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Posts posted by Paddleshifter

  1. One of the reasons why I am using them is because of the safety. All drivers here are more or less mental anyway but in the back seat of a new Camry and with your seat belt on you re pretty much safe even if a hard hit.

    In the metered taxis there is not even seat belts for the passangers in the back. At least not the ones in Bangkok. Taking a hit with a mini van taxi.... no thanks!

    So these bigger sedans are the safer ones. I am also tall so a Camry is comfy for a 40 minutes drive.

    I just dont understand the mentality of the company but I guess what you say is right. Try make up the loss of someone else paying for it no matter how stupid the idea is.

  2. I am using the limousine service thats got all the silver coloured cars that most people are using. I think their called P.B.C. Everytime it has been 550 B to my destination in a Camry but yesterday it turned out to be 650 B. I then picked up my bag and said; now 650? ....OK then I better go and take a metered taxi.

    I got 2 metres away and where she said; OK old price for you 550 B.

    I tried to tell her that it was not smart to raise prices in this difficult time Thailand was going through now, but to her little understanding. She then suddenly did not speak so good English and turned her wrists to left and wright looked down and said; I not understand...

    I accepted the old price to come outside to see i was given a smaller Toyota Altis.

    These people never seem to surprise me with their not very well thought through business ideas.

    What a time is this to even think about raising these fares.

  3. I am from this country too so I know it. So just belive it to be true and take it into the consideration of this case.

    Why should I post it if it was not true. This only makes it more difficult for the Thai national to get back there. Its posted because its the fact and so other poster who opting for a new marriage would be one solution then dont have to post.

    I am not the guy with the problem, I am in thai and only a helper. Iformation is sought from various places and TV is one place.

    He dont want this story to get around, and yes it could harm him.

  4. Lao Po,

    Above you answer was related to this country issuing new visas if being married there before. You are wrong about it.

    The personal issues related to this thread dont need to be revealed now as of several reasons. The wish for this is from the husband and the reasons are extremly serious. Stay away from the thread if you don like a general question. And why mention Private Messages in the open forum. I hope you know what a PM means in its own words.

  5. Another way for her would be another serious relationship with another man in that country but she and him would have to proof such a relationship with lots of documents, photos, visits from him to Thailand etc. etc.


    This one would normally be considered impossible. The embassy just dont like what they see. Once divorced and out there and they just dont hand out a new visa.

    Sorry, but your assumption is incorrect.


    Sorry to tell you but I am not. I dont know about other countries but this will normally not issue a visa because of this. Read some posts above where it is explained why. Many have been refused visas there as of this reason.

  6. Another way for her would be another serious relationship with another man in that country but she and him would have to proof such a relationship with lots of documents, photos, visits from him to Thailand etc. etc.


    This one would normally be considered impossible. The embassy just dont like what they see. Once divorced and out there and they just dont hand out a new visa.

  7. Strange. Are the male folk of this 'country' such a steal that their own government doesn't permit legally divorced Thai ladies to have a second go?

    Yes they are steal compared to many. And if you think a little about it you understand that when someone marries a foregin man, its supposed to be because of love. New "love" with a foreign man is strange already as it very much proves a thai woman to only be looking for a foreign man and life.

    Even more strange it is to find "love" with an new foreign man and also from the same country as the previous one.

    On a personal level this might seem ok but the truth is its really not. It only shows someone are looking for economic benefits over true love. For governments its for sure not ok and it should be kept that way. Its just one way of many to filter out bad ones.

    Back to the question,

    I mean there are all kind of requirements to show as proof you have got in Thailand to get visa to EU or a Schengen country if not married. Such as proof of income, employed in a company or a fat bank account with a solid business established.

    Are all these requirement put a side if you got a child living there and no longer married?

  8. How easy would it be for a divorced thai woman to get back to a EU/Schengen country and also live there if the former husband wouldnt want that to happen?

    There are very serious reasons for why he did not want that to happen so questions regarding this can be left out at this point.

    She lived there before but does not have a permanent residence or any valid visa as of now.

    She has a child there with the former husband.

    She has no access to any papers. The Thai embassy in this country issued a Thai BC when the child was born there. This BC is not with her but with the former husband.

    She also made a name change to the husbands last name when getting married there but did not register any of this in Thailand so her Thai passport and other ID is in her Thai name.

    Normally the embassy of this country does not issue a new visa if have being married to one of its citizens before or will work the papers of registering a new marriage with another of its citizens in Thailand. This to prevent thai woman for specifically looking for husbands from this country.

  9. This thread dont need to be taken very seriously.

    Its just someone who didnt get foothold up north and who was lucky to shine and whine a little in the media.

    Many thais did not get foothold or are struggeling to get their lifes going though but that you can blame on the thai government which are holding their people down for various reasons. The people who controls this country have no intensions to bring the thais up to a very high educated level. What a mess that would become for the people i charge now and controling the cash flow!!

    Thailand will probably deal with its corruption like North Korea deals with its communism..

    In other words, not in the very near future.

  10. Those foreigners won't be around anymore after 2, 3 or 4 decades (maximum) and the land will be in Thai hands again (which in fact it is already now).



    This was also what I thought.

    If it was true it would also involve many luk krung with a much stronger economy after their parent past away. Also being able to modernise the farming to something really worth operating if their parents already didnt do it.

  11. In Chiang Rai, chief of a palm oil cooperative Inkham Namwong claimed that around 70 per cent of farmland and plantation in the province had been rented to foreigners.


    -- The Nation 2009-08-12

    70 percent of farmland in Chang Rai.. haha.. Yeah in your wildest dreams!

    If it was true though I guess a number like this would say much more about what a thai farmers really wants and also what they dont want to work with.

  12. To any District Office or DO of my wife?

    Registered but not married in Thailand.. What is the difference then?

    When your marital status changed. I suppose though, that if your original marriage were actually invalid, this registration might actually create a valid marriage, assuming that you were otherwise legally capable of contracting a marriage.

    I wish we could do the same in England.

    The big difference is that it will probably satisfy the immigtration officer who has the approval stamp that you are after. It doesn't have to make sense, you just need to do it.

    These two answers does not contribute or give answers to what was asked in the above post.

    Of course a marriage is valid only because its not registered in Thailand. Thailand is for sure not some superior country or a state which determines validity or not.

    There are several reasons for why one would not want to register a marriage in both countries. These are finally personal reasons and will depend on how your life is organized etc.

    One reason you will find here;

    Phuket Gazette

    Are Thais marrying foreigners abroad required to register upon return

    Is it legal for a Thai citizen to marry a non-Thai while out of the Kingdom and upon returning to Thailand to continue to live in the country without officially registering her marriage? If this is illegal, what would be the fine or punishment for such an offense?

    Bja### Pet### Mukdahan Tuesday, April 7, 2009

    “It is perfectly legal for a Thai citizen to get married to a non-Thai national abroad and upon returning to the Kingdom to continue living in Thailand without officially registering his or her marriage. However, should any problems arise she would not be covered by any marital laws that apply within Thailand, but she would be subject to the laws of the country where the marriage was registered.”

    Tuesday, April 7, 2009 Mr Surin Puangpakdee, Managing Director of NSP & Laws on Koh Samui

    Link Phuket Gazette:


  13. Its soon visa time again and last year I remember one mid level officer who is doing the 1 year visas at Phuket immigration was making a lot of fuss.

    I have a foreign marriage certificate from Europa in english which is certified by both the courts in my country and also the ministry of foreign affairs.

    When I made my 1 year NON O in Bangkok the immigration there was all fine about it. When I the next year made the 1 year NON O in Phuket I where first refused and told it must be registered in Thailand.

    I didnt think it could be right and argued with him over this. He then gave me a 2 week extension. I took the marriage certificate back up to Bangkok and had my embassy there also certifying it. I dont think there can be more ceritifictions, stamps and signatures on this one now.

    After this when back down in Phuket again he refused me one more time over some PND91 issues in which should not have been needed and gave me just another 2 weeks of extension.

    I solved out the PND91 issues and went back to immigration. He then accepted it but made it clear that for the next year he would not accept this marriage certificate.

    I have no intensions of registering my marriage in Thailand as of now.

    What is up with this guy and is it really not valid for a NON O?

  14. This child already has a foreign nationality and is living abroad.

    About the passport that was also what we thought, both must sign.

    The reason behind this posting is that a grusome plan of someones thai wife has just been revealed. This thai woman does not know her plan is revealed as she has confide to someone she thought was a better friend than she was. This friends boyfriend was related to the father of this child through friends so his wifes plan got back to him not long ago.

    Its all about her wanting to take the child back to stay in Thailand forever and having him to support schools and her there. She knows the father can and will not stay in Thailand. The child is soon ready to attend school which is one of the important reasons for why the child also must stay in Europe. The father loves this child dearly and spend alot of time with him doing all kind of activities. They live a very good standard life with no money issues at all. The thai wife isnt working.

    Today the child doesnt have any valid travel document as the previous European passport has expired as they only last for 2 year at the time when the kids are young. A new passport will not be made no matter what knowing this.

    Other from this the father has started to make his own plans about how to get rid of his wife after this plan was revealed. He noticed that his wife have been asking several times the last year that she wanted to go back alone with their son for a longer holiday but where he has refused.

    In short he wants her out of the way and also out of the country. The idea about how to do it is something like. Masterminding a story about tax problems so they need to divorce and put the house and money in her name to be able to keep it safe away from the tax department.

    The wife will probably see this as her chance to benefit from it later and also to hold some extra cards in negotiating for something at a later point.

    After the divorce is complete the tax story will get worse rapid and he will tell her they need to flee the country and to Thailand very quickly for some time and that the childs grandparents will take care of their son for a couple of months.

    He will time the whole thing precisly so that her EU visa is expiring just right after they return to Thailand. NO paper regarding the childs identity will be brought with them to Thailand and there will be a one way airplane ticket for both.

    This means she is now divorced, her EU visa is expired and no identity papers of the child with her in Thailand and no return ticket.

    This country in Europe also has a set of rules that once being married with one its citizen and then divorced, they will not issue a new visa. Its embassy abroad will also not approve a new marriage in Thailand if trying to marry another of their citizens again. This is to prevent Thai woman from seeking a husband just because being from this country.

    So, how easy will it be for her to return to that country?

    It has to be mentioned that the longer he is able to keep her away the better it is. He will as soon as possible seek a court ruling once she is not living there to get sole custody of their child. It can be done actually not that long time after if the mother doesn’t stay in the country.

    Other ideas to make it happen are welcomed. The reason behind it all is to protect the child so it will have a safe and good future and also the father from being blackmailed.

    Thanks for your help.

    PS! The father has no problems with this might looking as another cruel plan. But his answer to that is; What is more important than my child safety and myself not being in a situation where I am blackmailed and not able to get my son back as he is then a Thai and living in Thailand. This I will prevent from happening no matter what, he says. He also ads that their life was never planned to live in Thailand.

  15. 3. Without the thai birth certificate in hand, will it then be possible to register the child at Amphur?

    and how will this registration process differ from showing up at Amphur having a BC vs not? In such a case where is a new BC issued?

    4. Is the mother able to obtain a Thai passport for the child if the father would not want that to happen?

    In European countries it requires both parents signature to apply for a passport to a child.

  16. To OP,

    You seems like a good guy. Supporting and thinking about your sons future.

    We all know that many of these crazy thai wifes can make you wanna loose your interest in them for various reasons and fast.

    The OP went for another girl for some reason. Emotionally or whatever its none of our business. It happened and it happens all the time.

    OP has a question about how to solve this.

    Here is my solution to it and I think it will work out just fine.

    Your case sounds easy to fix. The main reason for this is because you`re fine about her keeping the apartment alone. I can see you`re doing this as being a kind man and also for making sure she can provide a safe home for your son. Thats good thinking.

    Anyway, the apartment is your ace card. I understand money is an issue here so to keep the costs low, start with cutting off her support to get her talking and then make sure she gets a lawyer. Why a lawyer for her is important is beacuse so many thai girls are influenced by friends and family members who doesnt know what the heck they are talking about when it comes to legal matters. Bad bad bad ideas everyday from all of them.

    When she has a lawyer you make an apointment with her at her lawyers office. There you can tell her the facts and her lawyer will support you with the facts. Things like a 50/50 split of the condo or even a scenario of you taking the apartment all alone if you can prove it was your money and not hers, leaving her with nothing. She doenst work, never has and can not show proof of income.

    The point is that she needs to get these possible scenarios straightened out to her by her OWN lawyer!

    After this the horn will sound different.

    Your next step then as you dont want the apartment is to negotiate details regarding your son down in some kind of aggreement over letting her having the apartment all alone.

    The school money you can pay directly to the school, one problem out of the way. Tell her lawyer that you`re going to pay directly to the school and have him confirm to her that the right thing for your sons future is to let your son attend school as normal.

    In fear of losing her apartment, expensive lawyer bills in which you will not pay for you will be able to negotiate and get it all the way you want. Belive me!

    Then you must also seek support from her lawyer that its not normal for young people to not work. She must also sign up for some kind of job to support the family too. The lawyer will see she has a bad case and when you have left the office he will tell her that she should be very happy to have made a deal about keeping the apartment. Probably he will encourage her to go and get a job too.

    Also dont negotiate any stupid things like a monthly payment for her into an agreement. Leave that out. Give what you plan to give. Things may change i nthe future. Your son might be living with you at the age of 13 and you would still have to support her as of an agreement. Dont want that..

    She will in fear of losing the condo agree to almost anything. Just push that condo button everytime she shakes her head and you will be fine.

    The strength is all at your side as you are gentle about the apartment.

    Good luck with it.

    PS! If you settle for something like this, please let us have a piece of the story at her lawyers office.

  17. 1. A child aged 2 years old who is a foreign national born outside of Thailand but also has a Thai birth certificate issued by a Thai embassy abroad.

    Is he then yet a Thai national or not?

    The child is not registered in Amphur and Tabien Baan book.

    2. Is it possible for the mother to register a child with the above status at Amphur and in Tabien Baan book without the presence of the foreign father if the father doesnt want this to happen?

    The Thai birth certificate is issued abroad and shows both parents, mother thai and father a foreigner. The child has the last name of only the foreign father.

    The couple are legally married abroad but their marriage is not registered in Thailand.

  18. Thais are lazy if they can afford to be.

    Thais are raised to put importance of money on top of the list.

    Thais doesnt have a welfare system

    Combine this with,

    Thais are low educated people

    Thais are easy to adapt bad behaviour and ideas

    80% of Thais are fine with corruption if it gives themself a better life

    Thais in general have little understanding of things

    Stir this into a big bowl and you should all see what you are up against and why money issues sooner or later will face the earth.

    I hath to agree in general with paddleshifter here. I like the list apart the penulitimate item in the list - 'Thais in general have little understang of things.' - What 'things' are you reffering to?

    Yeah maybe I should said it in a diferent way. What I meant is that the general thai has little understanding when it comes to important things in life like; Law issues, education, politics, quality, rolemodeling, ethichs, moral, engineering, the future etc etc. All the more complex things in life.

    The meaning of these things are better understood in more higher developed countries and societies. It comes with education and learning moral and ethichs all the way through the childhood and up. Its nothing that can be learned in just a day or two.

  19. Thais are lazy if they can afford to be.

    Thais are raised to put importance of money on top of the list.

    Thais doesnt have a welfare system

    Combine this with,

    Thais are low educated people

    Thais are easy to adapt bad behaviour and ideas

    80% of Thais are fine with corruption if it gives themself a better life

    Thais in general have little understanding of things

    Stir this into a big bowl and you should all see what you are up against and why money issues sooner or later will face the earth.

  20. If she loves you, she'll understand and if she does, and you get married, you can always help the family out.

    that's a very western point of view.

    thai men also pay sinsot.

    sinsot is being paid in other countries as well, not only in thailand.

    not long ago it was a normal thing in western countries as well.

    still many farang see sinsot as a scam to part them from their money.

    is it an ego thing? i wonder..

    I dont see Sinsod as a scam, but as a Thai-Thai cultural value.

    We are in mixed relationships, with mixed values and our own set of difficulties.

    Thai men can buy a house and a rai of land and put that on their name. Nice for later!

    Thai men dont have to worry about their visa status.

    Thai men can vote, etc...

    We cant.

    You call it an ego thing, I call it principles.

    Stick to them, if you dare.

    It will benefit you on the long run.

    Stick to your values, as much as your wife tries to stick to hers and find balance in what you both want.

    Sinsod sounds to most of us, like buying a mailorder bride.

    There are other ways of taking care of your new family.

    Invest in health care, business, schooling of family members, family saving schemes, what ever and absolutely your responsibility.

    You marry a family yes , but you dont marry a culture!

    And if your new wife, or her family,does not understand that, than why did she choose to be part of a mixed relationship?

    She had a choice as well you know!

    On the other side of this coin: do you really think that if let's say a Thai factory worker, or farmer, or shop employee, from Nakhom Pathom marries with a foreign girl, that her family will receive a dowry?

    I know a few farang ladies, who got married to a Thai and never received a sinsod.

    What about cultural values now? I am petty sure that most Thai families would reason that in a mixed relationship, there are mixed cultural perspectives and that therefor a payment is not necessary.

    Could not been said better. I agree with you 100% as you re spot on!

    I can hear the thai family of a thai man marrying a farang girl if they were questioned wether sinsod would be paid or not... The answer: not same not same..!

  21. Kasoi, accept all kind of answers when you post up in a free forum like this. People have very different opinions about whats ok or not in this matter.

    First, find out if she has been married before or not. If married before dont feel bad about not paying a baht.

    If not, 50.000 will be more than enough.

    The problem now is as they have shot for 200.000 and gold, they will never be satiesfied with less. You re saying they have not been nice so far. They re kinda quick to show their greed for western money through bad behaviour. Thai families can live for years knowing their daughter has a bf without confronting you like this. This is bad and nasty. Your gf might make you happy, but the rest of this family never will!

    They re probably old school dumb fuc_s that doesnt know better and never will. The more remote, the more poor, the less education and you will never gain ,learn or profit from any of them.

    What you ll get is trouble comin your way. Its always good to see that your wife or gf family respects you no matter what or where you are in the world. Tell them you re poor and see how wide their smiles are. If they are not happy with their daughter being happy. Fokk this family.

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