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Everything posted by garyk

  1. We seem to be surrounded by eccentric leaders Or leaders like the US president that do not know what day it is. Eccentric to him is missing his nap.
  2. No problem what so ever, I left right before the pandemic and all the 800k in the bank mess. Best decision I ever made.
  3. Odd behavior IMO, even the countries that never imposed travel restrictions have seen basically the same peaks and valleys of Covid as Thailand. And I might add are enjoying tourists by the millions. And even crazier is China with the 0 policy. That pretty much is like saying China will never open again.
  4. I don't know much about politics , but what would you call the leadership in Thailand?
  5. Several years ago I was in the south of Thailand and was birding a little known national park. I stopped at a restaurant close to the park for lunch and they had several endangered animals being served. I asked the waitress who owned the restaurant and she said the local police chief. You could literally go in order your endangered species and have it served to you in a matter of minutes.
  6. Everyone is suing these days, here in the US the major news channels are supported by the lawyers suing insurance companys. On the sides of busses , internet, major TV channels.
  7. Nothing wrong with Thailand for short term tourists. It fuels the economy. Long term, as in expats living there is another question all togeather.
  8. The firms, which are part of larger worldwide concerns with Chinese links, are suspected of being vehicles to circumscribe US tariffs No, Thailand would never stoop to that.
  9. Hummm, I thought 500-600 was the poor backpacker. I will lower my expectations a bit.
  10. With the state of the world economy. Thailand will only see poor backpackers squeezing every baht until it bleeds.
  11. After living in Thailand and the area for 10+ years, Mexico and South America have grown on me. Different strokes I guess. I don't hate Thailand, but it is so poluted I find it hard to live there.
  12. Bypass Thailand, for a little over 100K in the bank you can get a permeant visa in Mexico. You can buy land , the whole enchilada. Thailand is the HUB of hype...
  13. Can't imagine the price gouging that would go on with that idea.
  14. I own a home in the US and am very comfortable. The most boring place on gods green earth. I'll never sell because it is pretty nice to have a place if thing go bonkers. But, it is the most boring, and worst place I have ever lived since I have been traveling the world.
  15. To many other place that trump Thailand, and do not have the rules for staying a few months. Thailand is just a pain. I guess it depends on how much you want to get to Thailand. Personally I will avoid it for a while longer.
  16. This reminds me of the 800,000 in a Thai bank for retirement. Everyone was saying it was a pittance. Thailand is happy to take your money.
  17. Ok, 650/person , conservative estimate of 100,000/Mo. at 30 baht / person = 2 million one hundred and sixty six thousand dollars x 12 = twenty six million dollars / year. At 250,000 people / mo. = 5,416,666 dollars / mo. and 65,000,000 / year. I don't think it is the 650 bath people are moaning about it is the blatant rip off.
  18. Fish balls and sticky rice for lunch today...
  19. Haha, my hair was jet black a couple of weeks ago. Now white as snow... I get a kick out of it.
  20. This is Thai Visa, anything is possible... ????
  21. Coming into Los Angeles, bringing in a couple of KG's... Please Mr. Customs man don't check my baggage please.. Going to be some dogs sniffing full time on the incoming flights from Thailand.... This is going to better than the old days of going to Pai, and when coming down the mountain the police arrest ya.
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