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Posts posted by medicinebox

  1. One word we learned to start every sentence with when talking about subjects like this in Thaialand:


    This free's Scamp from all responsibility and critisisim from the remark.

    He neither said he belived it or tried to pass on bum information.

    'Apparently' could translate as 'unreliable sources say'.


  2. Don't do any running at all. At 45yrs and 75kg you will wreck your knees. I forgot to add that. And running is anaerobic and not aerobic, this will mean you are burning glycogen and not fat. The best CV movements are the ones that are low impact on the joints. For me you cant beat the cross trainer, or elliptical (sic) walking machines.

    You will not burn muscle on your morning CV. Even if your Glycogen levels are low and your stomach is empty. You are doing low intensity aerobic training to coax your body into burning fat. Yes there is muscle involvement, but you always have enough glycogen in your muscles. Just on this occasion the levels will be very low.

    Another non scientific way to measure your intensity level when doing CV is to reach a point where holding a convesation is very difficult, then back off a bit, so you can just about hold a conversation. Talk to a stranger or yourself to start with. :D


    170-250g Lean minced beef

    300g Pasta

    120g Brocoli

    Heres why:

    Beef is excellent for muscle building. It contains creatine, all the needed aminos, and the full range of B-Vitamins. It's also dense in iron to assist energy production. Pasta is a great source of carbs for energy and Brocoli contains componds that help in fat control.

    Throw the scales out. Like you look in the mirror and you know you look fat. We don't need the scales as a second opinion. :o

    P.S. A lot of good advice coming in, but remember in this game there are a million misconceptions and contradictions, so it would help if folks backed up thier advice with brief explanations or refrences.


  3. OK, here's an update as to my current diet/fitness situation:

    I generally go to the gym 6 days a week, at 6.30am.  On 3 of the days I work out with free weights, plus 30 minutes fat-burning cycling. On the other 3 days I just cycle for 1 hour.

    I eat only fresh fruit and fruit juice for breakfast, with a tuna salad for lunch. Then fresh fish for supper, plus natural yogurt and more fruit. I also take some vitamin and cod-liver oil supplements.


    My body muscle has increased and looks quite good  :D

    My weight has not changed AT ALL!!  Still 71 kg  :o

    My primary area of interest (my stomach) remains unchanged!!  I can feel that my stomach muscles are firmer, but my abs are still covered by the same layer of fat.

    For purely vanity reasons, I want to get rid of the fat covering my rippling abs  :D

    I don't have a problem with my current weight. 

    So, any suggestions how I get rid of this ab fat?  Liposuction is not top of my list  :D

    Take it a step at a time. First lets look at your Cardio Vascular (aerobic) training. For a start, never do CV on a weight training day. You will burn muscle, and affect the ability to raise your metabolism.

    Never do CV 2 days in a row. 3 times a week is fine. Any more and your body will adapt to it and you won't get the elevated metabolism, which will last all day incidently.

    You should do CV for 45 mins. To gauge how much is correct for fat burning try this.

    Take your age away from 220. That 220bpm is classed as the default maximum heart rate. So 220 - 45 = 175.

    So at your age 175 is your maximum heart rate. Now for fat burning you should aim for between 65-75% of your maximum. So let's say your target fat burning heart rate is 70% of 175. If you do more than this your body will swich over to burning Glycogen (muscle energy) instead of fat. Think of your body as one of those Hybrid cars that use electric at slow - medium urban driving, but then switched to fuel at the fast motorway driving.

    So to achive your most efficent fat burning state, you need to keep your heart rate around 122BPM. And maintain this for as much of the 45 minutes as you can. There are loads of other factors to enhance this, but for now stick to this.

    You say you go to the gym at 6.30am. This is a good opportunity to burn some serious fat. Supposing your last meal is around 9pm. Thay means if you get up at 6am your body has had no carbs for 9 hours. Your carbs (glycogen) levels will be at their lowest point of the day.

    So if you can, have a little fresh fruit and maybe a couple of boiled eggs (dont worry about the fat) to take away the hunger pangs. Then go to the gym and start your CV work. Basically your body has no choice but to burn fat. THEN when you have finished your CV, try not to eat for one hour, then have your breakfast.

    By now your body will be screaming out for carbs.

    Heres the perfect breakfast.

    4-6 scrambled eggs with only 2 yolks left in.

    A bowl of semolina (Or a natural Cereal like Alpen sugar free or porridge oats)

    1 Large sliced banana.

    Dont be afraid to whack the carbs in, they will go straight to your muscles and fill them up with glycogen. Experiment with the size of the portions, just dont starve yourself.

    Heres why I chose this meal:

    The eggs are just about the best whole food going for muscle repair. They are quickly absorbed and will kick start the days muscle growth. Semolina provides energy rich complex carbs, and the banana will provide fructose and potassium, which will support the glycogen conversion process in the liver and muscles, in turn, minumizing muscle tissue breakdown.

    Thats it for now, I will be back with some dinner and pre-weight training meals.

    P.S. Try to get someone to bring a load of Pure whey protein powder over for you. it is rediculously expensive and hard to find in LOS. Thats if your serious about getting some quality muscle packed on. :D:D

  4. Apparently one single 800mg dose of (2 x 400mg tablets) will clear up uncomplicated Gonorrhea. :o

    BUT, I would highly recommend going to the Docs. They have a system of injections and other Anti biotics.

    If you must and you cant get to a docs, double that dose to 800mg/day for 2 days, just to be sure, then get a follow up check. That should knock it on the head though.

    This is just my opinion. Each is responsible for their own health.


  5. Therefore, I say theories like the big bang theory only have value in that they seek to confirm our existence.

    But as I am, and I am here, and I know I am here: I need no further proof.

    So when you are dead, you have not died, you are simply showing zero life?

    The book stops there then? There is no afterlife, reincarnacion, higher form?

    Hmmmmm, interesting.

  6. Actually I am planning a trip to Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania this summer. I am curious as to how the nature of the locals compares to SEA. I have heard mixed reports.

    As most of you well know, you can meet an Eastern European lady in Thailand (mwaaaaaahhww). But wouldn't that be like meeting an oriental girl in the UK?

    So I am taking the fight to them, on their own soil. Then I will have a fairly good comparison. Although I wont be spending as much time there as I did in LOS.

    Anyone been to these places before? Advice costs nothing.. :o:D

  7. It all started when I went to Cambodia for three weeks to stay with friends - It was definately Khmer ladies that initialy dampened my mojo upon my arrival, not that they were all mingers but it is a dodgy, demented and desperate place is Phnom Penh.

    Anyway, the Danish girl I met after a few days turned out to be one of the best femele friends I've ever had and more - she was also very good looking and most amazingly - she enjoyed my company.  :D

    From Scampy's journal...


    The place, was, as usual full of horny, drunk backpackers dancing with prostitutes who had danced with many a horny backpacker and sucessfully relieved them of $20 a few hours later.

    I was at the bar with Maria from Denmark, knocking back mudslides until she'd had enough to tell me how she felt about me and I'd had enough to tell her it was mutual... It was a wonderful feeling, I'd not got on this well with anyone for years and now it would soon be over and things had to be said.

    Since being back in Bangkok after Cambodia, I've found myself more attracted to farang girls and less interested in Thai's - I've since met an English woman I'd like to see again, and a very nice Australian girl with huge tits.  :o

    Is this a phaze I'm going through or have I come to realize that in three years, I haven't found what I need in a Thai girl?  :D

    Hi Scamp.

    I think most of us go through this at some stage. I heard it once refered to as "Anti-exoticisim" although not sure if thats a real word.

    I think it depends on the reasons you liked Thai girls in the first place. Then you will eventually revert back to likeing them again.

    The other possibility is that they stand out after a while. Much like the clubs I go in around here in the UK. If you get an oriental looking bird in, all the lads jaws are dropped. Well they're all dropped anyway, but much more for the oriental girls. Its because you don't see many.

    Tell you what mate, come back to the Uk and I'll take you out around Teeside, and when you see the way the girls stand around as if they are godesses, with their pot bellies and wire framed bra's, you might just snap out of it. There are some fit ones, but you have to jump on them early.

    Good to see your still around anyway bud.


  8. Thailand is nicknamed "The Land of Smiles". It doesn't take long to see why. A smile is an important part of greeting and meeting with Thai people.

    It doesn't matter whether you are saying "Hello", "Goodbye", "I like you", "I'm sorry" or "I'm annoyed with you", a smile should accompany the words at all times.

    Outwardly displaying anger is regarded as a sign of great weakness. If you do become annoyed, keep smiling, this will at least show the other person that you still have the strength to remain polite despite the problem you have. An important Thai word is jai yen which means cool head (the literal translation is actually "cool heart"). Thai people hate hot temper, angry shouting and confrontation. Try at all times to keep a cool head. You will gain more respect and probably resolve a problem far easier by staying calm and - you guessed it - smiling.

    Thai hospitality is amazing. You may eventually become sceptical of this alien barrage of friendliness. Don't. Smiling and general politeness is highly regarded as the proper way for a Thai to present themselves under all circumstances

    Remember - if someone smiles at you - smile back. If you don't, you may be seen as impolite or unfriendly. If you do, not only will you feel better within yourself, but you will be better liked and respected by others. On the other hand, don't read too much into a smile. If someone keeps smiling at you, do not think "My luck's in here" or "What's that goon smiling at?" The other person is merely being polite, whether their intentions are good, bad or indifferent.

    Taken without permission from www.thaiduncan.co.uk Pattaya guide.

    Simple really........ :o

  9. He's dead unlucky my mate. Another time his tilak came back from visiting her 'friends' for a meal. She came back very late and he was suspicious to say the least. He accused her of going short time, which she denied vehemently.

    Anyway she was only wearing a lacy outfit, no handbag, and didn't have any money on her, so eventually he dropped it and they ended up doing the do. He thought his mind was playing tricks, but it seemed as though someone had left their DNA inside his tilak. Use your imagination.

    Afterwards he decided to have a look in her phone, to see if anyone had called,txtd etc. She came out the bathroom and tried to grab the phone off him. In the kerfuffle the back of the phone came off.

    Lo and behold a crisp flat folded 1000 bht note dropped out from between the battery and the back cover onto the floor. He described her face as "You know when the cartoon character Wild E Coyote runs off a cliff in the Road Runner, and he looks down then looks at the screen" well it was that look at the screen look.

    Hehehe........sneaky as a box of monkeys :o

  10. Nobody knows the real or direct reasons to dementia. If you wanna live longer and healthier, of course you need a regular life, not overindulge yourself. But not everyone wants to live as long as a turtle which only walks tooooooooo slow (but still like turtle). Happiness is the most important thing in everyone's life. I feel sometimes heavy drinking can help me sleep better. So why not? So why ppl who suffer much more stress like sex more? They want to vent,  which is also a good way to keep healthy.

    So HAVE FUN!!!

    Actually you get poor quality sleep when drunk. It disrupts the sleep patterns REM etc.

    I agree with your policy though. More life in your years rather than more years in your life. What's the point of living till 100 if you can only shuffle about, don't know where you are and smell of stale P.I.S.S.

    Hmmm, sounds like half the population here on TV.


  11. My mate walked in the bathroom one day and thought he saw a ghost. It was his tilak on the phone stood with a towel over her head.

    This muffled the echo's, thus not giving her position in the bathroom away to whoever she was on the phone to.

    Crafty as a bag of weasels....hehehe :o

  12. Moaning about carrying a basket? Don't see the issue with that - when shopping lads always carry the bags ect.  The only time it's reversed is in Asia- not allowed to carry my own purchases. (feel bloody guilty, but pisses my gf off if I dont let her do this for me.)

    Not where I live my friend.

    And to the lady who responded to my post. How do you find the time to post. Shouldn't you be doing the dishes and tidying up?

  13. Just curious to see if anyone has used a PI service and what their experiences where (price, outcome, satisfaction).

    if you want to get suckered go ahead, investigate what :D

    really are you guys for real, do you send pi in the west around to investigate your gf :D

    obviously your curiousty shows your insecurity, if that's the case dump her and move to the gal you feel secure with :D

    i spend my hard earned money on fine women and wine, if it feels good great, if not i move on to the next one :D

    au revoir :o

    Would you but a second hand car without getting it HPI checked? Then when the wheels drop off you say "Oh well deary me, it looked alright in the showroon"

    The human mind is capable of anything. Never underestimate the deviant capability of your partner. If you get a niggling feeling check it out. Lifes too short to waste on cheating liars.

    Just my humble opinion.

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