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Posts posted by garvin123g

  1. Hang on.. IKEA had a store here years ago I think it was in the Central World Trade .... not quit sure.

    I went there several times, it was small, had no catalogue to mention and not much selection.. but it was there. I also believe IKEA had an office/ buying facility here for many years.. any other old Bangkok hand remember this?

  2. Someone is going to make a TON of money selling and hauling sand to the Sea.. lol what thats right up there with bringing Coal to New Castle . 555.

    It is a nice Idea to reclaim the beach.. I have serious doubts their method as implied by the simple sketches presented will work for any significant period of time. But I am SURE that as Thai Engineers have such a wealth of experience and such a Long and distinguished track record in engineering projects consisting of Sea Reclamation, it will be a ROARING Success. ;-)

  3. As they are all the rage, for those seeking to kick the addiction, I'd be curious if any of the members have had success with the E-cigs as a substitute - or if there are any such statistics solidifying their claims?

    I am having success using Smoke assist, a type of e- cigarette, but in combination with taking Champix. 40+ years smoking and smoke free for about 6 weeks now... Of course 6 weeks is nothing they say... ha ha 'they' who never tried to quit...

    I feel pretty good about this and believe I will kick the habit.

  4. Very Self interested here... I have moved out to Nong Chok, Near to President Gold in a Nice Moo Bahn. I have noticed several Moo Bahns near me, Floriville has one near enough by, and there are a few others. I am speaking of an area Outside of Minburi on Suwintawongse Road (HWY 304 ) on the way toward Chutchisau (sp.)

    I Use to enjoy visiting Washington Square in Bangkok where many old Thai hands came by from time to time (and still do) to Visit with other long time Ex-Pats and sip a few beers. Maybe have a bite of "Comfort food" .. a Tex Mex meal, a Good well made Burger, or even a BIG Breakfast served anytime of day..

    Older style music playing with a sprinkling of modern music..

    Friendly staff.. a 'Fun, Local Pub environment" Kinda the ole neighborhood bar back home. Family friendly but not boring!

    So, I was wondering if there was anything like this in the area and if not, what kind of interest there would be for such a place?

    I have gotten Lazy and it is a PITA to head into Bangkok for a decent meal and visit with friends and or new friends..

    OK, so any ideas , comments welcomed!

    and Thanks for taking the poll!!


  5. Apple's policy regarding the officla factory locked or unlocked status of an iPhone depends on the carrier who sold it. Apple can put an IMEI in a special database and the next time the phone connects to iTunes, iTunes performs a carrier update and permanently unlocks the phone. Some phones, such as all sold by carriers in Thailand, are sold unlocked so the first time the phone is connected to iTunes for activation it loads the carrier update that tells the phone it is unlocked. iPhones sold in Canada are all carrier locked. Fido, Telus and Rogers will unlock them. If your friend paid full price then the store probably submitted the IMEI to Apple for unlocking. AT&T USA's policy is that an iPhone sold locked to them will never be unlocked. In Europe when a contract is over the carrier must unlock the phone. Many carriers in Europe have an unlock request on their website and sometimes there is a small fee. They can only submit an IMEI to Apple for unlocking if the phone was originally sold locked to that particular carrier.

    Here is a list from Apple Support showing all countries the iPhone is legally sold in and by which carriers. It also shows if the phone is sold locked or unlocked, and whether the carrier will unlock the phone.


    Thanks for the Link.

  6. I often wonder who owns the British Embassy on Wireless road, I heard it was Nok from the Buffalo bar .

    Ugh, have you been there recently? Not a british person in sight and all the Thai are blunt rude except for the people behind the actual desks.

    Bit off topic but talk in big words so they dont understand, that usually brings them down the earth, then ask for someone who speaks English.

    ROFLMAO well said!

  7. Any serious measures to change the culture of corruption in Thailand will first require a change in the culture itself. A very difficult thing to achieve for any civil society where negative cultural behaviors undermine society as whole. Ultimately laws must be revised to impose sentences/penalties equal to the crime and severe enough to change these behaviors or at least greatly discourage people from committing acts of corruption. The law must be enforced, and that means you would need effective and productive investigative services, police operations and swift judicial action. Having lived here on and off for 18 years I personally understand how difficult such an undertaking would be. ----------..........

    Thai moral culture will need to evolve to stay relevant in globalized world. This should really be a very easy thing for Thais to get to. All they have to do is truly believe in the spiritual philosophy (religion) most people profess to adhere to. I would love to see this country free from it's moral hypocrisy. Buddha did not believe in big Wats (Temples) and the whole structure of organized buddhism. It's all about money. Prestige (higher up the strata) means more influence, more power. There are a few groups and Temples around the country that are truer to Dharma. Who recognize Buddhism was never meant to be a congregational religion with a highly organized structure. Did Buddah ever care about any of those things? I think not.

    Very well said.

    I live here and have for 30 years +/- and love the life and the country very much. I am saddened at the missed potential this country could achieve and the improved life style it's people miss.

    I do not believe the culture will change for many generations; it is Thailand. I understand the what and why of how things work here and I just get on with my enjoyment of the positive things life here brings me and my family. It is a pity though, so much missed potential...

  8. I used to life guard as a summer job. We nearly got sued in the UK when a kid went under, His parents were shocked and wanted blood.

    We were investigated and found not to be in the wrong. The child, a non swimmer had entered the pool without adult supervision and gone straight under, someone grabbed him and he ran back to his parent crying in shock.

    His parents quoted that he'd been in a rubber ring but managed to be on the bottom for 5mins. The claim was not logical but shocked parents might do anything to divert the blame from the fact that even with lifeguards (who are there as a backup not an assurance) a non-swimming child should Always be accompanied by a swimming adult.

    I'm assuming the 10year old was a non-swimmer here based on the fact that the report says 'who was swimming in a 1.2-metre pool at the amusement park and should not have been out of his depth'.....

    RIP - It's tragic for parents learn a lesson this way, I hope all other parents take notice. There could be better water safety campaigning in Thailand.

    First Post.. I think.. or at least in a Looongggg time from me..

    I was Happy to hear that your firm was found not at fault,.. there are too many blame game/greed game law suits that damage the inocent party..


    I could not swim until I was early teens... despite many swimming courses et al ..

    When my children were still infants I worked with them to be comfortable in the water and they would SHOCK other parents at out BBQ's when they would dive in the deep end and lap the pool at like 3 to 4 years old..

    As I knew we were almost always living (at that time) in compounds with pools, I knew they needed this skill critically.. an essential.

    If more parents took there parenting role as a mentor/leader/educator, the world would be much better..

    The society today is pretty close to the society we deserve.. True in ANY culture..

    Just my 2 cents

    I avoided leaving our kids safety at the hands of others, but tried very hard to equip them to one day fend for themselves..

    Oh, they have all Graduated good Universities now and are living productive lives ....

    but a parent always worries

  9. From the article :

    "The charges against Mr Anwar followed similar charges filed by the Canadian against Mr Tassanarit on Tuesday, the day the altercation took place.

    Mr Tassanarit's preliminary hearing took place yesterday at Phuket Provincial Court, where he was granted bail."

    No one had addressed that point, that the tuk-tuk driver was 'also' charged with assault.

    I say "well done" and typical.. the 1,000 baht to the ex pat most likely has a smaller impact on him than it will on the tuk tuk driver..

    Also the article was mute on weather the driver made bail or not.. I woulad say most likely ...NOT... costs money!

    Violence is always unfortunate...

  10. Went by Wed evening with Mekong Kurt, Had a Great Snack and lots of beer!! Great atmosphere, Great food and the pricing was not to bad.. It is not a food stall / noodle shop price, but it ain't a noodle shop either 130B for Margarita's aint to bad..

    Rob is a good guy and enjoyable host.. Check it ou it is worth a visit.


  11. Rob has been a friend for years!! Haven't seen him in a while but knew he was in the midst of opening his own place.. By the way, WITH the Blessings of Wes Carroll, (Great American Rib and also a long long term friend)

    Glad to know he is getting it opened.. he searched a long time to find the right location and that Soi 14 is a good one... Ok so now I know where I will eat when I venture into Bangkok next week!!

    Thanks to all for all this info!!


  12. 62 million baht invested in 19000 businesses, that is only 3150bt each business. Figures dont sound right to me.

    That's the first thing I thought, the original article was obviously written by some form of moron. Complete lack of basic fact checking and in this case intelligence.

    Typical reporting in Thailand.. If you want a REAL math lesso, listen to the English news o the Radio.. the 6PM or so national news?? NO one EVER does the math.. an example/ for instance.." Thai Rice Exports arre UP 75% over last year. 2007 Rice exports were 400 tons, 2008 exports are 250 tons...." .. ok not not an exact quote but this type of statement is made regulary. I pointed this out ot a Thai friend, a well educated businessman. He did not even register the in-consistancey in the stated facts/statistics.. I am uncertain as to if people or so use to everything comming out of the "News" is Bull... and therefore tuned out automaticly, or what.. I have noticed for Years (since 1984 anyway) so it is NOT just one regime manipulating the news.... it is just standard practice. The other thing is a similar tyoe of statement where aples and oranges are compared and a falacious conclusion given as fact..

    Can't think of an example there just now-- brain fart..., but you mostlikly recognise what I mean..

    Oh well......


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