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Tropicalevo last won the day on November 27 2024

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    Koh Samui

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  1. Maybe. People with money tend to ignore these.
  2. If that is what 'the people' want. Yes. But the rich elite will never let it happen, even if the voters want him. Same as PITA.
  3. Probably a quid pro quo for something that the UN wanted from Thailand. Scratch my back and I will scratch yours. That's how the UN works these days.
  4. I think that to use the phrase "Thailand battles hazardous PM2.5 pollution levels" is a misnomer. Battle would indicate a fight. Thailand has given up and rolled over. And it will be the same next year, and the year after that and so on.
  5. Allowing Thailand onto the council shows just how corrupt and useless the UN has become. Too many private agendas. Not fit for purpose any more.
  6. A fire cracker versus an elephant - there will only ever be one winner.
  7. Poor lad. That episode will probably haunt him for the rest of his life. RIP kh Piyamas
  8. Poor souls. Conned into working illegally. Finally escape only to be arrested in Thailand as illegals. Probably gaoled, fined, blacklisted and taken to the border. Thailand does not deserve a seat on the UNHRC.
  9. It is never going to happen and certainly not in the next two years. Thais obviously do not have a clue what it takes to build and host an F1 race - even if the road is already there. The hotel security guards, with their little red flags trying to stop the traffic so that their precious guests can get in and out of the hotel, will need a major re-training in order to become stewards. Oh - please note Thailand - you have to PAY a lot of money for permission to hold a race. Money that Thailand does not seem to have at the moment.
  10. Sorry. I fail to see the connection of models with politics. Please enlighten me?
  11. Not too bad where I live and it is usually only a couple of months of the year. Current readings mid to high 70's AQI . Low 90's two weeks ago with the strong winds from the N and NE. I live with doors and windows open for the sea breezes. I have survived the last 25 years on the island. Good enough for me. https://www.iqair.com/thailand/surat-thani/bo-put/koh-samui-plai-laem-outdoor
  12. baby Trump is only playing the spoiled brat and spitting his dummy out. He has to be confrontational so that he can show that he is 'The Boss'. After all, he does not have an original thought in his head. The world will get over it/him.
  13. Totally agree We too looked at those countries . Tempted by Bali but I am sooo glad that we chose Thailand.

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