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Everything posted by Yumthai

  1. Who's gonna check how Thailand, within its borders, complies and the data accuracy/exhaustivity they'll provide?
  2. Inheritances and gifts are tax exempted and not to be filed if under threshold.
  3. One reason why the unemployment rate in Thailand is impressively low.
  4. In order to keep pretending public servants being busy and continue milking increasing tax money, bureaucracy can be quite creative.
  5. You're addressing to a ghost.
  6. TRD auditors can ask for information going back 10 years, past this period everything becomes savings.
  7. Because, unlike some people may think, history keeps repeating itself in Thailand.
  8. Green Card holders are required to obey all U.S. laws and file taxes annually, just like citizens. However, they face limitations, such as not being allowed to vote in federal elections or hold certain government jobs. Extended absences from the U.S. may also jeopardize their LPR status. I will not argue further over few limitations for some few countries, that's pointless. My question, which is more important, remains: "But what's your point? Because some countries discriminate its residents then it's OK?"
  9. I'm just replying to your broad comment: "That certificate is something that we are going to need going forward." Why are you so self-centered? In case you didn't get it, paying an agent to obtain a certificate is obviously to bypass requirements, as per Immigration stamps.
  10. OK, how much do you think will an agent charge to get one? 1K THB?
  11. I'm very fine with VAT/Sales taxes as it goes with my spending.
  12. Claiming anything to your nanny state is useless, Thailand is a sovereign country. As I said, I don't mind discrimination just don't ask me to pay the same fair share of tax.
  13. Most of civilized countries (the West mainly) give equally the same rights to its permanent residents regardless of citizenship. But what's your point? Because some countries discriminate its residents then it's OK?
  14. As a taxpayer one expects to be treated equally. Not the case in Thailand where foreigners (except to some degree permanent residents) do not have the same rights/benefits as citizens. Differences are not an issue should they also be fairly reflected over the tax rules.
  15. So basically just tell TRD your remittances are exempted and bingo no tax to pay. No supporting docs asked, no further question. I wonder why people worry.
  16. Indeed, I don't think the people in charge in Thailand are that dumb unlike some posters imply. Au contraire, they are smart enough to milk with no effort the small worried crowd who obediently run to the tax office, with the help of few activist collaborators.
  17. You're underestimating the repercussions of such drastic tax move. The main reason Thailand won't strictly enforce tax on foreigners' foreign sourced income is not because it's too difficult to collect but rather because of the consequences, economically and politically.
  18. Getting anything in writing today won't protect you from a simple "Rules have changed" later reply, as at each yearly extension of stay renewal where requirements are inconsistent.
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