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Posts posted by Aussie777

  1. F4 You state that pilots will fly unairworthy aircraft in order to keep the job. I doubt that is the case

    I must admit I do not know the 1 TO GO crash stats.Of that particular aircraft Maybe you could enlighten people

    How many have been Aircraft failure And How many Pilot Error ? I would think that the vast majority have been Pilot Error

    Just because the aircraft is getting on a bit is not in itself a major problem.

    Look at it this way how many DC3 Dakota are there still Flying 60 Years old. With Piston Engines.


    I have to agree with F4UCorsair on this one...I too used to work for Orient Thai/One Two Go (you may come back at me and say that they are two different companies, but believe you me, they are one in the same!). I have seen their aircraft carry maintenance problems that could have ended in disaster (google JAL123 and you will get some idea of an aircraft with Orient Thai that could have ended that way).

    It is now several years since my time there, I cannot speak for the present group of pilots, but back in my day, if a pilot refused to take a flight because of an aircraft/weather/ground/whatever problem, the owner was on the phone personally to the individual concerned to review his "terms of employment"..... :)

    Anyway, I guess in your case and that of many, ignorance is bliss...I mean that with all sincerity....the less you know, the less stressful your trip will be! So, to answer the OP, I would not fly with OT or OTG....EVER!! (just a humble opinion)



  2. Bugger! I normally fly on Bangkok Air reasoning it's better to pay for well kept planes and good pilots! May have to rethink that! :)

    THEY just need to get rid of those 20 year old propellor planes,they are terrible,the jets are 50x better,and i bet a lot easyer to fly and heavyer so the wind would not push them around as much, rip pilot.


    I hope all others reading your post choose to disregard it as I have....."20 year old propellor planes".....sorry to burst your bubble, but the ATR-72 is a modern day turboprop and can work in areas that a "jet" cannot. Jets are not always "easier" to fly...I have flown the 747 and I can tell you that a gust of wind can ruin your day on that aircraft, just as much as it can on the ATR. Please take a little more time to think about your post before making such statements, though I do realise that not all posters on this site are involved in the aviation industry, as I find it somewhat disrespectful to the families of those involved and misleading to other readers?



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