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Posts posted by rexnong

  1. Hello , firstly i have 2 sons 4 and 6 years old born in Thailand with a Thai mother and Im from the U.K

    Its about time they should visit U.K and i am trying to get info how do do this

    I am wanting to get a British passport for both of them!

    Do they need a thai passport first?

    As far as i am aware its a case of getting there birth certificates translated /my birth cert/wife birth cert/ ID/ forms/ and going to the British Embassy with a wallet full of cash

    I would love to know how much is this going to cost?

    also the time scale ,

    another issue is my wife has visited the U.K but will she be able to get another visit visa easy enough?

    Also i had to show i was working before to sponser her but now living here for 7 years i cannot show i am able to as i have no income from the u.k?

    Last question i plan to visit Laos next month can they do this with just id as i have heard that they wont need a passport just birth certificates for a few days visit !

    Thanks for your time and i would love to have any help with this as dont fancy travelling back and forth to bangkok thanks

  2. I have a iPhone 4s easy to jailbreak and one click of ifunbox and I transfer all my files very quickly I haven't used iTunes for for a very long time

    My wife has a galaxy s2 and I agree it's probably quicker, larger screen ,, faster , better photos , BUT I still much prefer my iPhone it might just be the fact that Samsung is very cheap looking and feels very plasticy ,

    Look at Samsung 2nd prices a Samsung galaxy s2 can be bought for 10,000 baht now new are around 18,000 , just my view if you want the best probably it's a Samsung but I still would go for the Apple every time!

  3. Only 2 days ago I had a car drive into me and then they got out switched drivers and drove off while I was trying to wave them to stop , this happened right next to a police seat area with 2 of the finest bib and when I ran to him they said to me to go to the main police station even though I could still see him driving off

    All I had was a scuffed wheel and arch and it still pi&@ed me off even today

    There really needs to be something done with the way the driving is done here most of these drivers shouldn't be in control of a bicycle , I just got a 5 year driving licence for sitting in a room for an hour watching a Thai language safety video?

    Rip these accidents can mostly be avoided

  4. Is it me or has nobody here even got on a bike/car after a couple of glasses of the devils drink?

    Come on you lot i must be the only person who feels for this candadian , ok he had a few to many but so do 1000's more every day in the land of smiles

    we used to flick coins to see who would drive

    This only goes tits up when there is a accident like this and then everyone says hang him dry?

    I am guessing everyone here has had a few and drove home

    Lets hope its not you there trying to hang next time

  5. OK Here we are :ermm:

    I just called TOT.

    I ask the guy: Why are you slowing down the torrents? Please don't check my router because it's working perfect and the internet is perfect but torrents are slow.

    The guy: This is a new policy of TOT. We are slowing down especially bit torrent bla bla bla.

    Me: Will you continue implementing your new policy forever and ever?

    The Guy: I am not sure but we may have some good news for bittorrent users soon.

    Me: Could I know when the good news might happen?

    The Guy: I am sorry but I am not sure.

    Me: Thank you. I will wait for 1 more month and if you still use your new policy I will have to break the contract because this service is not what I signed the contract for.

    The Guy: I am sorry sir.

    Me: Thank you for your explanation.

    The Guy: Thank you for your understanding Sir.

    Me for myself: I didn't say I understand this situation but I am thankful that somebody finally explained and said that the problem exists so :jap:

    Guys that's it.I am going to wait one more month and meanwhile I will be checking 3BB service. If the problem still exists and 3BB is Ok I'm gonna break the contract, move to another place where I can have 3BB internet connection because 3BB can't reach me here. Sad but true.:ph34r:

    Hey ,you should check the comments a few above yours about bypassing this problem ,just found something on google and will see if it works / type in 'bypassing the bast$%s at TOT ' ,(or similar)

    not sure if not being able to download torrents would make me move house though:blink:

  6. Still only getting 10kbps download from bittorrent if im lucky

    Seems like everyone has fixed there download speeds?

    I phone TOT and they say no we not block torrent?

    why did i use to get 200+kbps before and now nearly stopped?

    Just upgraded from 3mb to 6mb and that did bu%$er all!

  7. just called true to complain after a week at 1.5kb/s. They said nothing was wrong with my line. 15 mins after i got off i was downloading with utorrent at 750+. strange days indeed.

    I can't believe how many people still use torrents here...lol at you lot

    We use torrents because the novelty of ladyboys has passed .Dont worry you will be looking for torrents one day soon:jap: :blink:

  8. Just thought you might be interested i have phoned TOT on 1100 for the last couple of mornings and they say

    We do not block your internet and there is a problem with TOT at the moment which they are trying to fix?

    I am thinking what they mean is they are loosing to many customers and it will be back to normal and they wont block it anymore?

    I asked if i can get the power package and the operator said its 'same same' also very slow

    ah well my contract ends in September so i will wait and see

  9. You people are thieves and criminal. TOT did a good job and I encourage others to do so.

    Go get the copy right DVD if you want to watch the movies/series.

    And don't you dare to use technology to view block site deemed not suitable for viewing by my government

    Chantorn , go for it i am sure you will have lots of support and good wishes and remember to check your Handbag/shoes are genuine next time you buy some

  10. I must admit i am only interested in getting my last few series of LOST and also i do like a bit of Top Gear and Doctor Who every week

    Its not the end of the world if it stops for a bit but i understand the frustration if you like to download a bit Exotic material which may be the reason so many people are posting and phoning TOT ?????

  11. Another TOT user here and i only download Doctor who and a few other series , still only on series 5 of LOST .

    I was going to go in this week to TOT and sign for another year and now my torrentz have stopped ,no more Doctor Who and Top Gear!!!

    Well its not a case of phoning TOT for me its a case of going over the road and using True

    Whats the best in terms of Connection for everyone out there i have heard 3BB is very good?

    Is there a way around this block i am using Bittorrent

  12. Just wanting to add my thoughts on the REAL helmets

    I bought a matt black motocross one about 8 months back and went out a few times when its absolutely throwing it down ,the one day i was about to go out in a great storm and the helmet was sticky as hel_l , anyway i went back to the dealer to see what he thought and he said you must have gone under one of those trees that have sticky leaves and definately not a fault with the helmet ,which i just smiled and thought TIT......

    No chance of a replacement and the helmet looks bloody awful now

    Oh well you do get what you pay for

  13. Hello thanks for taking time to read this ,i am from the U.k and living in Thailand with my wife and have a 5 year old son who speaks Thai and English very well although he was slow to speak at first due to the 2 languages(Thai/English)

    My concern is our younger 3 year old boy who at 2.5 years old was saying everyones name and we could take him to the supermarket shopping but the last 6 months he seems to have stopped talking many of the words although he says probably about twenty different words and can say 2 words together but seems to cry for no reason and does like to do the toy cars in a row like i have seen on autism sites but does not stack anything up

    When we go out in the car if we go to the post office before shopping all hel_l breaks loose and its a case of turning around or getting his mind off the detour by giving him a toy plane or car

    If i say 'give me a kiss' he comes straight to me and kisses me and smiles when we clap our hands and will go to anyone you name to kiss them although i might have to say his name 20 times for him to look at me

    He will eventually give you eye contact but you need to keep saying his name

    He is fasinated with wheels on anything/ toys cars/bikes/

    When he was younger he watched quite alot of cartoons and when we recently took him for a check for autism we were told to not let him watch cartoons and keep talking to him and he hasnt got autism which quitened the wife down although i am sure all is not well but even going to the doctors for a check up and changing his routine made him nearly kick the dashboard off my car and taking him for a haircut was the hardest thing i ever have done

    Basically i am sure he has Autism and as i am in Nakhon Sawan and the nearest specialist is a four hour drive away (Bangkok)and if anyone can give me any advise before i try to make this 4 hour drive with my son who needs so much routine i would be very very grateful

    The more i read the more i can see he has autism and would love to hear from anyone who can give me any advise as mentioning maybe getting him proper help back in the U.K seems like a huge step we are not ready to do and i am sure we would have huge problems even getting on the plane

    Even seeing a balloon at a mister donut store gets our little boy so worked up i have to buy a box of donuts and get a balloon as quick as possible

    He wasnt always like this at 2 years old he talked much more and we could sit at KFC without any trouble but we cannot get him anywhere near KFC now

    Any help or advice would be great as i have been going around in circles and all the clinics here dont seem to know enough to do the correct diagnosis tests

    Thankyou in advance

    Thanks in advance

  14. siamect your the best poster here thanks for the 'dont be silly comment' as i didnt mean to post in the wrong forum

    The best advice is from people who dont try to see the mistakes and give a clever comment and actually try and help because maybe they have nothing better to do apart from drink huge amounts of beer chang and watch Germany loose the world cup again

    Anyway after a big downpour the next day i can mop up the excess water in a few minutes but i dont want to always do it as througout the <deleted>$£ing hot season its fantastic

    I am looking at 3-4 months a year of a little bit of water coming through the grout nothing crazy but still i dont want to slip and slide if i dont notice it maybe trying different grout as it dosent seep through everywhere just a few places?

    1) this is internet computer and technology related how ??

    Don't be silly, the guy just made a mistake and posted in the wrong forum...

    Ok drain... the simplest idea that may work, if the amount of water per hour is limited, is to dig down a well in close proximity to the house and pump the water out from the well when a certain level is reached.

    The idea is to lower the ground water level slightly.

    The problem with this method is that when the groundwater level is lowered in a limited area, the water from other areas will find ways to dig channels and fill it up quickly, so it may work well in the beginning and then it may be impossible to pump out all the water...

    I have seen this work in Sweden close to a lake where the ground water level was basically the same as the ground itself. The ground condition was clay... not soil.

    I have also seen it work in Pathumthani somewhere but it was a very small well, maybe just 75cm deep and about the same diameter.


  15. I have recently bought a new house and there is a long room which is 2 ft under ground level, i am not sure why it was designed like this but when we get a good downpour i have noticed some of the grouting seems to let small amounts of water in , houses near us let much more in

    What can i do apart from re-tiling the whole room is there a fix as i want to use the room and put a sofa and bed down there but dont want to keep mopping up water

    I am sure someone can help

    I have been told to just cement and re-tile the whole room but will this stop further leakage?


  16. hello everyone just spent the last few hours trying to find if the British embassy will be able to verify and confirm my uk marriage to my wife 8 years ago

    I have been told they need this letter?

    I was told yesterday that they need this document asap as my application has failed although for the last 7 years i have showed the marriage certificate without any problems

    I think i should have given some tea money as i have to go to the british embassy in Bangkok (6 hour drive!)

    I would love to here that this is possible as i dont fancy go there and they cant confirm the marriage

    Has anyone else had this problem as i havent married in Thailand as i didnt think i needed to ?

    Help anyone !

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