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Posts posted by Sarge

  1. I agree we are guests in this country and should be appropriately respectful. However, as most of us foreigners are not even permanent residents (and so many do not even have a possible pathway towards this) and a tiny portion of us are Thai citizens, I think internalizing Thai nationalism is best kept in the perspective of your personal reality.

    gotta agree with jingy here, it's ludicrous trying to be holier than thou. Take a cue from Thai, if nobody bothered to stand up in that hospital and carried on with whatever they were doing, why should you? On the other hand, it'd have been an amusing thing to watch :o

  2. [
    I went on to inform them that I did not like him one little bit, and when asked why not, I told them that since he had come to power, life in Thailand for the average foreigner had become much more difficult (I am speaking on behalf of ALL of the many foreigners I know who live and work in Thailand , although I am sure that I will get at least a couple of replies to this post by foreigners living here who will attempt to contradict this)
    Thank you for your wonderful story James.

    Was your conversation with the 8 men in English or Thai? Or did they speak English with you but Thai with each other?

    :o lol .... yeah, I'd like to know the answers to those questions too

    The conversation was entirely in Thai. Me to them, them to me, they to each other.

    Wow, your Thai must put you into the very short list of fluent Farangs in Chiang Mai. How did you learn it?

    :D lol .... you beat me to it (again), yeah that's impressive. wonder how long it took him to master the nuances and subtleties of complex political discourse, with 8 Thai men concurrently. Great stuff!

  3. [

    I went on to inform them that I did not like him one little bit, and when asked why not, I told them that since he had come to power, life in Thailand for the average foreigner had become much more difficult (I am speaking on behalf of ALL of the many foreigners I know who live and work in Thailand , although I am sure that I will get at least a couple of replies to this post by foreigners living here who will attempt to contradict this)
    Thank you for your wonderful story James.

    Was your conversation with the 8 men in English or Thai? Or did they speak English with you but Thai with each other?

    :o lol .... yeah, I'd like to know the answers to those questions too

  4. re: refrigeration; when I cook pasta meals at home in Mahasarakham the leftover is kept in the kitchen cabinet in a large bowl (alongside other cooked Thai/Isaan leftovers) and then shared with neighbours the next day, a mid morning snack. They eat it cold, no re-heat. I keep saying to myself TIT :o

  5. Agree 100% about German Bread but things have changed and to find a really good one is not that easy anymore .. so I was told. Pumpernickel is Pumpernickel and I love it. Will make some next week. The sweet German Bread is called "Platz", Zopf or "Weck" or a number of different names depending on the area

    I will make "Stollen" with Marzipan next week -


    John, giz an update on the Stollen (yummy) and other breads

  6. Frangelico (hazelnut liqueur), and amaretto (almond liqueur) are for cooking purposes

    just come across this lil charming thread. Actually both ------



    ------ and --------



    are for drinking, an ideal after dinner tipple. They can also be used as an aid to dessert making but they're actually meant for drinking. I know I can get Amaretto di Saronno in BKK but never came across Frangelico. I'd love to get one in BKK.

  7. hallo kann John ich bitten?

    I've noticed that you offer a selection of pasta sauces online, I understand they come either in 120g / 140g jars. It says that they're pasteurised, I'm in doubt if they're actually shelf stable or fresh with a few days shelf life. Pasteurisation sometimes is given different interpretation by different manufacturers. Can you expand on these sauces and validate if they are indeed fresh sauces. I'm quite intrigued on your Chef Own special: Smoked Salmon & Basil with pickled Lemon, I like the sound of it. Dill is commonly associated with Salmon, what type of Basil you use there? Thai Basil? Italian Basil?

    Gourmet Sauces

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