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Everything posted by MaiDong

  1. Mostly muck too, plus some future stomach ache prawns.
  2. I'd like to know this too, my wife has difficulty sleeping, amongst other things, and I want her to give oil a go, anybody here have a similar situation?
  3. "The reason that prices need to be raised is connected to the four noble truths of Buddhism," he ranted incoherently. What an <deleted>. I know there are some devout Buddhists in Thailand, but most people use it just to gain something.. Oh, hang on...
  4. It always was just a dream. If the job was to be undertaken it would be like painting the Forth bridge(in the past, by the time they finished painting the bridge they'd have to start painting it again). So maybe we should be thankful that this cash cow has now been eliminated. Being realistic, none of us alive now would have seen the end of the removal of cables from Bangkok streets.
  5. As it stands, it's 16-2 against the government buying the jets, seems about right.
  6. Another questing worth asking: If you were in line for a huge 'big face' demonstration, along with lots and lots of money in your secret bank account, would you make sure the deal got as close to the final stages of agreement as possible?
  7. Who knows? Poll is here: https://aseannow.com/topic/1268579-should-the-thai-govt-buy-f-35-jets-from-the-us/
  8. It's none of our business, but should the Thai govt. buy F-35 jets from the US?
  9. If every normal adult person in the country was asked if they want or need these jets, the answer would be 'No'.
  10. It's nothing serious, just a basic comparison about which one makes me feel better, and for better or worse value.
  11. Received my 5g of Phu Phan Squirrel Tail, aka Brick Weed today - B150 for 5g with free delivery. I just had a little pipe - and I mean little, maybe 4mm diameter bud - and it's absolutely fine, done the job nicely, I'm buzzing, but not wasted, just how I like it, think I'll tidy up now! ???? Awaiting my tester from Greenlabs now, 1g of Thai stick for B79 + B60 shipping. It'll be interesting to see how the two compare, I'll report back when I receive & test.
  12. I was, but I don't think I'll ask again, not at those prices! Crikey, I think I'll press on with me cheap weed thank you very much! ???? Actually, I just saw that this resin is an Indica variant, which just disables me, the cheap weed seems to be more of the Sativa variant, which gets the house cleaned much faster and better ????
  13. My problem is the opposite, there's too many sellers, I'm sure lots of them are scammers, so I'm more interested in a reliable and trustworthy source.
  14. Did you get this from the Facebook page you linked to above^?
  15. I'm about to shoot it to Big C, Nakhon Pathom to see if they've got Greenlab's 'Thai Stick', what are my chances?
  16. There's an option on your phone to choose only your Thai sim for outbound usage, but that won't prevent inbound messages from your UK sim.
  17. There are many many more things that are a danger to society in Thailand than weed, I'd say the useless education system is multitudes more dangerous.
  18. Localbitcoins.com should be avoided if you're selling btc in Thailand. I have used LBC(localbitcoins.com) for over 8 years, both buying and selling in the UK & Thailand(almost 15,000 transactions), and whilst it can be an easy transaction(selling your btc in Thailand on LBC), you must be aware that stolen bank accounts may be used to buy your btc, and when the owner of the bank account realises their bank account is being emptied, they'll contact the police, who will contact you, and the end result will be you paying the stolen money back. This comes from first hand experience. I would recommend Bitkub. Once KYC is sorted(no hassle at all linking my wife's ID/bank account etc), the funds are in my bank in seconds.
  19. It seems to be a regional obsession to avoid using anything that belongs to yourself, instead using every single plastic utensil/container you can ponce off the shop/restaurant/stall holder in order to simply throw it into the nearest bush, or as close to a bin (without actually getting it in the bin) as possible.
  20. That'll change as tourist numbers increase(organically, not with empty gimmicks from TAT). In reality though, the market doesn't need renovating, it's perfect as it is, just as it has been forever, leave it alone, stop farting around with things that don't require farting around with. We know the real reasons though, don't we. Money & face.
  21. I used to smoke weed to motivate myself, the house was spotless and all chores were completed.
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