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Posts posted by runner

  1. Well, I was deeply dissatisfied with my life in the states. Had no gf, no money, and no life. From my first visit, I worked by butt off scrimping and saving for my return visits. Eventually I found a way to make the move permanent and make a living here. I think the OP will not want to return after he has his taste of life here. Happens to a lot of people who come here. :o

  2. Sure. I live here in Pattaya. 6k a month will get you a decent studio apartment on the outskirts of town. I eat at the supermarket cafeterias. ~40 baht for one meal. Healthcare is cheap here and they have good hospitals. I spend about 40k a month, so if you live like me, your money should last about 4 years.

    Please excuse my naivety , but if your rent is only 6k and meals are about 40 baht...what do you spend 40k on per month?


  3. Sure. I live here in Pattaya. 6k a month will get you a decent studio apartment on the outskirts of town. I eat at the supermarket cafeterias. ~40 baht for one meal. Healthcare is cheap here and they have good hospitals. I spend about 40k a month, so if you live like me, your money should last about 4 years.

  4. Is having a car really a necessity here? I find these motorbikes work just great for getting around. I often wonder what drives people to buy cars anyways. Is it the safety? Or maybe it's a status symbol? I find it hard to get through certain places in town without my motorbike. So, they are very useful in my opinion.

  5. Would you be asking this question in relation to girlfriends you've had or might have in your own country?

    I've never had a gf in my own country. But I find that most Thai ladies will ask for money after you've stayed with them. I'm okay with giving them some money, but they ask for crazy money sometimes. After all, I left the US because the girls are too expensive.

    You mean you left on someone else's assertion that the girls were too expensive.... Have you considered that you were perhaps doing American women a favour by departing?

    Hmm. Well, they're not getting my cash. So I think they should be missing my business. :o

    I think so too.

    Now do all us a favour, and leave Thailand.

  6. What are the good choices/decisions you made setting up in Pattaya?

    What are the bad choices/decisions you made setting up in Pattaya?

    What choices/decisions would you repeat or not? If you had it to do over again.

    Just move here. It's not real complicated. :o

  7. I have girlfriends that I sleep with but a lot of the time I don't give them any money. As soon as the demands for money crop up, I have to dump them. Is this wrong? It's just that I'm not exactly rich. I feel I'm a deadbeat. :o

    This all demands on several factors:

    How elderly you are

    How hideously ugly you are

    How bald you are

    How fat and grotesque you are

    How horrible a human being you are

    How terrible at sex you are....

    Well if you are an old fat sweaty nasty looking bastage then yes you should be paying and you are a deadbeat.

    If you're young and handsome then no you never should pay and yes you should dump them, if they beg and beg to come back and you liked them then let them come back, they won't ask again.

    I'm 28 and not fat or ugly. Besides, I don't think appearances is very relevant when it comes to this.

  8. Would you be asking this question in relation to girlfriends you've had or might have in your own country?

    I've never had a gf in my own country. But I find that most Thai ladies will ask for money after you've stayed with them. I'm okay with giving them some money, but they ask for crazy money sometimes. After all, I left the US because the girls are too expensive.

  9. I live in a nice studio and drive a motorbike. I eat out every day and have plenty left over for entertainment & travel. Its a simple lifestyle and it only costs me about 55,000/month. You don't need $1,000,000. Especially if you find a job here or have a business that gives me an income. I make almost all my money through ecommerce. Can't retire because I'm too young(28) and have few assets.

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