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Tropicalevo last won the day on November 27 2024

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  1. So, they did not even know why they were beating two bales of schittt out of the guy. Pack mentality at its worst.
  2. In defence of dogs...... I have seen the way that some kids 'play' with, and around dogs. My wife was a teacher and she took our well-trained German shepherd to school one day for a class. After she caught one kid trying to stick a pencil up his bum, and another kid trying to ride him, she realised the stupidity of that project. I am not suggesting that this is what the kid in the article was doing, but some dogs are nervous around kids for a good reason.
  3. Do the parents even know how to use a motorbike safely? No is the likely answer, so what was the point?
  4. Quite a nice, polite way of saying 'did eff all'.
  5. Lots of victim/parent blaming here again. Do AN readers live in a parallel universe? It's not as if this poor lad's parents are ultra rich and the bike was a Christmas present (eg 'Boss' of Red Bull fame). Motorbikes are a vital necessity for many here in Thailand. It is often the only was for the ultra poor to get around, make a living and so on. A motorbike is the only transport that the majority of the population can afford. That is the real world.
  6. Sadly, Thailand/China do not care about that. It is all about the money and big project back-handers.
  7. And possibly salt. I am on a 'salt free' diet and get cramp regularly. Luckily, not that frequently. An electrolyte drink puts it right - until the next attack.
  8. It is not only Thais who fight over estates at funerals, although it seems that Thais tend to go for the 'killing' option. I have not been to a funeral yet in the UK where the family did not argue about what was left to whom. Families in the UK argue, but they tend not to kill. My mother, my grandmother, my wife's grandmother, my father-in-law, my son, even my wife - there were arguments about who gets what after they died. Funerals and 'who gets what' brings out the worst in people.
  9. Oh dear Mrs PM. It appears that the vultures are circling.
  10. Be careful what you wish for you anti-Semitic 'concerned netizens'. The media should bear some responsibility here as well.
  11. Very well done Ms Patchani, and very brave as well. I never let the hospital give me drugs. I always ask the doctors to write down the 'prescription' and then I buy them at the local pharmacy. The pharmacist usually asks 'copy or original'?
  12. The legality of abortions is not clear. Even if one decides to have an abortion, it is difficult - From the Bangkok Post https://www.bangkokpost.com/life/social-and-lifestyle/2982166/thai-women-still-left-holding-the-baby
  13. The poor kids would still be dead had they not been on the scooter. ie just walking along the road. That's the same as Thais saying that any accident involving a foreigner is the foreigners fault. The accident would not have happened if the foreigner was not here. Lots of victim blaming here. The person at fault is the driver of the car. End of.
  14. Why on earth would terrorists from the far south want AK47'S in Phuket? Unless........ Quite worrying if they are seeking publicity there.
  15. I would think that a foot away is a more accurate description. Landing almost on top of a cobra would freak most people out.
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