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Posts posted by Lozfranco

  1. some Q&A's paraphrased from PMs read from bottom up

    [/size]moved the tail wagging Q & A to the forum,

    Tried the chicken wings as suggested, let go and the entire bone and meat was woofed down, disappeared in a flash, now I chop it up

    He's thriving but one thing that I noticed is that he seldom wags his tail. (Update - Tail wagging now at everone)

    Still biting, which is a bit of a pain, hope he grows out of it soon.

    Glad that the other dog is a female. Must better chance that they'll get along, especially if she allows the Bullie to be the alpha when he starts to demand it.

    Puppies sleep alot - and so do adult dogs. However, I recommend that you take him for a good run around to exercise his muscles about every 3 hours (that's not a strict timetable, just an indication of the number of times you should get him running).

    All puppies bite all the time - it is the only way they know how to interract. Of course your job is to gradually train him not to bite inappropriate objects, particularly people! When he bites you, yell OUCH! and say NO! That should be enough and he'll quickly get the message. Never smack him, because that's just the equivalent of biting him back.

    It's difficult to say exactly how much milk or food he should eat. Be carefull not to overfeed him however as this actually hampers normal growth, not enhance it. You should be able to feel his ribs easily and his tummy should not be distended.

    Feed beef marrow bones. He will also love to chomp on a raw chicken wing. Do not feed chiken legs as the ball joint can easily get stuck in the throat. When feeding wings, cut off most of the heavy skin, as this is difficult to chew and ends up as a long thread that can also get stuck. Always watch closely for the first few occasions to make sure that he doesn't just gulp the whole wing down in one go and fail to crunch up the bones. If he has weak jaws and teeth he is apt to try this and could choke. Once he gets the hang of chewing the bones, he'll devour a wing in a minute and love it. By the way, we feed our adult dogs a complete chicken carcass, neck and all and they crunch their way through the lot without any problems.

    I think it would be nice (helpful to others) if you post questions on the forum sometimes, or just paraphrase what we've said perhaps so that the thread grows and keeps going. I will always keep sale and purchase stuff off the forum, but issues about health and training and diet are of common interest. Up to you.

    Came across a new one (breeder) at the vet a few months ago who lost all 8 puppies in 24 hours because she fed them a diet of human baby milk formula (ecause another breeder had recommended that to her)!!!

    My Daughters dog is female, I should imagine that an EBT would not take very well to another male in the same house.

    Is there a limit to how much milk he should drink? At the moment he goes through one can a day.

    He seems to be pretty keen on biting when we play with him, is that a puppy thing, will he grow out of it?.

    What kind of bones do you recommend to help his gums and teeth, beef, pork, chicken?

    I recommend vaccinations for this puppy


    Is your other dog a male? Are you aware of alpha status and the expected EBT's behaviour around another male at around 6 months of age?

    Goat's milk is a very good substitute for mother's milk, but DON'T HEAT it. Never use cow's milk of course. Science Diet puppy formula OK as part of the diet.

    I suggest taking a combo of oats and barley flakes, put them in a food processor and chop to a powder. Do not cook. Add goat's milk to this as a sort of porridge for one meal a day. Feed this up to 8 weeks.

    You can start adding raw meat (minced beef and chicken are best) to the dish and increase the amount and decrease the amount of Science Diet accordingly over several weeks.

    Feed one whole egg per week. Put the uncooked egg and shell in a blender and beat. The shell adds calcium.

    Add pureed cooked brown rice (never white rice) for bulk and you can also add some raw uncooked pureed carrots, swede and a little green veg (brocolli, kale).

    Be sure to feed him raw UNCOOKED bones for calcium and gum strengthening.

    I can see the difference that the puppy staying with it's mother and the litter would make on it's health (mental and physical) and it's behaviour.

    How about interaction with my daughters' dog (poodle / schitzu cross).

    It is good that you are happy with your puppy and long may that last. If it has health problems they usually start to show around 6 - 12 weeks.

    In our strong opinion the pup should not be taken from its mother and the rest of the litter until at least 8 weeks of age (we prefer 12 weeks actually). Our pups drink their mother's milk exclusively for the first four weeks (no other food) and continue with mother's milk plus other special diet gradually introduced until they are fully weaned at 8 weeks. It makes a marked difference to their health and growth.

    During these 8+ weeks they become fully socialised with siblings and adults too, so that they know how to behave in the company of other dogs as they get older.

    I do not know when the first EBTs were brought into Thailand. I suggest you could ask the Kennel Club of Thailand what year they were first registered with them, but that doesn't guarantee that they were the first. I imagine that people have been bringing EBTs in for many years and probably before anyone bothered to register them. If you do find out, please let me know!

    Good luck with your puppy. We recommend vaccinating for Parvo and Distemper not before 12 weeks of age and only one shot needed. As your puppy has not had the benefit of a full 'course' of mother's milk its immunity will be low and therefore it is very important not to vaccinate too early as the vaccine will put great stress on the system and the pup will be at risk.

    I've always loved this breed and am very pleased to finally have the pleasure of owning one.

    Do you know how many years this breed has been in Thailand and who brought the first mating couple here?

    I would be very interested to learn the history of EBTs in Thailand, if you could help.

  2. I got slapped over 20 times yesterday - i have been pondering this question so i counted them up as they happened :o

    These slaps are not hard or malicious infact quite the opposite they are gentle fun slaps mostly for being silly/stupid/rude/ in or dis agreement ...

    You know the ones I mean from your Thai Mrs or (Mr - but not sure as i dont have one)

    Yesterday my first gentle slap was to my face/eyes/mouth for suggesting that it was time to get up after 9.30am... = then being told to shhhs "i'm tired"

    I never got slapped back home in England like this so i'm guessing its a Thai trait..back home this slap would be akin to a Barrymore / Dale Winton gay slap.

    I'm interested to know if anyone else has noticed this form of slapping?

    Presumably the slaps are from your wife or girlfriend, does she happen to be an avid watcher of the insufferable <deleted> Thai soaps that are on TV every f*****g day?

  3. His attitude towards immigration would have reinforced their suspicions of the person they were interviewing.

    There is more to this case and the British Embassy knows what it is and of course that information is confidential at the present time.

    (It is not what is in the newspaper articles on this subject, it is what has not been mentioned

    that is important).

    You work for the British Embassy?

  4. Referring to raiding Boyztown, poppers are illegal, but I don't think it shows up in a p*ss test.

    The old bill don't do p*ss tests in boyztown coz they know how difficult it is to p*ss with a hard on :o

  5. I'll chime in here because this topic has been on my mind lately. I can't speak for everyone else, but I've had a pretty difficult time. I came here a number of years ago with my boyfriend and had such a lovely time that I've returned, only this time on my own. My experience this time has been often terrible. I attribute it to the fact that there is not a white man at my side that people are busy catering to. I experience the occasional look of contempt from other farang. I suspect that they are idiots who truly believe that all Thai women are sweet little flowers compared to farang women. They are probably spending all their money on whores.

    I am also the target con artists trying to scam me out of my money. At times it's terribly difficult to catch a taxi anywhere because I insist on using the meter. The drivers assume that because I'm young, Western, and blonde, that I'm a dumbass and will believe when they say that 450 baht is a good deal because there's "so much traffic" or it's "so far away". Obviously I know better and refuse, yet they will lie and try to pursuade me out of my wallet until they haven't any breath left to lie with. Sometimes I have to try 5 or 6 times before I can get a taxi that will just use the damned meter. I also have to pay attention to the route they are taking because sometimes they will attempt to take the "long" way to jack up the meter. The **** even have the nerve to act like they don't understand English when I object, though they were understanding English just fine during our casual conversation that THEY struck up only moments before. This type of crap applies not only to taxi drivers, but in a long list of other circumstances as well.

    I am also treated like a piece of shit by so many Thai women. Whether it's the**** behind the counter at the 7-11 that I stopped frequenting because she rips items out of my hand, throws them in a bag and then throws the bag at me, or the ****who step right in front of me while I've been waiting in a long line at stores, or girls who simply roll their eyes as I walk by minding my own business, etc., the list goes on.

    Maybe I'm too polite, but that's beginning to change because I'm actually getting sick of this place. In many ways, I can't wait to get back home to the country that treats me fairly, or at least when they treat me like shit it's for some reason other than the color of my skin.

    I thought I loved this country, but now I see that the only reason people were being so nice on my last visit is because they were trying to get the money they assumed that my white boyfriend had plenty of. Now that I'm solo, there's no one who's presence keeps the hounds at bay.

    Seriously, every day here I spend part of it enjoying the pleasant things that make it unique, and part of it in disgust by the people who make it vile and nasty.

    I admit, I'm in a bad mood right now. But it's not because I woke up that way, it's because of the people who rained on what would have otherwise been a sunny day.

    Your negative attitude will do you no good at all, try to be a little more positive and try to speak thai to the **** that are attempting to rip you off.

    As for the 7/11 ***** are you stood on the other side of her counter frowning with your ***** nose in the air? Try to smile and be pleasant and the same will be returned.

    You sound like you're on holiday, so don't worry too much you will soon be back in your own country with the wind and rain.

  6. Does anyone else on in this forum have experience of dating "normal" Thai girls? I have spent the past couple of weeks wining and dining some of them but it's not been too successful. I am 41 years old, still look reasonably young, but I'm beginning to think I'm too old for them.

    I don't know quite what happened but a couple of weeks ago I suddenly had several 'dates' to go out with - maybe I was just in the right place at the right time. However, none of them have turned out to have much in the way of warmth or compassion. Contrast this with my previous Isaan girl - there is no comparison.

    The best one was a girl I met at the bank. She comes from a fairly rich, educated family and speaks fluent English. She is not in the slightest bit "Thai" in her outlook. She has lived and studied abroad.

    I have been dating her for a week and we've had tremendous fun. We went to Sirocco restaurant at the top of State Tower. We had lots of nice days together. Last week she was talking of introducing me to her family. She started speaking about the future and including me in it.

    But today she's had a go at me for spelling her name incorrectly in my text messages (I write Thai but this was in English, so my mistake I guess). Yesterday I took some fruit to her office as a romantic gesture. She really didn't like me coming to the office. Now she's suddenly stopped replying to me.

    Is this par for the course with normal Thai girls with slightly older foreigners like me? Are they simply not interested? Admittedly this girl is not conventional Thai. She doesn't go to the temple and she doesn't like the "Thai institution". She is 26 years old and slightly old-fashioned in outlook.

    Any advice as to how to 'win her' back would be appreciated!!! Feeling pretty sh**ty about it at the moment. I can't understand why my two misdemeanours are so bad.

    She's on the rag mate, give at week and things will be back to normal

  7. "kicking dogs" brilliant novel, I've forgotten the author's name.

    Collin Piprell

    Thank you,

    he also wrote another one based Manila, I've forgotten the name of that as well (testeract or something like it) this was also a very good read.


    Perhaps you mean The Tesseract by Alex Garland? Set in Manila.

    Correct, I do, thanks again, did Colin Piprell write anything else?

  8. "There by the grace of God go I"

    all we can do is support the bloke, give him a place to crash, financial support if needed, and a few nights on the town. Get him ragged, bagged, shagged and sent on his way rejoicing - dress up a couple of 'pretties' in a Thai immigration uniform and a Thai prison uniform and pay their bar fines for the week. Maybe the bar owners could step up and throw all of this on the house for him.

    The first meeting of the newly established I'M NOT A F***ING IDIOT CLUB will be held at (Simon to name any location in Bangkok). Free ale will be supplied to anyone who can prove they have been held in the monkey house for slagging off the immigration. Watch this space>

  9. !! I just got hit with some serious inspiration, I should open a NANNY business!

    Seriously guys, how much do you normally pay for a quality nanny through a service? And if not through a service? This will be the deciding factor.

    How are you going to open a Nanny Biz? They're impossible to find

  10. Lol! Perhaps a good thing I was rushed by the plane leaving soon when typing... anyway do you know of less dodgy agencies ? Thai kids home is apparently out of nannies and I definetely wouldn't trust Bangkok Nursing home , and whatever the name of the agency who sent us 2 girls already . Burmese supply looks more challenging than expected as well. Might not have been such a good idea to fire our nanny a few days ago...

    Please inform me the name of such agency, Schools out and my daughter needs a nanny

  11. Briton killed in road accident in Chonburi

    Police said ********41, was killed at the scene. The strap of his helmet cut into his throat, police said.

    Witnesses told police that Gavin's motorcycle appeared to lose control and swerve and crashed into Boonrung's motorcycle on the opposite lane.

    - The Nation / 2009-03-15

    So he appeared to lose control, does this mean he was drunk or a victim of the taut wire trick? Helmet straps do not cut into throats!

  12. Unbelievable thread, from what I can see no-one offered any help or support to the unfortunate guy? Why is that?

    Here's a guy that's got a real problem through no fault of his own, It seems that most of the posters on here either live here or have been here and as such should well know how the Thai officials operate, good or bad is neither here nor there, It's how things are done. I know that I would have gone right off if I was subjected to that <deleted> at the airport. Simon showed a lot of restraint

    What really stinks is how the British Embassy handled it, I don't fully understand their role anyway, what are they, a visa outlet? They should have done more and I hope the fence sitting <deleted> that left Simon in the ban ling over the weekend gets some of the same.

    Anyway what I've read on here sickens me.

    Simon, If you need any help at all, PM me.

  13. It happened to me years ago in the 70's in the UK, fishing line slung across the road and tied off to two lamposts.

    Thankfully the fishing line snapped and didn't do to much damage. Unlike the guy in the posted images, I was left with a very thin cut (stung like <deleted>, like a burn) about half way round my neck.

    I was riding a sports bike, I would say that for most people on a bike their shoulders and neck would be about 1.3 meters from the deck.

    Think about it, doesn't take much guesswork to get the correct height for the line to do maximum damage and the line can be static. If a passing car hits it, the line breaks, simply renew it and wait for an unsuspecting rider to come through.

    Looking at the images I would say a steel wire wasn't used since the guy's head is still attached.

  14. Hi, I would greatly appreciate your opinions and experience in resolving some issues I have with my girlfriend.

    These include not staying over at my place or going away for the weekend with me (Because she's staying with her Thai boy friend)

    On valentines day she had a phone call at 12:30 (Her boyfriend again)

    She has had other boyfriends in the past (and still has) and her mother still believes she has never had sex.

    Her mother is very kind to me (feels sorry for you as she knows what her daughter is up to)

    She can lie about going away with female (read male) friends but i cant be arsed sneaking round like this at my age.

    Grow up mate, she's obviously cheating on you.

  15. Centurion,

    You have been given lot's of conflicting advice.

    A minority of posters seem to think that the Thai authorities are too stupid/lazy/incompetent to liaise with the British authorities in order to pursue you and take action.

    A more sensible majority think that the Thai authorities would be unable to do so as Thailand is not signed up to the relevant international conventions.

    Another minority, myself included, believe that there is a risk of this happening with serious consequences for yourself and your child's future.

    I still firmly believe this and therefore that you should seek legal advice before taking any drastic action.

    I don't know if one is allowed to post links to other forums, but ********have some members who are highly qualified lawyers and expert in international law. Maybe a post on there will help you decide how to proceed?

    Just read the above and I cannot see any risk.

    Travel light, couple of pieces of luggage, hand carried toys at the immigration desk.

    In the very unlikely event of his mother or the Thai authoritie$ pursuing this case back to the UK you just get legal aid and fight the case from there.

    Morally you are obligated to get your son, her meal ticket out of her clutches.

    Legally....who gives a <deleted>, let the legal aid lawyer in Scotland worry about that one.

    Best of luck.

  16. Mate, I'd say go for it, Good luck

    I've not read the entire thread but I very much doubt that any questions would be asked at Survanabhum. If that is your main concern, then arrange a flight towards the immigration shift change (sorry don't know the times of them but I could find out).

    The boy's yours and you're responsible for him anyway, so you have no choice, all you can do is get on the next plane out of here.

    Don't give his "mother" anything, no need. She will not be able to do anything about it once you're out of the country and she's had more than enough off you as it is.

    You could try flying to one of the neighbouring countries, then get a flight home from there. He has a British passport so you have no worries landing at the UK.

    Good luck, when you get him home to Bonny Scotland it would be good if you post on here to let everyone know.

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