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Everything posted by MaiDong

  1. MaiDong


    I, too, used to drink instant coffee here, I think it's because back in the UK everybody around me drank instant coffee, nobody I knew had a coffee machine or even a cafetière/French press. I decided I wanted to cut milk/creamers out of my coffee and the only way of doing that was to drink 'fresh' coffee, so I headed down to my local Foodland, picked up the cheapest ground coffee I could find, went to Ikea and got a cafetière(cheaper are available now on Laz/Shopee), and I've never looked back since. I've tried Boncafe, which is nice, I've tried imported African ground, which was disappointing, I've also gone random in Foodland and tried some more expensive ground coffee, but nothing compares to my old faithful - Duang Dee Hill Tribe Coffee It costs B99 for 250g, the flavour is amazing, it may not be the coffee connoisseurs' choice, but it's a million miles away from that instant muck, plus there's zero sachet/pod wastage. So, for a low cost foray into 'fresh' coffee, try this first, you won't be disappointed, not for taste, nor price.
  2. When I done this trip a few months ago there was an 'overtime' charge, the officers said it was because I was crossing on a Sunday, but when I returned during the week the 'overtime' fee still had to be paid, tricky bleeders. I had an evisa but still had to stop at the visa window for the officers to process the visa, so it's not really worth getting an evisa unless you're unable to find crisp US dollar notes.
  3. Can you imagine being in such a position of power that you can actually make your money grow by telling people to grow your money for you?
  4. This too, sheer genius. Most commoners would imagine the water doing that job by itself. I suppose it's why he's paid the big bucks.
  5. Cheaper units may end up hot, my last experience was with a Pax 3 and it was not hot at all, but then I don't use high power and I don't need clouds.
  6. The vapour probably won't be hot.
  7. I'm not confused at all, I don't go out much, but it'd be nice to have somewhere local to browse. I order online already.
  8. Thanks. Sai Mai is NE BKK, I'm in the West, as I said above. I only go out to buy food locally, never socially, and never cruising around looking for weed, and anyhow humans annoy me too much to go out out.
  9. Despite the less positive results you got out of the experience, I'd still like to know the location of this place, as not only do I live on the wrong side of bkk for these things(west) but I'd also like to get stoned for free, I joke, but seriously, I'd love to have somewhere nearby to pop into to test a gram of this or a gram of that...
  10. I hadn't thought of that, it's highly possible, especially as the following quote from another poster says they use their Krungsri debit card in 7eleven...
  11. This is the problem, the inconsistencies. Does your debit card have both the contactless & the chip on it? I ask because I think if you were to just tell the counter staff that you were paying by card, they would push a button on their screen, tell you to either insert or tap your card on the reader, and you'd be away. As it doesn't matter to them if you're using a credit or debit card, as both have contactless & chip.
  12. As if by magic, Krungsri just notified me that I could apply for a card through the app(the service was immediately unavailable however), but I got these screenshots to share; When I used our credit card at 7eleven I just tapped the card reader, I'm assuming I'll be doing the same with one of these cards, as they mention in the 'Features'. I think it's been so long since I had a debit card that this feature simply wasn't available then, which may have been part of the catalyst for us getting a credit card, but I'm glad this is available now, as the B480 it'll cost over 3 years is minute compared to the amount our credit card was costing us!
  13. Prawit's time keeping is second to none.
  14. Me too, I'm asking specifically about over-the-counter payments, which I have been unable to do with most previous ATM cards issued to me by around 8 banks in 20 years here, thanks.
  15. Things may have changed then, I'll pop into the bank tomorrow and see what they say...
  16. Some other people can't use their debit cards at 7. Just to clarify: You use your Krungsri DEBIT card at 7eleven? Not your Krungsri CREDIT card? Would you mind showing me which card it is please? I don't mean your actual card, I mean a link to the Krungsri website where they're offering a debit card that can be used to make over-the-counter payments at places like 7eleven etc. Is it this? 'Thai Standard Chip Card' https://www.krungsri.com/en/personal/card/krungsri-debit-card/chip-card
  17. Do you use your Krungsri debit card to pay for things in 7eleven?
  18. I think they were telling porkies. No shop in the Kingdom would accept payment if they lost 5% on it. I think the restaurant in question perhaps doesn't want to show the true volume of funds going through their business, for whatever reasons...
  19. Which paints an even more bleak picture - that even Makro(CP!) is held by the scrotum by the banks.
  20. MASSIVE! You know what I mean though, in many other modern countries payment is made so simple, I mean, even HERE, with the ability to use QR payments almost everywhere, even the smallest stall-holder accepts instant transferred payments, but Makro? nope. 'We only accept cards from the banks whom we bank with', nobs.
  21. Makro irritates me, they only accept credit cards from certain banks, it's so arrogant. Just accept all cards, it'll hardly eat into your profits, you're billionaires for eternal lifetimes!
  22. Thanks for the replies, but you all mention the things I said in the OP that I don't want to use - Truemoney Wallet, 7eleven app etc. And I'm not talking about QR payments - I use them for almost everything else. I'm asking about over the counter places such as 7eleven, Central etc, as I said in my OP. It is, as I've had the same response too.
  23. We recently cancelled our Krungsri credit card as it was costing us money to use our own money, which is totally nuts, and another story entirely. But my question here is what other payment methods are there available to use over the counter? I know 7eleven has it's own payment sustem but I'd prefer to use my own card to pay from, as opposed to loading money onto an irreversible payment service. We use Krungsri & TTB, but I mainly use Krungsri, so would love to know if a basic Visa debit card from Krunsgri can be used to pay with over the counter? I haven't had a debit card for years, I lost my Krungsri card and never bothered replacing it as I used cardless withdrawals but they're not always convenient, and if I'm somewhere without cash it can be a pain in the back side finding a Krungsri ATM to use 'cardless'.
  24. 'show that Thailand has a safe and sustainable environment for foreign tourists.' Pretend, surely? Not show, as that would be dishonest... Honestly, it's like a playground full of 12 year olds.
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