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Posts posted by grim_marmazet

  1. Do the rules apply to people whose behaviour is childish? If I go to immigration, acting like the adult I am, and am refused, would throwing a tatrum like a five year old help me. Will the immigration official say, "Yu are behaiving like a five year old. Here is your visa and don't expect to pay a fee."

    ok doctor, does this post equal the guy that suggested the US embassy in bangkok is US soil, and so is considered out of the country and should count as a visa run just by entering?

    He needs to take a glance at the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. The old concept of an Embassy being foreign soil changed, but the inviolability of the premises and grounds remains absolute.

    technically an aircraft is still counted as foreign soil i believe. now steppin on and off a plane would be a novel approach. lol

  2. Thanks for the tip, is the Thai Embassy in London any good, its the closest one to me. Ive heard that they can be not very helpful sometimes.

    Also, how much does the visa cost? I will probaly only need it the once, just to get sorted. The three months will be long enough to settle down.

    One last question; do you need to get the extension when the 60 days run out, or can you get it when you arrive?

    Thanks for the advice, its really helpful!

    You need to go to Immigration in Thailand and get an extension of 30 days. You now say that a single entry visa will suffice, so the Embassy in London is fine.

    Are they a problem for multiple-entry visas?

  3. Thanks for the tip, is the Thai Embassy in London any good, its the closest one to me. Ive heard that they can be not very helpful sometimes.

    Also, how much does the visa cost? I will probaly only need it the once, just to get sorted. The three months will be long enough to settle down.

    One last question; do you need to get the extension when the 60 days run out, or can you get it when you arrive?

    Thanks for the advice, its really helpful!

  4. Thanks for the advice. Would that work?

    Im young-ish, lol, and not sure if id get away with that. Is it illegal to do it that way? That my main concern. I wouldnt want to do anything that would end up with me in one of those "camps".

    Im willing to hear any and all advice possible.

    I will be supported by family while im there, so i know if i get in trouble, money-wise, they'll bail me out. Once my Dad arrives then he'll be able to set up a business.

    So i spose in a way i am researching it.

  5. Ive been a devout vegetarian for 6 years now, and on my last trip i found it almost impossible to eat good food. This surprised me a lot because of my preconceptions about Buddhists being a mostly vege lot!

    Maybe its an idea to anyone looking to set-up a restarant, a niche in the market. Would be great among the semi-hippie backpackers! :o

  6. Im not living there yet, but i have a few from travels;

    -Having my fiancee snuggled up close to me when i wake up, and not minding moving so I can use the toilet :o

    -Seeing a gorgeous sunrise while helping a random bloke from Devon clean the beach up from the hordes last night

    -Knowing I can ask someone the time and not get looked at as-if I was scum (unlike London)

    -Meeting someone you wouldnt talk to at home and spending the night talking about random nonsense

    -Getting your beer brought to your table and paying at the end of the night (not like trying to force your way to the bar in a pub, only to find you dont have enough for that one more! lol)

    -Seeing my fiancee smile and be especially happy about the day, even thought its no different than any other

    -Knowing I dont have to avoid every slightly shady looking person in fear they might mug me

    -Being able to get drunk for less than the price of a couple of pints!

    -Sitting on a beach on Phi Phi Don looking at more stars than ive ever seen in my life

    -The complete sense of happiness you have every day when you wake up, for absolutley no reason at all

    -The thought of everyone back home wearing 7 layers of clothes, while im still wearing shorts & a T-shirt at 4am

    -Meeting the love of my life, and knowing we'll be happy for the rest of our lives

    -One last one; the realisation that England has nothing left to offer me

    All I can say is I cant wait to join you guys there soon.

    Peace and Love,


  7. yawn...

    still at it ???


    at the end of the day

    it's the money that makes

    the world go round

    all top politician

    as far as i am concern

    is in some way

    slave to some money machine

    run by powerful businesses

    bush is the same

    blair is the same

    why do you think the rest are not the same ???

    mmm... huh ?? / did i say something ???

    now where did i put my beer... ?

    Well said :o

    Im British, and we put up with Blair and his so-called "Reforms".

    He promised to reduce NHS waiting lists, now they've trippled.

    He promised to increase amounts of teachers & education spending, both have decreased.

    He promised us a quick end to Foot & Mouth, with reperations to famers, instead he burnt their livestock.

    He promised redution in the strength of the pound and interest rates & taxes, guess what? They've all gone up.

    He took us to war on the charge of WMD's, we never found any.

    The only thing he's consistantly done is kiss GWB's you-know-what.

    Americans have a similar thing, their on their biggest national deficit since the Great Depression. They have increased crime, lower standards of education, and higher taxes than before Bush.

    You have Mugawbe in Zimbabwe, tourturing citizens. Sharon & Arafat destabiling the middle east. India & Pakistan on the verge of nuclear war. The list is endless...

    So as you can see, Thailand hasnt really got it any worse than anywhere else in the world, the whole planet is a shambles.

    On the flip-side though, a population has to believe that what is happening is wrong to make a stand against it (i quote the mass-protests in London & many other cities worldwide).

    So IF the Thai's feel their getting a hard deal, they will rise up against it (im not talking revolution here! lol) just as many in western countries are.

  8. Thank you so much for the advice. I know the Soi your talking about, went past it many times when I stayed in the Expat hotel. Plus a bonus being its near my fiancee's work, which is also the best bar in Thailand! :o

  9. Thank you for the advice, it is most appreciated.

    I understand about what you said about bar girl's rooms. My gf is a bar girl in Tai Pan (people who've been there will know its not a sleazy bar, well not the staff anyway). I went to her room, and it was basic. Similar to the bungalows in Koh Samet.

    I will probaly be staying with her, and in a similar room. I'll get her to organise it, because she, like most Thai people, is very friendly and helpful, and i have a VERY basic knowledge of the Thai language (im currently learning).

    The advice is helpful though, and i'll be looking into that hotel you mentioned.

  10. Hello,

    Im moving to Patong soon, and i need temporary accomodation. I was told by a friend of the family that you could rent basic rooms for 120-200 Baht a night.

    First i'd like to know if this is true,

    Secondly; Does anyone know of good, clean rooms that I could rent.

    I know it can often be a case of see whats avaliable when you get there. I'd just like some recommendations, or be told of any places to avoid.

    Thanks a lot :o

  11. ...I can get you married to a thai girl, age 29, competely trustworthy and

    smart, an english teacher, she has one 4yr old daughter [from a thai who will no marry her], daughter is genius, fluent in english;

    ...thai girl is now pregnant with american-boy, expected in april...this

    makes for US passport

    ....this would give all the things that would enable someone to stay here

    ....I would give you her email if you can help her

    ....just give me airfare, one-way ticket out of thailand, never want to

    see or hear of this place again,

    ...but will help this lady

    Whoa, someones had a bad time, sorry it didnt work out for you.

  12. others might not agree with this advice but, DON'T put trust into anyone you meet here, especially with money (farang or thai).
    others might not agree with this advice but, DON'T put trust into anyone you meet here, especially with money (farang or thai).
    Thats old hat to me, and to anyone who lives or has lived in London! lol
    also you do know that her family will probably want money for marrying her, as well as gold etc.

    I didnt actually know that, but she has told her family about me, and told them that im not exactly well off. Apperently her dad likes my photo, lol.

    Thanks for the advice. I think i'll just have an extended holiday for a while, then think bout serious things later this year. I also did want to travel round SE Asia, especially Japan, so maybe this will be a great opportunity to do so.

  13. Thanks for the advice!

    The work i ment, is stuff like bar work, shop work etc... I have noticed a few ferang doing it, and a mate of mine spent 6 months doing bar work. Also it seems to be one of the types of work foreigners can do in Thailand.

    I would never work without a permit, because I wouldnt want to do anything that could take me away from my beloved, simple as that really. :o

    So, I could go to Thailand on a tourist visa, get hitched, get the non imm O and work permit, do 90 day visa runs, then when my Dad arrives use the money to get yearly extensions. Would that be the right course of action? Anything else i should know?

    Oh, and the advice about knowing people is a good one. Luckily, my fiancee works in Patong, where we want to live, and she knows a lot of people, and my Dad has a couple of mates who own hotels there too.

    Thank you!

  14. I was in Phuket in January, down in Patong Beach. Stayed at the Expat Hotel, just off Bangla Road. I absolutley loved every minute of it! I had stayed in Koh Samet before and thought it was a dump, and when I got to Phuket i loved it so much i didnt leave till i had to come home.

    Me and my fiancee are going to live there. She works in Tai Pan (anyone know it?).

    It is definitly somewhere I want to live. True, it is more expensive than BKK, but still a ###### of a lot cheaper than good ol' Blighty!

  15. First, hello :D

    Im a UK male, with a Thai fiancee, and hopefully im moving over there to be back with her, and get married.

    I plan on going in April/June, and moving in with her. Also my Dad will be coming out to set up a business in Phuket. He will bring enough money to set all this up, but wont be arriving till January. I dont want to have to wait till then, because its hard enough being apart now.

    I dont have a lot of money, and not many qualifications. But id like to get a work permit and dont mind working menial (sp?) jobs, as I have done here for a while.

    Id just like to know what options i can use till my Dad arrives and i can arrange the wedding, and provide the money i need for a long term stay. Is it best to stay on a tourist visa, or get married quicker and get a one year non imm O? I could handle visa runs every 90 days, but once a month is too much.

    Any help would be so appreciated, thanks! :o

    Edit: One other thing id like to know is; do you have to have a return plane ticket to get the non imm O?

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