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Posts posted by F4UCorsair

  1. WinnietheKhwai, is 'rocket surgery' a hybrid version of 'rocket science' and 'brain surgery'???

    The image is quite interesting, a surgeon suited up, hanging off the scaffold that supports the rocket, and going to work with the scalpel.

  2. Good luck, but this doesn't sound good to me.

    I have some experience in Indonesia owning property with a local, watertight contracts, mortgages, and I was still taken to the cleaners.

    I know it isn't a local you're dealing with, but you are dealing with laws in a foreign country, and from my experience in Indonesia, their courts like nothing more than seeing a couple of foreigners thrashing it out.

    I guess there is a way out for you, but I don't know what it is right now. Once again, good luck.

    he already said it was a condo!!...As for the OP.....when it comes to business and money a written contract holds a lot more weight than a handshake.
  3. My view that taste is a very personal thing; I believe that Chang and Singha are amongst the best beers I've tasted, right up there with Japanese and Korean beers.

    As for Leo, Archa, and Cheers, they are amongst the worst. I see others who say very different, so it's obviously a personal taste issue as I contended above.

    I buy Singha and Chang in Australia in preference to ALL Australian beers. I also like Lao beer.

    A lot depends where you live. I live out in the boonies and our normal choice is Archa, Chang, Leo or Singha. I liked Chang the best but hangovers were severe. I changed to Archa but the next day I wasn't able to get very far from the toilet. I can't stand the taste of Singha so that left Leo. I have acquired a taste for it and as long as I don't over do it, things are pretty good the next morning.

    My wife made a day trip to Laos recently and brought back a six pack of Lao Beer for me. I don't know if it was because of the cans, too old, too warm or what but it was REALLY bad tasting. I can drink most beer brands but I gave the three cans I had left to a friend of mine. He wasn't impressed either.

    I drink San Mig Light when I'm in the farang ghetto. No hangovers and no toilet time so I guess it is pretty good beer. Heineken tastes too fruity for me and I seem to get quite a lot of skunky tasting bottles. I never really liked Heineken but drank it when out with the boys who are able to drink all day and night without falling down. I admit that I can't keep up with them. Heineken must have a low alcohol content.

  4. Conversation slang has become written slang it appears.

    I thought 'like' was used by pre pubescent schoolgirls because of immaturity, a lack of vocabulary or education, or perhaps all three.

    Sorry, my mistake. Perhaps it's just my intolerance of cliches, the use of which indicates a definite lack of some/all of the above three.

    Moderators, please delete all posts including such ridiculous use of the word 'like', e.g., I'm like wow, like five beers, omg like this is so cool, etc.

    "like five beers", is American conversation slang, if your American you would know this. Grammatically speaking "like" would'nt be there.

    examples of "like":

    like o my god!

    omg like this is so cool!

    like um

    like this , like that

    case update: Case dropped

    moderators please delete this Topic

    thank you.

  5. Peace Blondie, I understand your position, deleting posts crucifying someone for grammatcial errors, or perhaps I don't understand it, on an English Teaching forum.

    What I most definitely don't understand is the infantile use of 'like'!! Either he had five beers or another number he can't remember, but 'like five beers'?? What does that mean?

    ALWAYS...lookout for number 1. Don't trust others with your status or future. Others are not reliable and if you also are not reliable ....then you will have done it to yourself. Of course, many people WANT someone else to blame.

    Hope things turned out OK for the OP!


  6. Etihad have a lot of British and Australian pilots, and that can't be bad.

    Of the few times when I have a had a complaint, all very minor cry-baby things, it has been quickly rectified by either the ground staff or the cabin crew to the best of their limitations. I have only seen one worthless crew member, was a whiny Lebenese cabin manager, flight was delayed by a VIP flight (Head of State) and the flightline was closed for 45 minutes in AUH. I filed a complaint about her unprofessional conduct in front of passengers, she was removed from flying status. :D

    Are you proud that your complaint cost her job over an event she had absolutely no control over??

    Did it make your day and boost your ego that you are so VERY important that you can have someone fired just because you didn't like her attitude???

    YOU are the fukkin' 'cry-baby' and an arrogant azzhole also... :)

  7. Dakhar, I'm sorry to spoil their party; they'd be deluded too!!

    Any western man who thinks western women are different, i.e., not seeking a wealthy partner, is deluding himself.

    It hs always been thus......unfortunately.

    No western women want the cash too, but they don't expect their provider to be around after that. The quest for the perfect "mate" in life is not ease no matter where you go.

    I guess that is why the muslims believe after death they hit the jack pot in female bliss....

    They may have something there?

  8. Happy to hear someone thinks the way I do Stekmer.

    I see the same in Bali when I go through there; appalling behaviour and they think the locals should cop it.

    thaiwanderer, because you contribute a small part of the 6% of GDP it does NOT mean that Thais should tolerate less than acceptable (read decent, and in your words, regardless of my actions) behaviour. Your small contribution does not entitle you to behave like a bogan/yobbo whether you believe that or not.

    I'm with F4UCorsair ...

    That Smoel incident was just so embarrassing, not so much for a display of classic drunken Bogan behaviour but for the outcries of unfair treatment from ill-informed members of the Australian public and a politician or two.

    Unfortunately some Australians behave extremely badly when out of Australia and start using cringe clichés and drinking to excess with related Bogan displays of bad behaviour .... perhaps because they think it is expected of them …. sort of doing what they think one should do????

    For the benefit of decent (lare majority) Australians - stay at home and drink the cost of the airfare.

  9. Budget airlines are often never on time

    Either they are often not on time OR never on time; can't be both.

    At least Jet* has Aussie pilots, and without being arrogant, they are the among the best trained in the world. I've flown for a number of airlines, and with pilots of many nationalities, but none are even close to Australians, Brits and Kiwis. It's all in the training!!

    I try to ensure I travel with Australian, British or New Zealand carriers; there are none better up front.

  10. I found the flight check in attendants and the flight attendants generally to be moody snots more interested in their own stopovers.

    You're right about that surfer. As a former airline pilot, I have no time for hosties; what am egotistical, self centred, selfish, arogant bunch of waitresses they are!! Don't get me started.

  11. You won't find progressive lenses on the street, but the cheapies (B100 and less) single strength are fine, and they last me just as long as a pair I pay a couple of thousand baht for.

    The way I figure it is that I can buy at least a dozen pairs of cheapies for less than a pair from an optometrist's shop, and collectively they'll last longer, and it's just as easy to lose an expensive pair as a cheap pair.

    But if you want/need progressives, the street sellers can't help.

  12. I have some difficulty understanding why people go somewhere else to get drunk. Why not stay at home and save on an air fare. Sure beer is cheaper in Thailand than at home, but a yob would have to drink a lot to offset the cost of even a jet* air fare.

    If one of these idiots overindulges, I then have even more difficulty understanding why he/she would want to make a jerk of him/her self. I ould have thought it would be better to be seen as just drunk than a drunken idiot.

    As for the Smoel bogan?? What can I say?? Bogans behave like bogans.

    I've spent a lot of time in Asia over the past 30 years or so, and lived in four Asian countries and have never felt the need to get pi$$ed and turn into an ugly Aussie.

  13. Nice hotel, just recently opened so very tidy. It's no Sheraton, but a very acceptable standard, and almost identical in layouot to the Ibis in Bencoolen Street Singapore.

    We paid about B900 buying on the net, published rate B2000.

    I can't comment on the 'joiner's fee', but I'd also suggest you book a double, same rate, and there shouldn't be a problem.

    I stayed there for 6 nights quite recently - good hotel. Don't know about joiner fees, but shouldn't imagine it'll be a problem so long as you booked it for 2 people.

    I paid 700 a night, but the walk in rate is 2000.

    Hi Super Hans

    I am in Bangkok now and need a new hotel after Tuesday

    How did you get the 700 Per night rate if walkin is 2000

    Cheers Greg

  14. Thanks so far.

    I have spent some time in Chiang Mai, but obviously never when pollution has been a problem.

    Hua Hin is a nice place, and as mentiioned, a lot closer to quality medical care than Sangklaburi, but not so Kanchanaburi.

    Can anybody tell me what I could expect to pay for monthly rental in Hua Hin?

    Keywords: Retired, Air Quality

    Yes, the South generally has better air quality then the other parts of Thailand.

    But you will also need to be near quality medical care.

    Phuket do suffer bad air blowing in from Sumatra's slash and burn, like Singapore and West Malaysia.

    I would recommend Hua Hin. Good air quality and good hospital service, and near enough to Bangkok for occasional visits.

  15. I'm contemplating a move to Thailand. I'm recently retired, more recently separated, and have been visiting Thailand for about 30 years, probably averaging once a year, maybe a little more. I'm an Asian traveller (no illusions/delusions), having visited all countries in SE Asia, and worked in Singapore, Indonesia, Cambodia and Japan at different times during the past fifteen years.

    I could easily live in Bangkok, but don't like the air quality, so will probably make it out in the country, and places I favour are Chiang Mai, Kanchanaburi and Sangklaburi, CM being very different from the other two.

    Chiang Mai is probably preferred because of its elevation and therefore slightly cooler weather.

    I have enough interests to keep me busy, principally music, but will also start learning the language, and possibly offer assistance with English classes, at no cost, as an additional interest.

    Money won't be a problem for me as I enjoy a good retirement income.

    I would appreciate any input, observations, advice, and even criticisms, that anybody may have, on my plans or any part of my post.

  16. Then a simple sentence popped into my head and I couldn't for the life of me think of how to put it into the past tense.

    "He didn't come today" - Present Simple

    "He hadn't come today" - Past Perfect - Right?

    "He has come today" - Past Simple? Right?

    I'm no teacher, but a keen student of the language, and my take on this is that # 1 is no more than a negative statement.

    # 2 is a variation of the first, but still a negative statement.

    # 3 is about OK, I think, but I would prefer to say "He came today", but in that case 'today' implies present tense in spite of the past tense verb 'came', so perhaps "He came yesterday" would be more correct, or "He has already come today".

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