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Posts posted by agent69

  1. "I don't want them to organise a protest like that, because the Chinese want to buy Thai rice out of their desire to help Thai farmers," Mr. Surapong said."

    No, Khun Surapong, the Chinese are not buying the rice to help the farmers.

    They are buying it because of the dirt cheap price you are selling to them.

    And I don't want any clever questions as to how I know the price.

    Use your common sense.

    So you can't imagine the Chinese government discussing how to help Thai rice farmer and spontaneous decided to buy some rice for humanitarian reasons? Well I guess no one can imagine that.....

    I can't imagine Chinese government buying rice out of the goodness of their hearts. Chinese government has always made their international relationship strictly business. They will not interfere with any internal conflicts. So if the deal is good, they would take it.

  2. Don't kid yourselves, posters, the only reason Yingluck is posting on facebook, is because she doesn't write the messages herself.

    She is incapable of speaking in public, except shedding tears, she is incapable of composing any kind of speech or statement.

    That's the easy way out of the mess she is in.

    Wonder, if Thaksin is using her account to post the messages.

    So true about not writing the messages herself. I even doubt that Thaksin wrote all his FB posts himself. There seems to be themes to this family's FB pages. Yingluck's talks about all the PM's business-as-usual. Thaksin's depicts himself as an innocent diplomat travelling around the world. Panthongthae's is overly creative with the Thai political satire cartoon. They have been using FB very effectively.

  3. Now he wants to talk, Yingluk has been pleading with him to talk. Don't turn it into a media circus where he can rant and rave like he does on stage with the other clowns.

    He still doesn't want to talk cause it's a watse of time. Noone but Thaksin makes decision. The call for the talk was to shut up the critics that we was being difficult. On his speech he said he would even talk to Thaksin.

    This protesters consist of a number of fractions, PDRC bing the largest (and the youngest) one. All of them share the one same objective, ridding Thailand of the Shinawatras' influences.

  4. Many people have questioned the farmers authenticity, if I told you I was a Submarine Commander would you believe it?

    It's truths half truths and lies all the time, both sides spinning to their minions, it's easy enough to prove you're a farmer, just bring your land deeds with you and present them as bona fides and that will stop people questioning your credibility and background.

    If they hadn't lost their land already. A lot of farmers lend money to grow their next crop. The 15,000 baht a ton from the rice scheme sounds good. Part of the stories that had never been told until recently is that since the rice scheme was instroduced the prices of the fertiliser, pesticide and herbicide went up proportionally. They would not get much left from the sale after all the debt was deducted from the payout. Some local official would do almost anything to take their land for the rich investors (or thieves).

    What happened to the Millions, I read somewhere that Suthep raised over 50 Million for the farmers, why did he not organise a PR stunt in front of the worlds media, and hand over that money to the leader of the Farmers? That would have elevated him more favourably to the remaining farmers, and nay sayers don't you think?

    Or did he collect it, and bank it in his own accounts, allowing his account to gain the daily interest accumulated?

    25 mil baht was raised to help the farmers in court. Money was divided into chunks of 200,000 baht. Each of the 11 families that lost their member from suicide would get 200,000 baht.

    The rest of money was used for running the protest. Each family that lost members from the attacks will get 1 million baht. Each studying children from the families that lost their members would have 2 million baht fund for thier education. Each injured person will receive 20,000 baht.

  5. Suthep used the farmers to sue the government. It was his strategy to use them. If he could get money, he should have given all the money to the farmers instead of setting up the legal action against the government. The farmers need money other than anything else now.

    I am sure that the farmers want to sue the government but receiving the money is their first priority.

    I was thinking of that at first as well. But from what I have heard, there are around 3 million rice farmer families. Suthep raised around 20 million baht on the first two days. That's 6 baht per family. Or 12 baht per family if we assumed the government owed half ot them. Not gonna work. Only a goverment can raise the sort of money to solve this problem. Although, there was a mentioning of a rice former fund of 10,000 million baht a couple of nights ago. Last night they raised 5 mil extra to help with food for the farmers who are protesting now.

    Anyhow, that 20 mil is best used as it is now. At least, legal action may help preventing this sort of thing from happening again.

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  6. The poor red shirt assumes there's sitll some rice left in the government stock. I stored some rice for a few months and ended up having to throw a whole sack away because of one rice weevil infestation. Regardless of the political motivation, each plan will help the farmers. In my opinion, people should be held accoutable for their wrong doing. But it's really up to the farmers which solution they would like to choose.

  7. The whole "karma judge" concept is very interesting, and I think it is what blocks many of us from embracing karma more thoroughly. I think most of us can embrace a certain degree of karma. But there comes a point when it becomes much more difficult. For example, my son breaks one of the Eightfold Path's factors. He is arrested. He ultimately goes to jail. His wife divorces him (thank goodness...oops, did I say that?). His future employment is always clouded. Direct cause and effect. But then there's another example -- my grandfather kills a rabbit that's eating veggies in our garden.

    The problem many of us have is the "mechanism" of karma.

    I like the karma judge concept. Who's keeping the scores of the judges themselves? :)

    How do we erase the bad karma? Is it possible? I guess it is going to be difficult. Take the story of Angulimal, becoming an arahant did not get rid of the effect of his previous bad deeds. Some people was willing to forgive him but others would not. Even if everyone forgave him, would he forgive himself?

  8. Let's just say that you can get to the state where a lot would describe as the same as taking some drugs by meditation. but that's besides the point of meditation in the Buddhist way. You don't meditate to get high. You take the note of it and then get pass it. If you took drugs I guess you won't be in control of yourself. You are pretty much going to be stuck in that trance state and never reach the that enlightenment.

    I do not drink. I always tell everyone that it's more fun going to a party sober. :)

  9. Perhaps it is easier to describe the indescribable as God. How could you convince people to believe in something no one can comprehend. Ask a Buddha, he will refuse to answer the question.

    Now we have a better understanding of how old our universe is. but what was it like before that? incomprehensible, it is. God would be a nice packaging for deistic religions. In Buddhism, we deal with practical believes. There would be no way for a person to make any sense while they are still susceptible to distractions.

    A Buddha will say the answer is not relevant. Other religions say there is God. Just the different tricks for us to stick to what matters.

    God or no God. I guess we all are blind men trying to guess an elephant.

  10. Are they supposed to be involved in political activities? Don't be too hasty to decide though.

    I have to admit that from my own perspective, my opinion changes from one country/situation to another. I liked that they were involved in Burma; dislike that they are involved here. It's making me re-examine my beliefs and searching for a principle.

    But does it say whether it is right or wrong for a Buddhist monk to join a demonstration? It may say something about your opinion. And if it happened to be similar to the majority of the people in a community, then it is socially right which is not always right for other community. But what about the monk? Is it right for him to do such thing? Will he still be able to be true to his path to the awakening?

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