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Posts posted by doggie888888

  1. news.xinhuanet.com/english/2009-07/07/content_11666584.htm

    Malaysian police deny presence of Thaksin in Malaysia

    www.chinaview.cn 2009-07-07 11:19:00

    KUALA LUMPUR, July 7 (Xinhua) -- Malaysian police have denied that former Thai prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra had appeared in Malaysia and then left, according to a local newspaper on Tuesday.

    Malaysian Police Inspector-General Musa Hassan denied that the Thai authorities had informed Malaysian police about the presence of Thaksin in the country, according to the New Straits Times.

    Thai Deputy Interior Minister Thaworn Sennian reportedly claimed on Monday that Thaksin was spotted in Malaysia, but escaped before the Malaysian authorities could arrest him.

    Thaworn also claimed that Thai embassy officials had informed the Malaysian authorities about Thaksin's presence but Thaksin had managed to escape.

    Thaksin was ousted in a Thai military coup in September 2006.

    Editor: Fang Yang

    While we are all speculating, here's my theory. Malaysian Police is as corrupt as the ones here in Thailand. If I were the police and was told that there is this multibilionaire fugitive in a local hotel, I'd be going there myself to "negotiate" an escape for a fee. Fugitive escapes, nobody knows any better, I'd be richer and best of all, it can all be denied later. If the police were really above board in Malaysia, then why do they have an alleged murderer, who is also massively corrupt, as PM?

  2. The heading on this thread is "Are Thai Women This Corrupt Or Just The Bg?, How about the other Asian Women? "

    Are there any Asian/Thai women on this thread? Do they find this offensive that there is stereotypical generalisation of apparently ALL Asian Women based on very limited experience. The OP may say it was merely a question but the way it is worded smacks of ignorance and racism.

    Let me ask a question in a grossly insensitive and ignorant way, by replacing a few words: Are all farang men who use BGs plain stupid and ugly OR just those who fall for Thai girl scams? How about other fat old farang men?

    Oh, by the way "no offense meant, just a plain conceptual discussion, nothing else".

  3. May I point out that we retirees are paying for those infrastructure(BTW most of this infrastructures are private capital).Because when we go to a doctor, hospital and eventually an retirement home later we are paying all of that with hard cash. There is no 30 baht scheme for foreigners, just look to hospitals like Bangkok hospital their main source of income are treatments for foreigners, their website even have Dutch language and a Dutch translator service, they even have an office in Amsterdam.

    BTW why should a retiree pay income tax, our income is not earned in Thailand, we only spend that money here, and we pay already VAT on everything we buy.

    Tax on our cars, benzine,diesel,clothes,insurance name it and we pay VAT. And what we ask in return? NOTHING, we only like to live a quiet anonymous life disturbing nobody. Also for all our immigration documents we pay. So please tell me what is free for an retiree in Thailand, or what benefits the Thai government give us?

    And of course the figures we give are debatable, but I presume they have some value because they are based on personal spending. And if like somebody wrote that there are 10 000 retirees in Thailand that means 10 Billion Baht injected in the economy. And also I like to see some real figures from the NIS, but till then I think that the given figures are not so far from the reality.

    But OK lets get a little bit scientific. Thai visa have about 80 000 members by their own survey about 25% of them are retirees living in Thailand so 20 000 X 1 000 000= 20 Billion baht.

    I would not call this peanuts. 20 Billion Baht injected in the economy where the Thai government not even have to lift one finger to get it.

    You are of course free to contradict me.

    I agree!

    I am no economist but anecdotally I suspect retirees, who do not vote and are entirely self funded, are an attractive lot to governments. Anecdotally, the Malaysian and Phillipines governments seem to be courting this group. Thailand is not going to admit farangs are valuable to the economy probably due to domestic politics but the mere tolerance of us and the granting of retirement visas with relative ease is quite telling. Despite all its shortcomings, the Thailand Elite visa is also quite telling about what the Thai government knows about our collective impact on the economy and tried (in vain) to attract high net worth foreigners.

    Forgive me if it sounds arrogant because that is not the intention, but I think for many retirees here, our net worth to the economy is a lot more than Thailand is wiling to admit or to publicise...because an admission is akin to acknowledging our collective impact and with that, we might organise ourselves into a lobby group with real clout. And the Thai establishment does not need to share its power with foreigners, does it? Malaysia is more willing to openly court self funded retirees because they are better at setting (and sticking to) the ground rules and are smart enough to know how to manage "foreigners".

    Not that any of it matters; even if we foreigners knew trhe quantum of our collective impact, can we be bothered to do anything with this information?

    That's all folks, thanks for reading; I am off to the beach. :)

  4. I posted this topic on another board. Hope the mods don't mind. Just love reading peoples experiences when encountering strange/scary farangs. ........ for maker" I do a quick "thanks for the offer" and make my exit!!!

    Look at this way "everyone thinks they are normal"

    Nope! Hehe, I KNOW I'm not, thank the good heavens! :)

    What's the word that is the opposite of "subnormal"?


  5. The only bad thing about Pattaya is the time it takes to post on Thai Visa. With ONLY 2 users on line, the "Add Reply" service hung for 5 mins until I logged off and tried again. And having to write posts off-line in case the screen goes blank when you try and upload :):D:D

    Apart from that, the place is great. I have been here 12+ years and I feel safer out at night than I do in my home town in England.

    OK, every town has its problems, but Pattaya has no more than many other (civilised) places in the world. Yes, we hear the BG scams, but they are mainy from Newbies, who would get scammed in other countries as well. But if think with your real head, and use ONLY your brian for decision making, things can go smoothly.

    OK, my gripe is I would like to BUY ONE house in my name (link it to my passport if they want). I RENT a house similar to the one I would buy, so I would not be not deleting the housing stock, as I already occupy it or similar.

    I like the "Vibrant Nightlife" that Pattaya has to offer, but a few Km out, you also have the tanquility of a county life. We have the best of both words.

    The only downside is the Tourists, or maybe some residents, who thinks that "F"ing and "Blind"ing is part of the Queens English, as was pointed out by a Thai Girl to me, who said Farangs were not as polite as her Mother told her they were in her day. Such is the change in OUR Society and their values. :D


    That is the new breed of tourist who will soon make up the majority of visitors to Pattaya now. They're easily recognisable, shaven heads, football shirts, tattoos, foul language, aggressive natures and bad manners. These people are not going to endear the Thai people to falangs. The Benidorm Fusiliers have discovered Pattaya and it will change forever. Don't buy a house, rent one because you will not be able to sell it. Look at what's happened to the property market in Spain.

    Guys, if these are the type of tourists that are going to arrive by the bus loads, then I for one am glad that "Pattaya is finished" insofar as tourist numbers are concerned.

  6. I have experienced jealousy from farangs more so than Thais. A lot of times, I think the Thais are a remarkably "un-jealous" people...I don't know how to express it clearly in words but if they do do something "bad" to you, it maybe driven by greed or anger or maybe even sheer ignorance but seldom have I encountered one who is jealous simply because I have more material things. Not talking abt affairs of the heart though, cos that's a different story :)

    On the other hand, judging from the sniping that occurs on this forum, which also happens outside in real life, directed at other farangs and the often snide remarks towards people (thais or other farangs) who have something, it is pretty clear a lot of it is driven by sheer jealousy. There are many posts that say "you got more money than brains" or words to that effect directed towards other farangs who have something that the attackers don't.

  7. apologies if someone posted a similar solution.

    1) if you still have bank accounts back in the home country, they may allow an emergency overdraft (may even be faster if you can offer some security like shares or other assets?), no questions asked if you have a good credit history. Not sure what interest rates are in your home country. Some bank accounts come with an pre approved overdraft limit, so u need to sheck.

    2) cash advance on your credit card? try to arrange an increase in credit limit first then you can max it out. Beware interest rates though.

    hope this helps, i do hope your headaches end soon!

  8. In the states people at cattle auctions use an electric (4000 volt), fiberglass prod to move some of the animals. A 1 meter cattle prod would also be good walking stick. It would also work equally well on a drunk and unruley Somchai. :)

    I don't know about Somchai, but I certainly would apply the cattle prod on drunk and unruly farangs.

  9. why is it so dirty everywhere in Thailand? Some places they dont seem to clean ever, like many bathrooms. Whats up with this? Is the reason anything more than lack of knowledge about bacteria etc?

    Perhaps it's something to do with poverty? Poor areas in most places in the world tend to be "dirty". Singapore was dirty in the old days until they became more affluent. Come to think of it, in pre-industrial Europe and the USA, when poverty was widespread, hygiene and cleanliness was not exactly top priority.

  10. I think City Hall overlooks the importance of the beach as part of Pattaya's overall attraction. As other posters mention, politics will settle down, airport closures will be forgotten and economic downturns will end...but memories of dirty/eroded/degraded beaches, litter strewn shorelines, murky waters combined with foul stench at certain times of the day will linger in people's minds so that they will think phuket, samed or samui for next tropical holiday. Just see the large number of people on Pattaya, Jomtien, Wongamat beaches and it becomes undeniable how important the beach is to Pattaya's overall attractiveness.

    If someone's primary criteria is the bars (not beach), then many of them would opt for BKK with more options there. THere are also better malls, better hotels, better everything really for the tourist.

    But if you wanted to combine bars and beach, Pattaya is ideal..so break the link and let the beach degrade further, then Pattaya will lose its unique combination of beach, booze, sex and sun :)

  11. Criticism is not always "negative." It is interesting that so many people assume this from the start. Criticism is often "positive criticism."

    I wish more posters would take the time to grasp this concept as I think it might diminish the "Love Thailand or Leave it Responses" that are frequent here.......it gets to be like a mud slinging match.

    If you say anything "negative" about Thailand you are tagged as "poor" or "depressed" or "angry" or "crazy," or "Thailand hater," etc., etc. Nobody tags you as "genuinely concerned about the state of affairs."

    Positive criticism is meant to generate something positive, not something negative.


    I think that some foreign posters here a adopt a defensiveness about Thais and Thailand for one or both of two main reasons.

    These are:

    a. psychological (formed roots in/connections with Thailand for a variety of reasons & see a need to make this "acceptable" to themselves and/or others; a number of varieties and combinations thereof)

    b. financial (involved in businesses which they fear will suffer from frank discussion of the shortcomings of Thais and Thailand

    let me add:

    c. people who simply accept that they are living as guests in a foreign country and accept (tolerate) the cultural differences as one would as polite guests towards their hosts

    d. people who simply have not experienced the level of negativity of living here as seem to be experienced by some posters apparently on a daily basis.

    e. people who keep a sense of perspective about the "negatives" and understanding many of these are part and parcel of living in a foreign culture with language/cultural barriers.

    by the way I am not looking at Thailand through rose tinted glasses, as I acknowledge there are difficulties/problems/issues...but hey, when and if these difficulties affect my enjoyment of life here, I know where the airport is. For me, the positives still outweigh the negatives and I am happy to be here, albeit a few minor complains here and there. My enjoyment has increased since I stopped mixing with NEGATIVE farangs and try to meet more Thais and other open and positive-minded farangs.

  12. Anti-foreigner sentiment in Thailand? I have not experienced any worsening nor felt it to impede on my enjoynment of life here. And even if I did, I wonder if it is any different to the anti-Asian sentiment in Australia or the anti-Pakistani/Indian sentiment in England or indeed the anti-Muslim sentiment in continental Europe?

    As for getting what they deserve, some might say the same about 9-11.

    So to the OP, anti-whatever is everywhere...no less or worse in Thailand. It certainly isn't right, but let's keep it in perspective.

  13. In my humble opinion, that piece was way too well written to come from a thai national, even a thai born in a first world country with the benefits of a first world education.

    And in my "humble" opinion, your statement is condescending and a reflection of your own ignorance. FYI, l I have met Thais who can read, write and speak better than some British people and the many TV posters who claim English to be their native language. Just because Thais are less likely to put forward any opinions compared to the many empty vessels who shout nonsense and offer unsolicited criticisms (particularly on ThaiVisa) does not make them any less likely to master another language be it English, French or Chinese. Sure many Thais lack the opportunity and means to master a foreign language, but do not generalise and say any well written article is "too well written to come from a thai".

    When you make generalisations like that, then don't complain when others do the same to you...for example Shangrila's discrimination against British nationals (see separate thread) based on some generalised perception that they are mainly lager louts who are likely to thrash the room.

    And for the record, I agree with the article in the OP ad I hope more Thais like him/her come forward with their opinions.

  14. Is he not entitled to a presumption of innocence too, or perhaps dark skinned people from third world countries are not yet human enough for this right? His misfortune seems to be the source of a few jokes too eventhough he faces a death sentence.

    And for the many many many posters who are convinced of some large scale scam at the airport, how do they know that this is not also one of those scams and this poor innocent man is an unwitting scapegoat? Oh I forgot, this man is guilty already in most posters' views.

    I am neither defending nor attacking this man; simply he is entitled to the same presumption of innocence as everyone else...but apparently many posters here can arbitrarily judge who is innocent and who is to be hung solely on the basis of a newspaper report and/or uncorroborated hearsay.

  15. Shocking how the British Embassy offered them jack sh*t in the way of help ?????

    From the article:

    "The Foreign Office said consular officials had offered to raise the case with the Thai authorities at the time but had been asked by the couple not to intervene."

    That's plausible.

    Sneak out of the hotel and travel to the British Embassy to ask to see someone in order to ask them not to do anything

    Another thing which is implausible, at the police station they posted bail and after posting bail they had to "sneak out" of the Motel. Once you have posted bail you are free to go anywhere you like, only you cannot leave the country because your passport has been impounded.

    Also, everybody is talking that the article was put into their shopping bag as a free gift. Is this a fact? Nowhere in the newspaper reports was this mentioned. For those, who talk about a "kidnapping", they were taken to the police station first, posted bail and then were taken to the Motel, so it was not really a kidnapping.

    It would help a lot if the newspapers came forth with a lot more factual details about the case.

    Bellachg, I agree with you. The couple are presumed innocent, as the authorities have said there is a lack of evidence. Everything else is really speculation unless the newspaper provided more details like how did the couple come to be in possession of alleged stolen articles?

    I am also not convinced there is indeed a scam going on at the airport (this does not mean that it does not exist nor am I saying there is no corruption in Thailand). I have shopped there many times and I know of many others who have also done so...I have never experienced nor heard first hand (not hearsay like somebody knew somebody who knew somebody who got scammed) of anyone who has been scammed as many posters here seem to believe. Surely as a matter of good practice, everyone keepstheir receipts nowadays and where samples are given, one makes sure they are put into the bag by the staff at the counter, and most cashiers counters have cameras zoomed in on them nowadays.

    Surely more info or facts need to be gleaned (hopefully the couple's legal action will shed more light) before we all assume that there is indeed such a scam that involves airport, major retailer, police, etc etc etc. I believe some British newspapers have been known to sensationalise some issue and then conveniently drop it quietly after more info comes to light that casts doubts on the original story in the first place; so believe what you read in the papers if you must but with a pinch of salt perhaps?

  16. Doggie....

    in that ag article, there were fotos of his beautiful fully fruited papaya trees with a large plastic bag covering all fruit.....I was thinking of having some screen bags sown to cover my fruit when it fruits.

    Jaidee thanks, yes I will try that...I'll just look away from the plastic bags fluttering in the breeze and meanwhile, hope for better paw paws :)

  17. :D The reason the Thai's think like that is because 3/4 of this country are uneducated !!!

    Educate the people and they wouldn't think like THAT !!!!!! Good luck

    The government wants to keep the people stupid it's a lot easier to lie and cheat them !!! :)

    Exactly! Education and education and education. Ask a Thai, how much for a uni education, how accessible are scholarships, how transparent are all those "free books, uniform etc etc" programs? And after all of that, what is the quality of the education? Is it any surprise that what comes out the other end is someone who actually thinks they can tolerate the corruption on the massive scale that exists here, LIKE THERE IS NO CHOICE?

  18. I had about 15 beautiful papaya plants that were about 2 mtrs high and just setting flowers and just after the rains started they started yellowing and dropping leaves. I pulled the smallest [and sickest] and found what i would commonly call root rot. I then took it into our local farm supply shop and they diagnosed it as having fungal and/or bacterial [because of the odor] rot and Rxed a systemic antibiotic that was quite expensive and I passed, as I think the plants are too far gone by now to be helped.

    My theory is that I simply planted the trees too level to the ground and with our bad draining clay soil, they simply drowned.

    But to prevent this in the future, as I have some true 'holland' type seeds comming up and I don't want to waste them, I will make a small hill or mound so that the water drains away and doesn't sit. maybe adding some sand, cocopeat and klab to help with drainage.

    how does that sound????

    how do the pros do it in a wet, poor drainage area??

    Had similar symptoms with some fungal thing. I was told to pull them out and burn, if it is beyond saving. Otherwise spray with some fungicide (local and not expensive), which I did to see if any response. After that, all was well and new growth were fine...I have not noticed any recurrence.

    Many months later, I now have a problem with the fruit instead. I prefer my papaya ripe and sweet. It is almost impossible for the fruit to ripen on the tree due to fruit flies, fungal spots (maybe there is still fungus in the plant from before, I dont know), birds and other pests that attack the ripening fruit. I was told to pluck them out early, but somehow they do not taste as good this way :)

  19. Of course global warming doesn't exist. So let's continue to make more cars, use more fossil fuels, emit more chemicals/pollutants into the air, clear more forests, waste more electricity/water/gas...in fact, let's see how far this planet can bear before it is completely exhausted, polluted and destroyed. Who cares about what sort of planet our children will inherit? Who cares if the very food we eat is contaminated or cannot be sustained on a longer term due to climate-change-related mass extinctions in the food chain? Who cares what Al Gore and his supporters say?

    The sad thing for me is I am sharing this planet with IDIOTS who think like the above. Unfortunately their selfishness and greed has dire consequences for the rest of us :)

  20. Good idea! :)

    If the "Sale Of Goods Act" (UK) was introduced here, 95% of Thai businesses would go to the wall in 3 months.

    Now, I only buy goods from the chains who have a returns policy. Tesco, Car4, HomePro et al.

    Mom & Pop shops, can go to the dunny. :D

    Including farang owned and operated businesses and other foreign rip off merchants, who should know better, but deliver the lower standards whilst hiding behind their "white face" and pretending to promise "European Standards".

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