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Everything posted by niccodemi

  1. No, they don't have a right to target civilians or taking hostages. Does the Israel have a right to occupy their territory?
  2. Gaza is occupied territory. Don't you think that Palestinians there have a right to resist the occupation? I agree though that targeting civilians is wrong but Israelis are as guilty as Hamas in this aspect.
  3. Right and Israel has not been occupying Palestinian territories for 50+ years ...
  4. Some of the people are really so naive. Israeli Jews used similar tactics when they were fighting for their own country. " Terrorism: a Tactical Weapon for Strategic Purposes 6 The Jewish underground groups launched their insurgency against the British on 31 October 1945 with a series of coordinated attacks against the railways, oil refineries, and police boats. The anti-British insurgency continued for nearly two years, in two phases. The first, often referred to as the "United Resistance" phase, lasted from October 1945 to August 1946. During this period, the three groups attempted to coordinate their actions against the British, but political and strategic disagreements precluded a wholly united front. The Haganah used violence as a pressure tactic to persuade the British to change their policy on Jewish immigration into Palestine. So, it limited its attacks mostly to targets related to anti-immigration efforts, such as coastal radar stations and police boats. But it also sabotaged the railway as a way of imposing economic pressure on the British. The Irgun and Stern groups, however, were committed to all-out "national liberation" wars. They did not believe that the British would give Palestine to the Jews and thus were determined to force them out. They tried to increase the human and political costs to Britain of remaining in Palestine by attacking British troops and police, military bases and police stations, oil refineries, trains, bridges, and banks. Between them, the three groups carried out 78 attacks in the nine months after October 1945. However, the united resistance dissolved after the Irgun blew up the British administration headquarters in the King David Hotel in Jerusalem in July 1946, killing 92 people. Following that disaster, which was a grave embarrassment to the moderate Zionists, the Haganah effectively withdrew from armed operations. Unrestrained by the need for a united front, the Irgun and the Stern Gang rapidly escalated the levels of violence nearly four-fold in this second phase, carrying out 286 attacks over the next twelve months. Casualties exceeded 1,000 over the whole two-year period.6" https://journals.lib.unb.ca/index.php/jcs/article/view/10538/11136
  5. What makes her "not an American diplomat" ?
  6. Interview with Hala Rharrit - American diplomat who recently resigned over U.S. policy in Gaza.
  7. Here is an article by Israeli journalist (whose sources are IDF operatives) which explains at least some of the reasons for high civilian casualties. https://www.972mag.com/lavender-ai-israeli-army-gaza/
  8. Can you share which provider offers 300 / 300 package for 260thb? Was it a special promotion?
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