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Everything posted by thairat

  1. I’m renewing a British passport and recall that they require the address be written in English. So what is acceptable proof of my Thai address in English?
  2. I tried setting up an IB account but have had problems with not getting sms messages, anyone have any experience here or have a alternative that works well for them? much thanks
  3. Went to OrBorTor presented my translated passport, birth certificate, child id card along with 2 witnesses and got a document for immigration, direct no cost whether immigration will accept it maybe another matter. Thank you all for your helpful and informative comments.
  4. Went to OrBorTor they seemed happy to supply doc for immigration, provided I had necessary documentation including birth certificate and translated passport et al.
  5. Chiang Mai immigration claimed that go from Type O retirement, to Type O child support would not necessitate leaving the country because not changing visa type only the grounds on which it is based.
  6. I managed to transfer money to top up my account, the transfer took 1 day so sqeeked under the wire. Thank you very much Dr Jack
  7. Anyone have personal experience with an agent to facilitate this process, and some idea how much it will cost.
  8. Thank you so much, will check this out if transfer takes too long.
  9. I might be able to squeeze under the line if top up account today. Will try, depending on how long the transfer takes.
  10. Just entered Thailand from abroad, but 90 day check-in form says I must check in next week, is this date reset to date entering Thailand?
  11. I am British national, > 69 yo. My name will be on the birth certificate.
  12. Child has Thai ID child 15 I/we have custody live at same residence mother is available
  13. My partner and I share a home, but we are not legally married, is this an issue?
  14. Seems there is a type O visa, but not sure about requirements as these seem very dynamic, so old info may not be relevant. The 400,000 baht requirement not an issue at this time. some say pictures of inside and outside of house taken by third party! Googling it, shows many requirements that may or may not be currently valid, hence this post. I’ve always been on non-type O retirement visa, never had a child support visa before.
  15. I am presently in Thailand as non-immigrant type O (retirement) and has a child attending school in Thailand. I just realized my balance just fell below the 800,000 baht requirement with less than 90 days before my non-O visa expires, what are my visa options excluding leaving the country? My understanding is there is a visa, for people supporting a child that has a 400,000 baht seasoning requirement, is this true? If so what is it called?
  16. Thank you for all your responses. Whats a yellow book? Thanks again.
  17. I was considering opening an International trading account, and a requirement is to provide a Thai tax number. Many years ago I worked at a Thai university and paid taxes and had a tax number, is that number still valid? I dont have residency in Thailand but here on retirement visa. My understanding regarding international trading is that you are only responsible for Thai taxes when international money from the broker enters the country. How can Thailand tax income that hasnt entered Thailand? I’m not trying to avoid taxes, but need to provide tax number to apply for international trading account.
  18. I must have skipped that class, dont recall.
  19. What kind of time commitment would you expect? Obviously this would depend on the response but you have prolly been around long enough to have some idea.
  20. Initially it could just let people add their own experiences which could be periodically edited if there was excessive or non relevant info. The format should be specific, not a long bitter thairade of events. Just the facts ma’am. Format Date Location Specific issue causing failure
  21. It might be helpful if there were threads for the various visa types that people could add their own gotchas, this could be reviewed and updated to weed out all the chaff. It would not necessary to give the basic essential info, but rather the things that result in visa application failure. This should start off with defining commonly misunderstood terms, and explanation of the hieroglyphics relevant to visa acquisition. The difficulty of this task lies in the inconsistent way rules are enforced and the dynamic nature of the beast.
  22. Searching the domain immigration.go.th with google for visa exempt turns up 1 entry From that 1 entry see below Visa 1. Generally, a foreign citizen who wishes to enter the Kingdom of Thailand is required to obtain a visa from a Royal Thai Embassy or a Royal Thai Consulate-General. However, nationals of certain countries do not require a visa if they meet visa exemption requirements as follows:(1) they are nationals of countries which are exempted from visa requirements when entering Thailand for tourism purposes. Such nationals will be permitted to stay in the Kingdom for a period of not exceeding 30 days. For more information, please see Tourist Visa Exemption Searching the same domain for the exact phrase used above “Tourist Visa Exemption” Yields zero results.
  23. My payment receipt for this application was stamped with the date 12 July as my return date.
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