguably is work - didn't read the article and there was no mention of her "admission" in other reports, just that she was being prosecuted for buying the ad/having the ad made up.
  4. I am sure Thai Immigration know the law better than me, but effectively she is being prosecuted for buying a service - or maybe the fact that she made the arrangements for the ad to be produced was the transgression.
  5. Seems to be something of a mismatch between her luggage and her ride.
  6. In my condo you just needed a forged keycard and your underpants. A group of four took over the pool every morning from 8-9.30 - for some reason the Thai women who used to swim at that time stopped. I think the group that is doing the subletting to their countrymen maybe told ST renters not to use the pool as it was creating a lot of friction - not seeing them so much, but that might be time of year. Their renters tended to go crazy for the pool as in their country a pool of clean water that big would probably have people hundreds deep around it trying to fill cooking pots.
  7. It would be nice if they just "used" the pool rather than take it over as "theirs" for the duration of their holiday.
  8. Colombian burglary gangs and Peruvian pick pocket gangs are licking their chops. No, I am not saying all Colombian and Peruvians are like this, but those sub sectors are very real.
  9. Nice to hear after 9 years of being viewed as a criminal because I stay here year 'round.
  10. oooh you had to bring "waythitht" into it. Lucky you, you have not had problems, others have, and specifically mentioned it was Chinese.
  11. Thanks for that. Unfortunately it seems a lot of lets are via sites other than AirBnB, including their own in country networks which is what we are up against in our condo - rarely see an actual AirBnB listing - i use the term airbnb to mean short term let.
  12. Read some of the posts on this board where people are suffering from pool villas being let out as party houses - if they are making noise what they do while at the villa becomes other people's business- I think groups of Chinese renting for parties are much more common that groups of professionals from Bangkok.
  13. Yeah right, music blasting out all night - screw the neighbors we're ON HOLIDAY!.
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