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Posts posted by Lantern

  1. Thanks dave 2. I wish I could be there but I'm in Australia.

    If it was held here there would be a few hundred attending.

    If you go could you post a few pics please.

  2. Earlier on someone asked about fridges.

    Years ago folk on stand alone systems mostly went for gas fridges.

    Then gas got ridiculously expensive (here in Australia)

    Some guys started buying 240Vac fridges and fitting a Danfoss low voltage compressors.

    These days the latest inverter driven compressors make 240Vac fridges the most sensible option.

    Especially as the price of panels have dropped through the floor in the last few years.

  3. He was arrested in Charlie Harpers in Sihanokville .

    Bangkok Murder Suspect Artur Segarra Arrested In Sihanoukville
    Published on 7th February 2016 by Stickboy BKK

    Cambodian authorities have captured Artur Segarra, the main suspect in the kidnap and murder of David Bernat in Bangkok last month, on Sunday night at guesthouse in Sihanoukville.

    Early reports say the 36-year-old was arrested at around 7.40pm on Sunday at Charlie Harper’s Bar located in central Sihanoukville with local media sharing details of his passport number and Cambodian visa dated 8th Oct 2015.

    He will be transferred to the immigration department on Monday morning where he will likely be dealt with in a speedy manner for entering the country illegally before being handed over to Thai police for questioning relating to his role in the murder of David Bernat whose dismembered body was discovered in the Chao Phraya river last week.

    Thai media have reported they have evidence against Segarra including where he held his victim captive for several days following his disappearance on 20th January.

    A statement from his girlfriend Pridsana Seanubon also implicates Segarra in the murder.

    During questioning on Saturday she told investigators her boyfriend of six months was responsible for kidnapping and killing Bernat before chopping him up and disposing of the body parts at various locations on the Chao Phraya river.

    Photo Credits: Huy Bunleng / Preah Sihanouk Police

    not posting the link to stickboys site ...... last time it gave sinbad a little shock with a re-direct to gaydar .

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