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  1. Well He's ALMOST Famous Now Ain't he ??
  2. Please either take your intolerance and hate back to your home countries or refrain from making vile and unhelpful comments. Thailand is my chosen home and when you insult the country and its people you are insulting my family and friends. Go away or shut up!.................Agreed.....
  3. yes indeed but what sort of insurance did the Russian have ?...Probably NONE !!
  4. Amongst the winners, Mr. Khun Ti......He Might be Now !!
  5. I'll be Neither " Happy " or " Sad " Simply because I Won't KNOW When I've Gone......
  6. So NOT Anywhere near Yer Crown Jewels !!
  7. Its the same in the UK (has been for years) no exit stamp.......NO Entry Stamp on a U.K. Passport either,When Entering The UK....
  8. Its the same in the UK (has been for years) no exit stamp.......NO Entry Stamp on a U.K. Passport either,When Entering The UK....
  9. That's The OLD Joke about Widnes in Cheshire M8.....
  10. Some UK benefite are paid, irrespective where someone wants to live.& So They SHOULD Be & Also they SHOULD Be Uprated too !!
  11. Now of course the UK will hope fully go over here 'benefits' with a microscope!.....I WISH They Would do that with Mine !! They have been only paying me a Reduced SINGLE Mans State Pension ( Frozen Since 2014 ) Never even got the Small Inflation Rises for 2014 / 2015 /& 2016..They have sent me a Print Out for the last 11 Years which states that they have paid me EXACTLY the SAME Amount from 2014 Until the Present Time 2025, So How can they expect anyone to " LIVE " These days on the SAME Money as they paid in 2014 ( That IS 11 Years Ago ) As They've Told me I / We Weren't Married when I Have sent them Proof ( Legal Marriage Certificate February 1993 ) & When They said I " Lived Abroad " That's News to Me I Didn't Come here until June 2016 So WHERE Do they get their Information from ?? I Have now Appealed on BOTH Issues which is now " Under Review " I Await the outcome of that APPEAL "
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