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Posts posted by nontabury

  1. 1 hour ago, 7by7 said:


    I am not saying you are wrong; I am not saying that there have been no racist comments from Remainers. But it seems very strange to me that those who share my view that we are better in an international community than out of it should be making racist comments!


    Perhaps you can provide some examples?


    From my memory, all the racist, xenophobic and bigoted comments have come from the Brexit side, from extreme examples I mentioned earlier to less extreme ones like that from @yogi100's recent comment about Britain being full of aliens to the mild 'Johnny Foreigner' insult from @transam above.


    According to posts, from some remainers that I have read here on T.V. One of the big advantages of remaining in the E.u. Is that we would not have to accept more dark skinned immigrants from Africa and the East. Instead we can rely on allowing “our fellow” white Europeans in. Now if that is not racialist, I don’t know what is.

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  2. 1 hour ago, david555 said:

    Don't you know they did it whole alone by themselves ,nobody else involved , only they died and fought ...no one else !

    And don't you dare to call that arrogance from hat group  !!

    Lucky to mention there are still normal ones too 


     True, and that included many of your own country folk, well in the WW2 at least. But you don’t have a history of it, think WW1.

    • Confused 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Basil B said:

    Cheap Eastern European labour flooding the country? so how many?


    Are people loosing their jobs? just the opposite lot more cheap labour needed for seasonal agricultural work and care work.


    Why do people from poorer countries want to come to the UK? because we will not help them develop jobs in their own countries, Britain as a wealthy part of the EU bulking contributing to a fundamental principle of the EU. 


      Obviously you do not live in the U.K. especially in areas that have been heavily affected by this unwanted influx of E,U nationals. 

     Not that we are saying, that there should be no immigration. But what we need is to be in control of who actually comes in. Something similar to the Australian points system. 



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  4. 8 hours ago, bristolboy said:

    Actually Cameron did just that. For one thing, he got the EU to explictly exempt the UK from being drawn into an ever closer union. Not that in effect it matters much since the prospect of an EU army and other bogeymen cited by Brexiters were always quite dim.



    Can you please provide a link, to the exemption that Cameron obtained, regarding the E.u. Army. Or is it a case that, because you say so, it must be correct.


    • Haha 1
  5. 9 hours ago, Nigel Garvie said:

    Call GE ..........Labour, Libs, SNP vote against GE, Boris sunk.

    Vote of no confidence from anybody (To try to get GE) .............Labour, Libs, SNP vote to support government, plot fails

    Boris stews in his own juice, meanwhile Brexit is dumped by law, or by referendum (Anti Brexit majority now in the country and the house).


    Annual national holiday on the day Brexit is dumped is declared. "The day we escaped from madness" 

    Nation rejoices.




    Lets just waite and see if the opposition have the balls to fight an election. 

    I think not, as they know they will not win.

  6. 9 hours ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

    This is my sovereign parliament as a citizen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. I vote in the General Election and help to send a MP to Parliament who is then my MP who I give them the freedom to act and vote as their conscience dictates. If I don't like what they do I can vote them out in the next election. This is representative democracy rather than the febrile will of the mob. Long may it continue. Now 'we' can expose Boris vote by vote to show him up for the opportunistic, immoral, self-centred anti-democrat that he is. Do or die he say - then die it is. 



    And a very good morning evadgib on this fine day. 



     So your all for a General Election. Great, now let’s see if the remoaners in Parliament will allow one.




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  7. 7 hours ago, DannyCarlton said:

    If we have an election after October 31st, highly likely, and we haven't left the EU, increasingly likely, Faerage has vowed to contest every seat. It's been shown in previous elections that Brexit/UKIP primarily takes votes from the Tories. Given the above scenario, this would be even more true in an upcoming election. This will split the Tory vote asunder and could possibly leave them as the 3rd party.



     The Brexit party takes at least 1/3 rd of its vote from traditional Labour voters. It would probably gain more, except for the fact that many Labour supporters are still under the illusion that the Labour Party represents them.

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  8. 7 hours ago, DannyCarlton said:

    He probably was sent the information from a very nice lady who sent him personal messages on Facebook. (a.k.a Dominic Cummings and AIQ. The "European Army" was the giveaway, complete fiction often quoted in many of the 60 million+ PMs sent by AIQ and Cambridge Analytica.)


    Spambots, the new democracy.








    The creation of a E.u army is fiction, better have words with your masters In Brussels.




    • Confused 1
  9. 1 hour ago, 7by7 said:

     As I thought; you don't like it when people play your silly games back at you!


    You basically said that these people only had themselves to blame because they had done 'sod all' (your words, not mine) since 2016 to obtain settled status in the UK.


    I pointed out that the Home Office had told them to wait until they were told what to do, which didn't happen until January 2019.


    I further pointed out that before that they were in the same position as most foreigners in Thailand; could apply for PR and even citizenship if they wanted to, but there was until Brexit no legal requirement for them to do so.


    So tell us; have you applied for PR in Thailand, or are you lambasting people for not doing something you haven't done?


     Then surely after the people’s Democratic decision to leave this so called union in 2016, they should have realised the writing was on the wall, that they would be required to make arrangements to remain in our country, or were they hoping that our arrogant and treacherous M.P. would be successful in overturning the people’s vote.




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  10. 13 hours ago, 7by7 said:

    One cannot apply for ILR if one is a British citizen! Get your facts right!


    To obtain ILR as a spouse/partner one has to make an application to come to the UK; which cannot be done in the UK.


    If that is granted, 2.5 years later one makes an application for Further Leave to Remain.


    If that is granted then after a further 2.5 years, 5 in total, one can apply for ILR.


    Of course, at each stage the exorbitant fees have to be paid and all the requirements, including the financial one, met.


    I know of one Thai married to a Brit living in the U.K with their two children. She’s been here now for more than 10yrs on What visa, I don’t know. But I do know she’s never attempted to obtain a Brit passport. 

    Likewise I also know of a Chinese lady married to a Brit, who has been here for 5+ yrs. Again no attempt to obtain a British passport, as she does not want to give up her Chinese passport.


    • Like 2
  11. 13 hours ago, 7by7 said:

     The point you made was that she and "her ilk" had "done sod all to help themselves since the 2016 vote." 


    Which obviously indicates that you did not know that applications for the settlement scheme didn't open until January 2019!


    As I said, EU/EEA nationals could have applied for PR after 5 years residence and then naturalisation a year after that if they so desired; and many did. But there was no legal requirement for them to so do. But after the referendum the government advice to them was basically "wait and see."


    Brits living in Thailand can apply for Thai residence and then Thai citizenship if they want to; all it requires is a little bit of effort to qualify. Have you done so?


    If not, then I suggest you put your own house in order before lambasting others for basically doing the same as you; the minimum required to continue living in the country of your choice.


    Perhaps before you shout your head off, you should check how difficult it is for a foreigner to obtain a Thai passport. And further, check how many Farangs are successful in actually obtaining a Thai passport.


  12. 29 minutes ago, Blue Muton said:

    True you didn't specify citizenship but then again you didn't specify ILR either. In any event my point remains valid. Your claim that it is easy for her to remain as a spouse of a UK citizen is still ridiculous. The process is not easy, I have been through it for my wife and when the people dealing with it made an obvious error they would not even reply to any communication pointing that out and asking that it be put right. They had a backlog of a couple of years of complaints to deal with first.


    To secure ILR she would need to show proof of residence to the same people that have already wrongly rejected her previous application. We know that the decision is wrong from what "her" MP has said and he would most probably have seen the evidence before reaching his conclusion.


    The cost of ILR is around £2,400. How can that be justified when she ought to be entitled to stay in the UK as a long term resident EU national? Should the UK expats in Spain and elsewhere in the EU have to pay similar sums?


    Why should she be exempt from, what I admit is an exorbitant amount, just because she comes from a foreign country called the E.u. Many Brits have brought their Thai wives to the U.K from another foreign country called Thailand, and they had to pay,

    • Sad 1
  13. 7 hours ago, johnnybangkok said:

    By definition referendums are advisory. They do not govern the UK. 

    Not arguing that Brexit won, just that you now cannot dismiss the real rule of government because parliamentary democracy doesn’t agree with you. 


    You forgot to mention, that in the 2017 G.E. Those parties who pledged to respect and implement the British people’s Democratic decision to leave this so called union, received over 80% of the vote. So it would seem to me that you are unwilling to accept Any vote that goes against your wishes. 




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