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Posts posted by ASIC

  1. I have seen several Brits AND Kiwis using their middle finger for pointing at things. People from more civilized countries :o use the index finger for pointing.

    And wasn't it David Lange, ex. PM of NZ (during World-War II) who said "Where England goes, New Zealand Follows" ?


  2. Yes I know what you mean. Also, I don't think Thai teachers make their students "un-confident" deliverately or not. I think it's to do with the way they teach. Also, it's easier to give homework in the form of "grammar" exercises than in spoken english. It's like in my parents days back home. Both my parents speak very limited English, for the same reasons.


  3. One girl in my office is the only bread-winner in her family. Not only does she take care of herself and her sister, but she also sends money back to her parents monthly. On the other hand, her two brothers are hanging around at home not lifting a finger. This is not the first time I have seen this situation, and it seem quite wide-spread. Anyone care to comment, because I can't see anything "sheltered" about this?


  4. Thanks for some good advice here, specially the

    "Many of them are first generation city folks with very little experience regarding business, customer service, punctuality, formalities, etiquette, etc.

    At present (it changes from time to time), I get really pissed with the following:

    1) Touts. specially those at Panthip selling porn CDs, the taxi drivers who hang out outside the major hotels and the Tourism Authority of Thailand people outside World-Trade Center. STOP PESTERING ME!!!

    2) McDonalds/Burger King/KFC/<insert-your-own-favourite-fastfood-chain here> when they are out of french fries/chicken/whatever. I believe I could run these places better myself.

    3) People blocking the walkway, standing infront of the escalator, or walking extremely slowly. Also, a lot of people tend to stop abruptly and point (hitting others in the face) etc. etc.

    4) People picking their nose in public and depositing their "stuff" everywhere.

    5) Total apathy that Hitler is taking over the country.

    And finally, here is one for you Brits and Kiwis on this forum. Stop pointing with your middle finger! To people from other parts of Europe (like myself) it's very offensive.


  5. Yes, All the rest are equally bad :o

    Next time you check a condo out, try to look over the safety records, fire bell, fire extinguishers, lift-maintenance, emergency lighting (if there is any).

    Also try to check how often the water in the pool is changed (should be more than once every 5 years), if some cheap travel agency is renting rooms for hotel use for eastern european tourists.

    Check the noise level too. There might be constant hammering day in and day due to construction work, or some idiot using the neigbouring plot of land for his stone-crusher business?

    Then of course, remember to check if any cars have been stolen from the condo car park lately, and if the nice Japanese lady on 6th floor had her room stripped of valuables? Finally check if any girls have been raped in the lift lately, and if the office downstairs is covering it up?

    Place? Baan Onnut. Looks nice, but I suggest you avoid it!!!


    N.B. I once staid in an Indian condo. It was pretty good, except the electricity meter had been rigged.

  6. I agree with Chingy. It's too ego-centric and only concern itself with "safe" subjects that has been pre-approved by the ruling powers in Singapore.

    It's a sad day for Thailand that it has to stoop so low as to import this kind of government sponsored thrash. It's bland, without any real contents, no relevance to Thailand, and made by people who call themselves journalists, but aren't.

    This is the kind of station that Toxin would love to have all the Thai TV stations turned into. I shall not watch it.


  7. Discuss:

    What do you think of this elegant Subway?

    Elegant? Went there today. Really disappointing. Looks like a men's toilet inside with all those tiles. The ticket dispenser was out of order and the only route-map was at the exit. I ended up taking the bus home.


    N.B. The a**hole with the famous father had not installed any advertising yet either.

  8. Also our member has forgotten that over the course of time the 747 aircraft was modified and changed. Once modified and changed generally such is not revealed.
    Yeah, the aircraft industry were never good at documenting anything.
    As of Air Force One, yes that is a 747, but the internal parts of such is totally different, and 5 times more secure than a commercial one.

    I love such genius. Where do you get the number '5' times from? Secure in what respect?

    They have so much in that craft it will definitely make anyone get a free ticket to looney town.

    seems like it, and you say you haven't even been Airforce One yet .....

    Hey are you sure you are not that HenrikDK guy back on the forum using another nick?


  9. Ummmm...

    Can you really call a car build by American and Japanese companies to European standards a "Thai" eco-car?

    Same mess as the Thai electrical safety standard. The Europeans use double isolation, and the americans make use of a ground. The Thais have, apparently, decided that neither is required.


  10. IQ tests are a test of intelligence, not education. Being educated in parabolas, 14th century writers or how to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius would be of no benefit to you in an IQ test. The only knowledge needed to complete an IQ test is an understanding of the language that the questions are written in, and a basic understanding of mathematics.

    The proper IQ tests are not in any specific language, but consists of symbols exclusively.


  11. I have always lived in the outskirts of Bangkok, but am now thinking of moving up country. It's getting too commercialized here, traffic is bad again, the service at BTS has reached an all time low, and there are generally too many shopping centres.

    Anyone, what's life like in Ban-Nork compared to Bangkok?

    Also, is it possible to find an educated work-force? I am running a business and unfortunately, most of my Bangkok staff (engineers) are not willing to make the move.


  12. I don't think this actually takes place. Not pictures of themselves at least. Sounds like an excuse for TRT to either:

    1) implement more curfews.

    2) restrict sales of products from Shin Corps' competitors.

    3) lower share prices so Toxin can buy up someone elses property cheaply.

    4) get a few easy votes at the upcoming election.

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