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Posts posted by Lozfranco

  1. Issarn women? aaaargghh, uurrrgh most of these are the pits, the bars are full of these beggers.

    Its not being from Isaan that makes them the pits.

    I think you have your chicken and egg the wrong way round.

    Chicken and Egg? No i don't think so I think you're confusing whores with normal honest girls.

    I'm not saying that all Issarn girls are whores, but there are a hel_l of a lot of girls from that area in all of the bars in bangkok, pattaya etc make of it what you will. The bars are not as populated by girls from other areas of thailnd, so I don't see where you're coming from

  2. One of the most pathetic statements I ever heard, made by a Thai Police officer!
    "This is not a joke. The police do not make allegations without facts to back them up,"

    Yeah, sure. And pigs fly.

    The actions of the lady involved were not the brightest, but in comparison to the Police Actions she looks like a rocket scientist.

    How do you work that one out? Rocket Scientist get pissed in Ozzy pubs, steal bar mats, resist arrest and abuse the police do they?

  3. But Mr Murphy (her lawyer) told the Nine Network that the behaviour of the Thai police has been ridiculous.

    "We're hopeful that the Thai authorities will listen and understand that their behaviour to date has been completely ridiculous," Mr Murphy said.

    "To lock up this Melbourne mother for what's effectively 18 days for theft of a bar mat which other people have admitted doing seems simply crazy."

    "She had had plenty to drink and if she did get upset that would be entirely understandable."

    Best sack the lawyer, telling the Thai authorities that they are ridiculous will not help matters at all.

  4. "Patong Police claim Smoel stole a bar mat from Phuket's Aussie Bar. Smoel spent the next day in a four-metre-by-four-metre cell with three other women"

    Is Smoel a real name? how to pronounce it? "Smowel" that would sound <deleted> in an ozzy accent.

    Geordie is the correct spelling not Jordy

    She gets to spend a day in 4x4m "cell" with three women, for free?. How is that a punishment?

    Last time I did that it cost me over 2000 baht and there were only two women, lucky bitch.

    Now Sheilas, will you all stay at home and look after the kids.

  5. This post is being written a few days after the event.

    While posting a request for animal hospital over in the Issan forum, it occured to me to use Google (brain's a bit slow!) so I posted by own solution in the form of Khon Kaen University's Animal Hospital Teaching Center, details below.

    Two days of gentle nagging was required to convince the owner that a trip to KK' animal hospial was required, in the end we combined this with 'our' shopping trip to a supermarket, we left my wife shopping while I took owner and pup to the hospital. As the Thai-Thai directions resulted in a 15 minute detour via the whole university estate I have created and posted a 'better' map at the bottom of ths post.

    I was happy with the standard of care and attention that the hospital offered, nice to be able to test the facility with someone else's dog. The pup was seen quite quickly the only short delay was to allow for students to be called to witness and assist with the inspection and X-Ray, to be expected in a teaching hospital.

    The news that the leg was in fact broken, just above the joint scored bad points with the original local vet that said it was not broken. Since then news has filtered through the village's pet owners that do care about their animals that the local guy is not to be trusted.

    To pin and set the broken bone would require an overnight stay so we left at that point...

    ...the following afternoon the owner was happy to drive themselves to collect the dog from KK, I sense part of the delay and reluctance in going there in the first place was that they have never attended such a place before. On the journey back after the first visit she kept repeating the way that the staff had called out the dog's name as we were called from the waiting area seats, 'just like a real human hospital', she said.

    Total cost of treatment and a handful of antibiotics, calcium tablets etc was 2,500 Baht. Plaster case to be removed in a few weeks.

    I enclose an X-Ray and a picture of the recovering pacient:



    Khon Kaen University Animal Hospital (Link Email, Tel. 043 202 404):

    On Highway 2, drive North past Khon Kaen through the current consruction work forming an underpass next to the junction with Highway 12. Follow the road up the hill, you will see two tall antenna masts (NBT) on the right hand side of the road next to a Lemon Green gas station, alongside the masts is a traffic light controlled T junction, turn left here into the University Campus, after about 15 meters (at most) is a side road on your right, on the right had side of this side road is a large white budda icon / spirit house littered with concrete animals, Green W on my map below. Follow this side road (runs parallel with Hwy 2), about 200 meters (?) on the left hand side is the animal hospital. Picture below.


    Good on you for getting the pup sorted out, we see too many dogs in thailand with missing limbs as a result of similar injuries.

  6. If you dont bang them on your first date they automatically think you are a homo.

    It would seem that this is where you are going wrong

    Not to be a wise guy, we are not talking about bar girls here!

    But "Those" are the ones I have the most trouble with (not on the first date obviously) And on top of it, now I have to wonder if they do this with everyone they meet?

    So you tell me YOU bang nice Thai girls the first night you meet them? Skanks maybe, but not decent Thai girls! And come on, at least respond with something intelligent next time!

    Something intelligent? You started it.

    BTW I was not talking BGs

  7. anyone know any really nice places to relax with a notebook? maybe like a restaurant in a hotel by a pool that has wireless or something like that :o getting bored of staying inside all day and need to come out of my room and explore the world around me :D

    You need your notebook and wireless connection to explore the world around you?

    I've heard it all now

  8. hi there

    For a while, maybe 9 months I have sometimes woken up with a roseate blotching usually just under my lower lip sometimes above the top one.....ie not on the mucous membrane.

    It is non itchy and painless but being a deepish red is rather offputting. Usually goes away in a couple or few days and has now happened perhaps 6-8 times.

    My girlfriend suggests I might be biting my lips in my sleep. Never did it before but perhaps there has to be a first time.

    Or is it something more sinister?


    Don't go down on her for a couple of weeks, if the problem persists tell her to shave, if the problem still recurs, sack her.

  9. I much prefer Jennifer Aniston to Angelina Jolie.

    Aniston is pretty and feminine and nice, where Jolie is the attention seeking, slut type. All of the adopting children and "good works" is a con job in my estimation.

    Something is wrong with Brad Pitt.

    Both Jenifer and Angelina have great qualities and I'm available anytime for either one of them. :o

    Why do you think that the adopting and 'good works ' is a con? It might well be, but it also might be a genuine act on her part....what leads you to think that it is a con?

    Angelina is well fit, I'd rather do her than Aniston any day.

  10. You gotta say Maigo the real superstars are the ones who are too lazy to read the whole thread; and post a response repeating a statement 5 posts above........and they do not even realise they have done it!!! :o

    So who has the time or inclination to read an entire thread when it's a load of sh8te like this one.?

    You did :D

    How do arrive at that conclusion?

  11. Just how disrespectful is the pronoun ‘man’?

    I was with a friend of a friend today, went looking at sofas, came back and she was chatting to a friend, she said ‘Man hen sofas…..’ referring to me. The friend left and I asked her about it, she got all nervous and said she uses it whenever talking about people.

    I don’t speak Thai but on a one day introduction course when going through the pronouns the teacher was laughing telling us to not use ‘man’ when speaking about people, she said that ‘get ready to fight!!’ if you do... and that it means ‘it’ as in an animal like a dog.

    I told her that I’m going to refer to her as ‘Man’ from now on as well and she was in a bit of a huff for the next 10 minutes.

    I usually only see her with her colleagues, so when I do I want to start doing it… so I have a few Q’s to ask about that too.

    Can I use it when talking to her, or only about her to others. For example if she’s just eaten, can I say ‘Man im lao mai?’ to her….. or does it have to be to a third person ‘Man gin khao lao mai?’ with reference to her?


    And the original question, how disrespectful is it. Seeing as she called me it?


    I should add that's she's from Sisaket in case there are differing regional uses.

    Did you purchase your horse whip already? "man hen horse whip" see if she starts to cower.

  12. My maid/sister in law [who has been with us for 3+yrs] is now 6+ months pregnant and altho at her best, she only preformed at 50%....lazy little sister of my Thai wife.

    Wife informs me that she will only be 'out of service' for a month after delivering and she can work up til the delivery, but I'm seeing her work [normally at 50%] slowing down to a crawl. My wife is doing the maid's normal chores, washing clothes, etc and it will only get worse, even if all goes well.

    My question is 'what is my obligation?', as her employer....

    You don't have any obligations, if she's lazy sack her.

    If you find that too difficult, next time your shagging your wife tell her that you're the father of her sisters baby (don't forget to hold on tight at this point). This approach will have a two fold outcome. You will get the ride of your life and your wife will kick out her sister.

  13. You gotta say Maigo the real superstars are the ones who are too lazy to read the whole thread; and post a response repeating a statement 5 posts above........and they do not even realise they have done it!!! :o

    So who has the time or inclination to read an entire thread when it's a load of sh8te like this one.?

  14. does anyone know if there is a motorcycle test book online somewhere? my nearest driving licence office is in Samui and i don't want to make a trip just for the book.

    thx steve

    I think there isn't one. You just need to go for the test. Different areas have different tests. I went for the car and bike test at the same time near Onut BKK. eyesite and reactions tested, practical driving tested and a mulitiple choice questionaire following a training video. For the bike test I failed on the multiple choice questions, half an hour later I sat down to do the same questions again for the car test, needless to say I passed.

  15. Historical

    The first descriptions of dog fighting, similar to bull terrier are found in the literature much earlier, before the race known as the father of James Hinks and brought them in 1862 for exhibition. Taplin (quoted in Backmana) in the year 1803, writes about teriers like BULDOGS among the lower social strata, which were used for hunting. The year 1808 comes out the picture of James Ward bull terrier ointment black with white podpalanej meanings. According to Edward C. Ash was already in the year 1819 white dogs named Paddington, weighed about 30 kilograms. Heads were similar to the boxer.

    0f2d1c0def6d5652.jpgApproximately 1830 students from Oxford (Freeborns) bred white bull terriers and in 1842 Sir Richard Burton took the dog to India, where the race has become one of the most popular by the colonists.

    James Hinks - the breeder of animals - about 1,850 years began to cross bull terriers with white teriers. Have also been mentioned by chartach English (greyhoundach) and dalmatyńczykach. Your participation in the formation of the race was certainly pointer, Bedlington Terrier and the Staffordshire bulterier. Hinks had the ambition to grow the white race of sorts. His dogs were to be not only more beautiful than in the past bull terriers, but must also have their qualities - courage and dexterity.

    The dismal and bloody customs

    From the early Middle Ages remained in England brutal custom "Baitings Bull", one of the most bloody of dogs walk, they know the story. This entails duel with the bull dog - bite predator would in the body of the bull and do not give to him to lose. Across England were large arena, specially designed to fights of the animals.

    A new warrior

    In the nineteenth century, in search of the perfect dog to fight (the "dog fighting") cross bull teriers different varieties, but especially popular with the white terrier, which, unfortunately, not our living days. The result was the most stubborn dog, what was not, much bigger and stronger than bulterier what we know today. When in 1835 a royal edict forbade years organizing "Baitings Bull", is not ended with the era of ill-treatment of the animals. Those who enjoy the barbaric entertainment went down to the underworld and organized dog fight in secret!

    Bull Terrier enters salons

    In the year 1862 well-known dog breeder, James Hinks, presented the first official bull terrier for its breeding of dogs for exhibition. It was a rare snow-white bitch about the past, and a relatively long elongated head, compared with other bull terriers incredibly elegant. Hinks has never indicated how it reached its so different from other fighting dogs look their animals, most likely, however, used in farming - like bulldog and white terrier - also dalmatin.


    James Hinks for creating the appearance of his new bulteriera gathered not only praise - supporters of the previous, much heavier type of dog reproaches him that the "combat machine" model did. Hinks, therefore, cast their critics challenge - walk the Puss with any females, chosen by the former type of dog. The winner was to receive not only sumkę a lot of money, but also a nice box of champagne. The opponents met in London and after less than half an hour after the fight was: Puss killeda his opponent to shreds! The next day, also received his first of many awards at the beauty contest. The success of the entire line!

    Miniature Bull Terrier

    In 1943, begin of miniature bull terrier. His height should not exceed 35.5 centimeters, weight is not restricted. Baseline condition: the dog has to look as good, less bull terrier perfectly normal size, and its mass should correspond to its size.

    Bull Terrier in 1907 year


    Bull Terrier in 1934 year



    Bull Terrier old type

    In olden times bull terrier was also used for popular entertainment in that period, such as rats kill on time, fight with the other wild animals.

    First bull terrier were exclusively white. It was not until many years later by the Kennel Club has accepted a variety of colors. The first Championship for male color is linked to the year 1935, while still in the thirties, especially in Europe, bull teriers were cut ears. Many fans of bull terrier believes that is true bulterrier white. Color is usually striped, and yellow tricolor.

    Today's bulterier is a family dog.






    CH. Aricon One In The Eye

  16. It wouldn't be hard for me to start over again. I live a simple life and I don't care about material possesions. All I need is beer money, freedom, and a roof over my head. BTW, the reason I'm in credit card debt is because I had to buy my wife a lot of new stuff.

    You wont have to buy her any stuff in Thailand? Forget it mate, you dont have the funds, you will get slaughtered, loose the condo etc

  17. Hi Loz,

    Nice little fella. Knowing what I do about your pup, it occurred to me that he might not have started a deworming program before he came to you and even if he did, you should administer a deworming (roundworm) medicine every two weeks up to 12 weeks or until no more worms are seen. For his size he'll need a liquid medicine that you can put into his mouth using a syringe body. You'll see loads of worms come out hours later and some will still be wriggling. He'll be a happy chappy afterwards. Puppies get the roundworms from their mothers by the way and getting rid of them is easy. Your vet will have the right med and dosage and it is cheap.

    K.Or, thanks for that, he's going to the vets for his pavro / distemper jabs this week, will get the deworming med then.

    attached pic taken a couple of weeks ago, Cheers


  18. I met a girl selling clothes here in Pattaya. Gave her my cell phone and after one date she was in my bed and I was shagging her silly. heehee. :D

    You mean you actually managed to get laid in Pattaya?

    Congratulations mate.

    :D That wasn't the point.

    The point was she was selling clothes in Pattaya so she was a nice :o girl.

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