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Posts posted by SpaceKadet


    On 5/18/2024 at 11:34 AM, Gottfrid said:

    Now running the best Ryzen 9 with liquid cooling, 128gb ram, 2 x 2tb Nvme disks had and 16 gb GPU


    On 5/19/2024 at 12:30 PM, patman30 said:

    just curious, what are you doing that requires 128GB DDR5 RAM?
    or is it just an overkill build?

    I feel with you Gottfrid. I have a i9-13900KF rig with 64GB DDR5 RAM. Was thinking of upgrading to 128GB RAM, before the compatible modules disappear from the market. Kind of future proof my kit.


    You might never know when you might want to run that nuclear explosion simulation in real time.... 555

    Besides, what would be the requirement for the games released next year?


    But seriously, what really pisses me off is that MS has not implemented the Intel Thread Director support in Windows 10. Don't want to upgrade to Win11. I'm running Win11 in Virtual, and do not like is a bit.

  2. 1 hour ago, Bandersnatch said:

    As of 2023, only China and Russia have successfully built operational SMRs


    The US Department of Energy had estimated the first SMR in the United States would be completed by NuScale Power around 2030, but this deal has since fallen through after the customers backed out due to rising costs.




    Clearly Thailand should be concentrating on Solar and battery storage. Here we have access to cheap Chinese Solar and Batteries without any import duties and being located in the tropics we have good solar production for most of the year.


    I have had solar for 7 years and I am off-grid (no meter) with all power being produced by solar supported by backup power from my EV. 





    Hate to piss on your party, but sooner or later (most probably sooner) you'll have to replace your batteries, and at some point your solar panels.

    That's gonna take a big toll on the environment to recycle them.... but why should you care? You're green, right?

    • Haha 1
  3. 4 minutes ago, fondue zoo said:

    Great, giant irradiated monitor lizards running around everywhere.


    SMR designs could work here so long as the refueling requirement is handled by the manufacturer and not internally.



    The SMR's are generally a closed design. There is no re-fueling locally as in a a very large NPP's. Once the fuel is depleted (20-30 years cycle) the whole reactor module goes back to the plant to be recycled and/or refueled.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  4. 3 hours ago, JCauto said:

    What could possibly go wrong when the Thai commission, build and operate a nuclear power plant? Let's think for a second....

    1. To showcase national pride, they hire local graduates from the Physics Dept. to design a new Thai-style nuclear power plant that will be "unique and the first of its kind in the entire world".
    2. They treat it like every other infrastructure project and it turns into an aircraft carrier-sized nightmare of epic proportions as mismatched and sub-standard parts are procured on separate contracts and critical systems are cut out by the lowest bidders. A Frankenstein's Monster is the resulting design.
    3. They actually build the thing and turn it on.
    4. The idiot third cousin twice-removed of the local bigwig gets assigned to the safety officer position and proceeds to use all the budget to fund his string of girls and fancy cars while no safety measures are actually put in place. He gets promoted to run the place after an inquiry while the only technical person involved in the entire project has it pinned on him and gets sent to prison. 
    5. The contaminated materials get carelessly disposed and local charlatans latch onto it and start packaging the waste as skin whitener so widespread radiation contamination occurs throughout the country.
    6. They have a party for the New Year and wreck the place in a drunken free-for-all while forgetting to turn the coolant stream back on after they leave so it melts down.


    You know nothing about the requirements for building and commissioning a NPP. There are though inspections throughout the building process and no fissile material will be available unless the inspectors are satisfied. That's why generally big NPP projects are delayed and over budget.


    In any case, if Thailand would build a >1TWe NPP, and not go for SMR, it would most probably be China that builds and supplies the fuel. Just like Hinkley in UK.

    China would most probably insist that they run the plant too.


    So your humorous musings, are just that...

    • Agree 1
  5. 2 hours ago, NativeBob said:

    "Thai Chernobyl: glowing somtam"

    "Fukushima Pok-Pok"

    Indeed, what could possibly go wrong? 

    Obviously, you are trying to take the piss, since Chernobyl was a faulty design operated outside it's limits, and Fukushima problem was location and partly design. I mean, who would place a NPP in an area known for tsunamis and earthquakes? Must have been some vested personal interests involvement. 

  6. If the both sides use the nukes, there will be no safe place on the planet to hide. MAD will see to that.

    Just see what happened when super volcano Mount Toba (now Toba Lake on Sumatra) exploded 70,000 years ago. It wiped out almost 90% of all of life on the planet and the humanity had to start all over. The safest place then seem to have been Afrika.

    So, yeah, we all seem to share the same genome with those few thousands of African mothers.

    • Agree 1
  7. 23 hours ago, BigBruv said:


    Learn from your TV boomer 👍

    Those 2 cities were not even in the top 5 most destroyed cities in Japan

    Also look into Dresden


    NOT everything you see on the TV or in His story books reflects the truth


    Oh, get yourself educated! There were over 3900 tons  of high-explosive and incendiary bombs dropped on Dresden.

    In the case of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it took only one device (each) to flatten several square kilometers of the city center and kill thousands of people for several years after the bombings.


    There is plenty of historical film and photos, both US and Japanese to educate yourself.

    • Agree 1
  8. 1 hour ago, RayC said:


    The first court found Pirate Bay guilty, the Swedish Appeal Court upheld the verdict, the ECJ confirmed the verdict and, in a separate case, a UK court reached a similar conclusion.


    Do you believe all these courts were following the same political motivated agenda? It all sounds like a conspiracy theory to me.



    Yes, well, as long as you follow due process, everything is legit....


    So, by the same token

    5 hours ago, RayC said:

    As a general matter, copyright infringement occurs when a copyrighted work is reproduced, distributed, performed, publicly displayed, or made into a derivative work without the permission of the copyright owner."

    , if I write write a name of the a movie, or a song, or a book, followed by 64 characters in my notebook, I am committing copyright infringement.  


    Let me rewrite that for you:

    As a general matter, copyright infringement is anything that RIAA deems to be copyright infringement.


    The funny thing is, how did they know what was on TPB servers, the police raid earlier did not confiscate any TPB servers. Only some other companies and organizations like Piratbyrån, and their ISP.

  9. Yes, because the honorable judges are beyond all reproach and all the verdict are correct. Nordström was the presiding judge and controlled all the narrative. Who are we, the common plebs, to comment on such high standing people.


    From Peters tweets during the trial it was quite clear how desperate judges were to find something to pin on TPB. The verdict was preordained by the Uber Lords that be. It was just the matter of finding a legal wording.


    It's the cases like these that make me worried about judges impartiality in any given high profile case. There are always some hidden agendas.


    BTW, all those million of dollars they were ordered to pay, never got paid, they simply didn't run TPB for profit and had no fortunes of their own as the prosecution speculated.

    • Like 1
  10. 6 minutes ago, RayC said:

    "What is copyright infringement?


    As a general matter, copyright infringement occurs when a copyrighted work is reproduced, distributed, performed, publicly displayed, or made into a derivative work without the permission of the copyright owner."

    So that does definitely not fit to what TPB was doing, and still do, BTW.




    "The trial took place in Sweden in 2009. The judge who presided over the case was Tomas Norström. However, his impartiality came under scrutiny as it was revealed that he was a member of pro-copyright organizations, leading to accusations of bias."

    • Love It 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, RayC said:


    The only way that your statement can be true is if you redefine the word 'illegal'.


    PB hosted files when they did not have permission to do so. The site broached companies' Intellectual Property Rights. This is illegal and a criminal offence.

    They did not need permission to host indexing files. The companies do not own IP rights for the indexes.


    It is almost impossible to explain how torrents works to laymen. It's just beyond their comprehension level.

    And let's face it, the legal entities in the court didn't had a clue about what was discussed.

     At that time I was following Peter Sunde's tweets from the court house. 


    You're just quoting dry data from Wikipedia.

    Try torrentfreak.com for real information about the trial. There is also a documentary made, "TPB AFK", but you would probably have to go The Pirate Bay to download it :thumbsup:

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