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Posts posted by TheGhostWithin

  1. "Thai medical spa business is facing a shortage of masseuse due to the fact that foreign spas would lure them away with double or triple the salaries they are earning in Thailand."

    What is not mentioned are the ones returning, the same ones who find out the promise of 30k baht overseas is hardly enough to survive on, never mind save anything.

    Lady down the road from me found out the hard way, working is a "spa" in some hotel in New Zealand.

    Probably earning less than minimum wage, long hours and couldn't believe how much customers were paying for a one hour massage, all she was doing was making someone else rich.

    Please, find out the name of the hotel. This is not the way any respectable business in our country should or is allowed to operate.. there are minimum wages here which should see her far exceeding 30k baht per month. The going rate is 100-180 nzd per hour for massage here.. Name them, shame them!

  2. Can you say why the stickers are in English, Why they would put many on one post, Why they leave an obvious trail for Investigators and Why trained terrorists would be so Stupid???? This looks even more, at least in Part, to be a False Flag along with the bombings in India and Georgia. Especially in light of the fact Israel want to attack Iran asap and needs as much justification as possible.

    Good question! Considering prior warning from Israeli and American embassies with regards to confirmed terrorist threats in Thailand, anything middle east-oriented, particularly in Thai areas, would likely be under increased levels of surveillance. Mosques, shisha shops, kebab shops, and other places middle eastern and Thai muslims congregate would fall under suspicion, particularly areas in which they could intermingle. Having Farsi writing on newly-erected stickers attached to poles in Thai areas,and particularly Thai muslim areas leading into both areas of Farang and Thai stature (the Bayoke sky tower, Israeli/US embassies, ministry of agriculture) would certainly arouse suspicion. Putting a similar code, though in arabic script (farsi or any other) would only arouse more suspicion by those sniffing the trail. Simply put, its about blending in.

    Believe me, Israel nether needs nor will wait for an excuse, when they feel the time is right, they will attack Iran, without prior warning. They see the element of surprise as far superior to the element of advanced planning between allies. This has proven in the past to be successful in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, and most recently in the controversial boarding of the "cargo ship" by commandos. Israel has long adopted the strike first, defend later approach.

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  3. As stated previously, the Iranians who blew up their own address whilst making and/or handling the ordinances, were only bomb makers. The bombing crew have not been identified, and are most likely not the bomb makers - they are far more effective remaining unidentified, and untraceable to the bombers. This ensures that provided bombers can be supplied for the suicide missions, the bombs will keep coming (this still works well in Baghdad).

    The Male who was identified in photos with the black beard at Suvarnabhumi, is the fence who communicates between the bomb factory and the bombing team. This man, as per my last information is still in the Kingdom and therefore may be communicating between other bomb factories and bombing teams, or arranging the setup of a new bomb factory to assist the bombing team.

    The stickers likely indicate exchange points, at which the member(s) of the bombing team would meet with the fence who would deliver the ordinances, carried in bags such as which the bomber which blew his legs off was carrying. The bomb makers were never supposed to carry the ordinances out of the property which exploded. The stickers indicate meeting points, multiple as such that multiple members of the team could act as decoys should the team feel they were being watched. I know, others may call me crazy, but please do provide a more plausible explanation and I shall stand humbled.

  4. I really do hope NO videos come out of what went on in the room, she is very unattractive.. does nobody else see the broad upper jaw, heavy brow, bad skin on the cheeks covered by makeup and crooked lower center-two teeth? Reminds me of our own Helen Clark in her younger days... but seriously... take her seriously, she is a Shinawatra! In all honesty, fair enough, come up with proof or shut up. But b y filing a defamation suit, she is only incriminating herself more by making it look like she is trying to bury what went on there by using the suit as closure after it is appointed to some pro-PTP judge to handle.

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  5. In my experience, though young Thais (many, but far from all) are modernised, and exposed to Armani and Gucci, and listen to Bieber (eww), this is where their knowledge and understanding of how the outside world perceives things ends.

    Some Thais actually do believe that Thailand is the only place that Thais can succeed, and where they can be the most successful. This kind of attitude contributes (IMO) to these two particular answers and corresponding scores:

    36 per cent said the incident adversely affected the country's image, economy and tourism. - With economic growth slowing to 0.1% in 2011, images being broadcast on CNN, Bloomberg, CNBC and most other global news organisations of bombings in the streets of Bangkok (and corresponding mentions of the southern insurgency), and tourism numbers dropping (even though TAT will never acknowledge this - a better indication would be to look at the profitability of Thai Airways and vacancy rates on all routes throughout the year), Thailand definitely has issues which only 36% of Thais care about.. perhaps it has been too long since the Asian Financial Crisis, and western comforts have made them too carefree?

    the ratio of people who believe information received from the US increased from 56 to 65 per cent. - If anything, I would say that the US has decreased communications with the Thai Govt, they made the announcement via the embassy, without consulting the Thai Govt, or have the public already forgotten this?

    she received a 7.3 rating over her inspection of provinces to prevent flooding. - Absolutely shocking, I saw her on being chauffeured around Pathum Thani surrounded by bodyguards, doing little more than wave from her dry dump truck waving the "queens salute" to locals who stood on the side of the road soaked in water, fighting for their lives. Absolutely no physical interaction, and no physical effort to assist these people. In times like this, strong leaders lead from the front and let those who are qualified suggest the best decisions to stop the disaster.

    I traveled through the area at the same time, and saw entire families with babies and young children sleeping under bridges, and in old incomplete buildings. I doubt these people gave her a 7.3 or anything even close. Some of these places are still suffering - her ability to prevent flooding? The government failed miserably and still has yet to correct or make up for their failures.

  6. I am not in Thailand at the moment, so have to ask these questions:

    Are the army being used to assist in the cleanup still? Ideally, they could provide logistical support and oversight of the group below.

    Are prisoners from the prison being used to make up for the lack of free and willing man power on the ground?

    Are those locals who suffered damage to their homes and workplaces being employed, or re-employed as temporary state workers to assist in the clean up until either they are re-employed by their previous employer or the government deems clean up in that area complete, at which time if slots were possible the workers could be taken to assist in other areas?

    Are these same people being given the opportunity to build new flood defense systems for the next rainy season, to keep a step ahead of the ball so no-one is flooded in this year too.

    Has the government spoken with industries affected about up skill training as a way to bypass those factories which are still closed, and intend on continuing operations in Thailand?

    Some probably are being done, but the government has now forgotten the floods, not even bothered to notice that they have lost competitiveness over their fast gaining rival Vietnam, or the awarding of contracts which will ensure a more competitive Cambodia being awarded to it by the UN, or the investment which is flowing out of Thailand (both capital and equity investment) and going straight to Burma and have moved onto what Yingluck had for lunch when she was supposed to be at government, and presumably asking who she was there to meet?

  7. So a child can legally get married and have sex in New Zealand?

    They can have sex at 16, and can marry with written permission to the courts by the parents. They can marry at 18 without parental consent. They can legally partake in prostitution within a legally registered brothel at the age of 18, if I am not mistaken.

  8. ...

    Thanks for responding.

    The New Zealand media is "anti-male motivated?" All of it?

    Whilst obviously not all, you can read any number of productions and any article, it is typically female orientated, and often belittling of men. Merely publishing this content is anti-male. Malest attitudes are usually never published in the same magazines, and are therefore bias against Male views.

    I would also like to mention, I have come across increasing numbers of Females, from both NZ and Australia, who go into bars for sex with the bar girls. I drink with friends in some of these establishments, though I have a girlfriend (she comes with me) and I do not take girls from the bar, just so that you don't go forming any ideas of what I get up to.

    What were the anti-male motives behind this story? Absolutely none, the offender deserves what he got, though he should do his time in a Thai prison, and suffer the punishment of the country he offended in.

    Is the NZ media "anti-gay motivated," as well? Unlike some other western countries, the NZ media is pro-gay. I would guesstimate that a very large percentage of those working in the media (particularly TV personalities) who are Male, are gay. I know this, because I used to work for Mediaworks, a major media organisation in NZ.

    If this story was "anti child-rapist motivated," wouldn't that be a good thing? Absolutely. As stated, this guy deserves to rot in hell. It is one thing to feed your own addiction, destroying your victims life as you do, it is another to arrange the destruction of other persons lives by facilitating this kind of crude activity.

    How is it that you can confirm that the perpetrator organized sex tours? I know the details of the case. He offered sex tours via his website, then offered addtional services once contact and a trust relationship had been made with the customer. Reputation ensured those within the BL (Boy Lover) community knew what he was up to and where to find what they wanted. This offender was caught as stated by an undercover officer posing as a customer who was a BL.

  9. Terrorism has two forms: Terrorists which act alone, in a single or series of events to communicate their views to the public. A high cost of life to ensure quick and extensive communication with others.

    The second form, is whereby multiple persons act in a single coordinated movement to undertake a single or multiple plans to achieve a wider goal. As you know, these are referred to as cells. The cells of Hezbollah, are typically 4-5 men teams, use women and children to distract the target, and each member of the team is specialised and trained in advance for their roles. The operatives they train with are not always the people they will carry out their operations with, this removes the chances of emotion affecting the outcome of an operation.

    Bombing teams, are seperate from bomb making teams, who work in bomb making houses, and are not supposed to know the bombing teams directly. A middle man, "a fence" will interact between the bomb making house and the bomb running teams.

    My point is, the men which were caught with their pants down, hanging from the trees, were not a bomb running team. This was a bomb factory, something went wrong. The bomb running team(s), are still active. The actions committed by the attackers were desperate actions to justify their failures, either in this life to their superiors, or to allah in the next life.

    You may find, both persons from the south, as well as more western looking Iranians, Lebonese, or Syrian, could be used to "blend in" more with their respective targets, as it would be more difficult for a Thai with a backpack to get into Khao San at night with a backpack, but easier for a westerner. Conversely, harder for a westerner to get into a Thai Police station and sit with a Police captain, or take their food stall filled with bombs and sit it outside the Israeli Embassy, than it would be for a Thai.

  10. Thailand is both the place where dreams come true, and also where dreams are made (by the Tourism department).

    The recent calls for prostitution to be wiped out, or at least controlled, will affect tourism numbers. I am sorry to shock some of you, but a very large percentage of tourists visit places like Pattaya, Phuket, and other places, specifically for sex. These types of people, who are often at least middle class, if not very wealthy people at home, are not in the least interested in "running the gauntlet" and putting themselves at risk of being prosecuted when places like Cambodia are still inviting of this type of tourism (yes, it is not nice, but sex tourism is real). Take a good look at how the Philippines recent crackdown on prostitution in Angeles City changed profits from tourism. Pattaya, will not always be Pattaya.. it is Pattaya, because it is allowed to grow freely, without restriction or control from the Thai Government.

    The Baht will weaken as exports in rice and other products fall as a direct result of government intervention and cheaper alternatives provided by nearby countries at a cheaper price. This will have a positive affect on tourism. Though, with the greed of the market, prices skyrocketing in tourist areas every year, it is now nearly as expensive for me to eat in central Bangkok as it is to eat in Central Auckland, without the security, the clean streets, the unbroken pavements, and the endless rows of beggars crowding the footpaths.

    If you want to charge developed world prices, provide a developed world experience.

    Other places, which were once beautiful for their "thainess" (e.g. Isaan) are becoming more touristy, as girls come back from Pattaya with their terrible habits of cheating foreigners, and spoiling something which was very beautiful to me, the innocence and open kindness of many rural Thai communities.

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  11. As someone who was almost murdered 5 or so years ago by my then HK Chinese girlfriend of 3 years, it is not only Men that commit domestic violence. As a Man, I really do feel there is prejudice that ONLY men commit domestic violence, that only men are violent and women are passive, tolerant and peace-makers. I realise that statistics show mostly dosmestic violence is comitted by Males, but perhaps because Men are afraid of the repercussions of reporting such violence, most domestic violence commited by jelous, temperamental and controlling Females goes unreported.. The perception that women are the only victims of domestic violence is absolute rubbish to the extreme IMO.

    In my country, Women are often (luckily not always!) over-agressive, masculine and often difficult to deal with. It is a pleasure to find a lovely, good natured lady that is willing to share (50/50) the good with the bad, but most women here are not interested in this anymore. I often find myself treated as a tool to get a woman what she wants in life, and then disposed of when I can no longer offer her betterment in life, or she finds someone who she can get her where she wants faster.

    There is a fine line between equality, and giving advantage to Females by discriminating against Men (the discrimination of women through "sexy" tv ads in Thailand are commonly paralelled here by ads which portray men as unintelegent servants and inferior to women). Yet, if such ads are portrayed against women, the feminazis are up in arms. One extreme to another, I guess.

    One way around things would be that when applying for jobs etc, unless the role specifically requires it, the sex, age, religion, race should not be disclosed. There would be cases for example that a particular attribute may be important (for example a doctor in a womens sexual health clinic). It is an extreme, but would remove the extremes of feminism and maleist attitudes in both extremes of western female-bias countries, and eastern male-dominated societies.

    Perhaps I am seeing things with one eye through my own experiences?

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  12. Top Mansion is clean, quiet and has good security. Charoen hotel in my opinion is ovepriced for what it is, and bearing in ming it is not Bangkok, or even Korat.

    You can contact Top Mansion (say hello to Eve for me!) via [email protected]. They will reserve a room for you without payment ifmyou can provide dates of arrival etc. It is 10 minutes walk from the night markets, and there are places to drink beer nearby too. The bus station is about 5-7 minutes walk, or a 30-50 baht tuk tuk ride away.

    The security guard at Top Mansion has a son named Thep, who drives a tuk tuk and is 100% trustworthy and reliable, even if you are not in a state to take care of yourself. Some other tuk tuk drivers may try to convince you to go to seedy places if you are out at night, so be careful about that. If you want his number let me know and ill pm it to you... Ive known him for nearly 5 years now.

    If you want to meet local people, most are friendly. Try to stay away from the mainstream farang oriented bars and go with thai people to where they eat and drink, ahd you will fall in love with Udon, its slow pace of life and reoaxed atmosphere.

    Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

  13. Let me throw an interesting side question onto the table...

    When this thing first erupted yesterday, before the Israel target angle was known, a lot of folks were speculating that tourist places like Nana, Cowboy and/or Patpong might be potential targets... And that set me to thinking...

    While I'm no bar scene expert, I always read about a large group of Soi Cowboy bars being owned/run by the "Arab Group." And when I did a bit of Googling last night, I saw one reference to some Iranian individual being behind that whole thing, whatever it is....

    So I was just wondering, does anyone know what exactly the "Arab Group" behind Soi Cowboy is.... And if there's an Iranian connection there (unless I suppose it happened to be an Iranian Jew), then one might assume that Cowboy would be off-limits as targets to any clued-in Iran-Lebanon-Hezbollah types.

    Thoughts? Facts? Opinions?

    The Arab, as he is called owns SOME of the bars, but not all. I cannot recall the exact number of bars. I don't know much else, as I stopped going to these places many moons ago, it was more a passing curiousity on my first few trips into the Kingdom. But surely a place for colaborators to clean money and further finance operations against "kaffir" one would imagine.

    If I recall Arabs bars are mostly centered around the upper part of Cowboy, towards the end with the very nice looking restaurant that I never went into because it was too expensive for what it was.

  14. Well whatever is written on the letter seems to be benefiting the foreigners in Thailand. But is it fine to ask for a government to change its laws so suit someone who is a "Foreigner"? Its like going to someone's house and then asking them to serve the breakfast at 5 am because its better for you? I believe that, if we are choosing to live in Thailand we should accept its rules and not ask a change in its laws. Ever imagined what would happen if all these "requests" are granted ? I mean from a Thai's point of view.

    I agree, we should respect that this is not our country. however, if as foreigners we are to invest, the playing field should be fair and as much as possible, equal. The Asian financial crisis has long passed, with westen countries now facing their own financial crisis. Are such measures being placed in England? It is the Chinese buying up real estate left right and center in New York and London...

  15. Thai army should consult IDF if they want progress in this matter! Guess Thailand´s to proud to get help from abroad

    As demonstrated by the administrations recent rejection of the ofer of US naval assistance during the floods. Losing face is something the administration has deminstrated is worth suffering to avoid taking place.

    The problems in the south are complex. Obvious or not, the locals are very much malay. they speak pasa yawi, which is as much malay as american neglish is to british english, they are muslim and believe in a muslim state. They resent and reject the administration and all control functions, which includes the police, the army and the private security gaurds who roam around on motobikes with their body armour and guns on their backs.

  16. A Thai's view of living in NZ ... http://www.stickmanb...reader1065.html

    Thanks Nisa, very good reading.

    I can say it is true, very few Farang do get outside of the night spots. But as someone that has Thai friends, and enjoys standing beside them in all situations Thai, I can say that not all think this way. Most of my friends since high school have been Asian (I live in Auckland City, where the population is probably >50% Non-Kiwi).

    Personally, I read about Buddhism, about the Royal Family and other things because it helps me to understand a cultural identity. You cannot know someone unless you understand where they have come from - not always the bars of Nana Plaza.

  17. If they are only targeting people who are breaking the law then they are discriminating against law breakers so what?. Perhaps you are one of the people who bought houses/land using the bogus company trick hence are feeling a bit nervous when they see a post like thisgiggle.gif


    I can confirm with certainty, that I own no land, housing and certainly have no business interests in Thailand. I keep all my funds in New Zealand, which is where it will remain until (if ever) laws become fairer in Thailand (where someday I would like to retire, beside a beach with a BBQ and fishing rod) for foreigners to do business on a level playing field, and live on a level playing field. The system as it lies, is open discrimination to the point of disadvantaging anyone non-Thai to do business. It is protectionist and a backward old fashioned way of running a country.

    Condos and land in some areas is now as expensive as it is here in New Zealand, so there really is no excuse for it.

  18. Well there are many factors involved that come into play some back your position and some don't.

    Normally I would ignore your rant but when you claimed they are trying to improve the country I had to say some thing.

    In my opinion they are trying to make it the same for them as they had at home only here they can enjoy a life style that home did and does not offer them. Kinda self serving catch 22. How many of these generous types are paying enough money for their employes to live with the same here as employe's in the same jobs back in New Zealand live. And that dosen't even take retirement and medical benefits into account. The ones who are really trying to help are the NGOs and yes they face some pretty stiff regulations. I see where doctors with out borders had to leave the country because they could not operate under those conditions.

    Does New Zealand welcome Thai visitors with open arms such as Thailand welcomes them or is it like North America make it as tough as they can for a Thai to come visit for ten days.

    As for opening a bank account all they asked was the same information as in America and Canada plus a passport. Interest makes no difference if you have enough money to put in the bank and get a significant amount of money from it in New Zealand or any place in the world you have a awful lot of it and it should not matter to you here in Thailand.

    Consider this in your country the government has welfare to take care of your family here in Thailand they don't but they do have a strong family bond. Sad to say it is getting less and less as you improve there country.

    Thanks for your response HelloDolly,

    In my country, you do not need to be a resident, or even be in New Zealand to open a bank account - this can be done online. There is no discrimination for account opening, anyone can open any account, no matter where you are from or what your residential status is.

    Unfortunately, as many foreigners come to New Zealand with False documentation (degrees etc, I have personally met some of these people with "doctors degrees" from China at the age of 21). It takes time to process people, but eventually they can get into the same roles as they perform in their home countries (assuming they are career professionals) - the salaries vary, though typically salaries would put them on a similar lifestyle to Thailand. One can never compare I guess, because there are things in Thailand you just can't get anywhere else (yes, that 30b plate of som tum really is the best thing on earth).

    Depending on the family, one can play the role of the supplier or the reciever in the family welfare tree, which can be good or bad. Anyone with permanent residence or citizenship is guaranteed to be taken care of financially here if they are not working, or even working but paid on a lower bracket. This is a guarantee.

    Visitors visas can be obtained under reasonably light regulations - having a certain amount of money sufficient to pay for your stay here, as well as a return ticket. Much the same as when I go to Thailand. Admittedly extensions are harder to arrange. I have just obtained a 12 month working holiday visa for my partner. She was required to have a clean criminal history, 225,000 baht in her bank, a return ticket (about 25,000 baht) and medical insurance (about 2,700 baht for the whole stay). I did not need to sponsor her, it was on her own two feet she obtained the visa. So, the system is similar to in Thailand.

    In New Zealand, it is illegal to discriminate based on age, race, gender, religion or sex. If I were to double price in my store based on any of these factors, it would be illegal. My point is, why do we uphold these standards, if these same people are not willing to give us the same gratitude.

  19. I think, that in our home countries Thais should be given the same treatment as we receive in their country.

    That means, for example, here in New Zealand, Thais cannot own land, only the house that it is built upon. You cannot own, operate or take part in farming or agricultural activities whatsoever.

    Nor can it own more than 49% of a business, or work in non-skills shortage work classes, no matter what visa they have unless employed as a foreign specialist. When employed, they should be given salary which in many cases is enough for only self-sustenance.

    It must be made more difficult for Thai nationals to open bank accounts, and when they do given non-interest bearing accounts so that maximum profit is made from them.

    Most of all, our governments should be openly skeptical about Thai people, discriminating between themselves and "foreign criminals".

    I really hate to rant like this, but openly discriminating against people trying to improve the country and gain a bit of a profit for a nice lifestyle in Thailand is not the answer. We don't send our money home to our countries in most cases, but Thais working in our countries do, 80% guaranteed! Consider this..

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