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Posts posted by Enoon

  1. 6 hours ago, Callmeishmael said:

    They didn't swallow the bags of cocaine, I'm pretty sure that they were put in from the other direction!  The only question I have is how did that big one get in??!!



    You seriously don't know where the big one was?


    PS Some of the small ones may have been inserted though the rectum (only up as far as the last sharp turn in the colon) but the vast majority will have gone down through the stomach.





  2. 6 hours ago, Callmeishmael said:

    They didn't swallow the bags of cocaine, I'm pretty sure that they were put in from the other direction!  The only question I have is how did that big one get in??!!



    You seriously don't know where the big one was?


    PS Some of the small ones may have been inserted though the rectum (only up as far as the last sharp turn in the colon) but the vast majority will have gone through the stomach.





  3. 2 hours ago, retarius said:

    There is a disconnect here. How is buying weapons from abroad going to help GDP growth. I'm not aware of any major weapons manufacturers here in Thailand (please correct me if I'm wrong on this). GET rid of conscription first. Ruining young men's lives and using them as slaves for generals is bad news.

    These will give you an idea of what is made in Thailand:











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  4. 11 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    This may be a bigger concern to worry about regarding a different and highly mutated COVID variant beginning to spread around the globe, including to Thailand:


    It's mentioned in the very final paragraph of the OP news report here:


    "As for the BA.2.86 sub-variant, he said that it was detected in waste water in Bangkok in July, but it has not been found in humans yet, although the sub-variant is being kept under watch."


    From other reports on the same topic:


    "Regarding the highly mutated BA.2.86 virus, which it recently deemed a variant of interest, the WHO said as of August 23, nine sequences have been reported from five countries. No epidemiological sequences were reported among the patients, and no deaths were reported. Also, two countries—Switzerland and Thailand—have reported the virus in wastewater."






    Covid Variant BA.2.86 Detected In Thailand Wastewater: Scientist

    By CodeBlue | 25 August 2023


    KUALA LUMPUR, August 25 – The BA.2.86 variant has been detected in Thailand through wastewater sample analysis, adding to the list of countries that have reported the presence of the highly mutated Covid-19 strain.


    Dr Leshan Wannigama, a physician scientist at the Department of Infectious Diseases and Infection Control at Yamagata Prefectural Hospital in Japan, posted on X last Wednesday about his findings.


    “After sequencing the SARS-CoV-2 S gene and carefully analysing the data with existing BA.2.86 data I can confirm that our Thailand wastewater samples [are] positive for BA.2.86.”








    What you need to know about BA.2.86, the new ‘highly mutated’ COVID variant

    What is BA.2.86? The new, highly mutated "Pirola" variant may be more capable of causing infection in people who are vaccinated or previously had COVID-19, the CDC says.

    “The critical thing about this variant (BA.2.86) is that it has a whole host of mutations compared to some of the omicron variants that emerged about two years ago,” says Pekosz.


    The mutations or changes in the virus sequence can affect how contagious a virus is, how well it responds to treatment and how severely it affects people, per the CDC.


    “It represents a highly mutated form of SARS-CoV-2,” says Pekosz — in other words, BA.2.86 looks very different from the prevailing omicron XBB subvariants circulating."







    Young bored man lying on sofa watching television changing the channel with  the remote control Stock Photo | Adobe Stock



  5. 8 hours ago, bbko said:

    I hope they at least washed out the glass vials, some of them contain anticoagulants to prevent the blood from clotting. 

    As far as marketing the sweets, I've seen worse as a kid, anyone here remember those candy cigarettes that blew "smoke" (powered sugar)?




    Yes, As a child I used to enjoy a couple of them while watching "The Black and White Minstrel Show".


    “The past is a foreign country: they do things differently there,”

                                  "The Go-Between",  E M Forster



  6. 7 hours ago, Scouse123 said:

    Perhaps Thailand needs to have a closer look at its own fisheries practices and safeguards instead of jumping on the Chinese bandwagon and singling out Japan for checks, a country which is highly regarded when it comes to safety and health of others.


    China and Thailand attempting to vilify Japan for releasing water now deemed safe into the Oceans.


    These are two countries that don't have an exemplary track record when it comes to the well being and safety of their own citizens at the best of times.

    Nothing to do with health concerns.


    Thailand is doing the minimum possible to show "solidarity" with China:






  7. 7 hours ago, Scouse123 said:

    Perhaps Thailand needs to have a closer look at its own fisheries practices and safeguards instead of jumping on the Chinese bandwagon and singling out Japan for checks, a country which is highly regarded when it comes to safety and health of others.


    China and Thailand attempting to vilify Japan for releasing water now deemed safe into the Oceans.


    These are two countries that don't have an exemplary track record when it comes to the well being and safety of their own citizens at the best of times.

    It has nothing to do with the health and well being of any Thai person.





  8. 10 hours ago, Emdog said:

    Jeez... does the author not know the word 'swastika'? Hitler symbol? could be stylized SS for all we know. "The argument began when Set playfully drew a 'Hitler' symbol on Saul's head,..." Would not have happened if youths were Thai and not Filipino American: Thais are stupendously ignorant regarding Hitler, WW2, etc. Remember when students included Hitler in super heroes mural? 10154223583413361.jpg.24f150a73358f7aff8db3f8855f4be5e.jpg

    "Thais are stupendously ignorant regarding Hitler, WW2, etc. Remember when students included Hitler in super heroes mural?"


    They  don't have a monopoly on ignorance, or is it ignorance?


    More from another very "nationlistically minded" Asian country:





    • Thanks 1
  9. 5 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

    Said this before - punishment for murder should be related to the age of the person you murder. You get a standard say 25 years sentence for the murder PLUS half the expected life expectancy left of the victim. Killing a pensioner would give you 25 years, but killing a teen would give you say 25 + an additional 30. The punishment should not just be about the death, but the the length of life lost.

    Not very well thought out.





  10. 3 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

    It's my belief that, with each successive generation, not only will accent differences be lost, but so will cultural differences between the smaller population groups that make life interesting. 


    And why travel from one place to the next if all places are the same? 


    Ironically, it is this very travel that is turning our world into one giant Glob of tasteless pablum. 



    My friend (from one of those places up North......erm......yeah, that's it.......Darlington!) met a Thai person who learned their English, informally, in Newcastle.......thus they speak it sounding very much the Tynesider.


    Would you presume that they speak Thai sounding like one?


    After all your years in the Orient do you speak English with an homogenised "Oriental" accent?


    People will speak their own language in their own accent, "regional" or not.


    There can only be a ubiquity of accent if there is ubiquity of language.


    Which one is it going to be?



  11. 6 hours ago, bamnutsak said:

    It was a significant PTP party platform measure.


    Economic stimulus/relief.


    Now we're going to shame a party for keeping a campaign promise?


    This is why Sretta is expected to also become Minister of Finance.


    The junta gave away Billions in subsidies, welfare during their ~ 8 year reign.








    It was/is just another cynical, short term "gift to the people" (populist bribe) with no enduring value or merit.........typical fare of the Patrician Old Order.


    And MF still beat them in the election.


    "Mr Thaksin has revealed that he is no friend of Thai Democracy but rather an instrument of the status quo".

                     The Economist, August 24th.



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  12. 1 hour ago, harleyclarkey said:

    Six mollusc brains found this distressing issue funny in the OP . 


    What is funny about criminal damage and theft? 

    What is funny is that it happened to the sort of "aspirational" ****** (Rhymes with tanker) who calls themselves Mercedes P. BenzZaa.


    When I saw that my sympathy vanished as quickly as Pheu Thai election promises/loyalty to their ally.



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