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Posts posted by yogi100

  1. I've always been careful with my money but do not consider myself a scrooge or a Cheap Charlie. I grew up in the aftermath of WW2 in an austere Britain when you had to be thrifty in order to have enough money for food till the end of the week.

    When in Pattaya I find I spend about 15,000 bt a week including my room. I eat mainly in my room and go out 4 nights a week and usually enjoy the company of a girl about 4 times a week. I would not even try to live on 20,000 bt a month in Pattaya as it would defeat the object of going there in the first place. You would have to live like a pauper as the Thais would still look upon you as a Falang and expect you to spend like one.

    As others have said you'd be better off going for a shorter period and have more cash with which to have a good time. 20k per month would be good out in the sticks but it is not enough for Pattaya.

  2. The bars/restaurants can open just cannot serve alcohol or play music.

    I just wish either all bars obey the law or that there is an "ask" instead of an order not to serve alcohol. In fact it would be nice to see the bars breaking the law get busted. IMO I really don't think it is fair that these bars flaunt the law and brag how much they made on "illegal" days to the detriment of the other bars that obeyed the law.

    My rant now over!

    Jesus, are you for real?

  3. There is a Thai man who rides around on a motor cycle combination at night going round all the beer bars selling cooked insects to the girls.

    His combination is festooned with flowers, decorations, medallions and he plays loud Thai music on his rounds. He dresses in a cowboy outfit and should you see him you are unlikely to forget him.

  4. Where do i start ..there have been so many, one day a friend and i had just eaten in foodland and were saying farewell in the car park when a farang in a corolla drives in ,window down shouting and cussing for no reason we could see, he did 3 laps of the car park and drove off !,....another is that guy with speakers standing about 6 feet high on the back of his bike with flowers and tinsell or such like, but yes pattaya does have some very odd people, :)

    Is this the bloke on the decorated bike which sometimes has a little trailer behind it. He wears a gold lame suit and rides all round Pattaya in the hot sunshine. He is an English man and gives credence to the old Noel Coward number 'Mad dogs and Englishmen'.

  5. That is the new breed of tourist who will soon make up the majority of visitors to Pattaya now. They're easily recognisable, shaven heads, football shirts, tattoos, foul language, aggressive natures and bad manners. These people are not going to endear the Thai people to falangs. The Benidorm Fusiliers have discovered Pattaya and it will change forever. Don't buy a house, rent one because you will not be able to sell it. Look at what's happened to the property market in Spain.


    Double yawn.

    I regret that you found my contribution to the subject being discussed boring. I first came to Pattaya in 1984 for a holiday. I have been spending 6-7 months out of every year for the last 10 years in Pattaya and have seen many changes. One of the changes involves the behaviour of many of the falang visitors and as this is an open forum I thought I would type in what I have observed regarding the matter being discussed.

    For you to avoid being sent to sleep or getting bored by any comment I may make in the future you can easily remedy the situation by scrolling past any threads that you see bearing my name and move on to the next entry.

  6. The only bad thing about Pattaya is the time it takes to post on Thai Visa. With ONLY 2 users on line, the "Add Reply" service hung for 5 mins until I logged off and tried again. And having to write posts off-line in case the screen goes blank when you try and upload :):D:D

    Apart from that, the place is great. I have been here 12+ years and I feel safer out at night than I do in my home town in England.

    OK, every town has its problems, but Pattaya has no more than many other (civilised) places in the world. Yes, we hear the BG scams, but they are mainy from Newbies, who would get scammed in other countries as well. But if think with your real head, and use ONLY your brian for decision making, things can go smoothly.

    OK, my gripe is I would like to BUY ONE house in my name (link it to my passport if they want). I RENT a house similar to the one I would buy, so I would not be not deleting the housing stock, as I already occupy it or similar.

    I like the "Vibrant Nightlife" that Pattaya has to offer, but a few Km out, you also have the tanquility of a county life. We have the best of both words.

    The only downside is the Tourists, or maybe some residents, who thinks that "F"ing and "Blind"ing is part of the Queens English, as was pointed out by a Thai Girl to me, who said Farangs were not as polite as her Mother told her they were in her day. Such is the change in OUR Society and their values. :D


    That is the new breed of tourist who will soon make up the majority of visitors to Pattaya now. They're easily recognisable, shaven heads, football shirts, tattoos, foul language, aggressive natures and bad manners. These people are not going to endear the Thai people to falangs. The Benidorm Fusiliers have discovered Pattaya and it will change forever. Don't buy a house, rent one because you will not be able to sell it. Look at what's happened to the property market in Spain.

  7. hONESTLY???

    The worse it gets here, the more money I make...

    I do High End Security, Protection, and Guarding along with some few ex-Thai Naval Spec Ops Guys.

    I am going to make a fortune...

    I love where we are, and I love Thailand...

    Kit meshu-hopn na-nake


    Horray for Todd and screw the rest of the world. Jerks like this are what gives expats and Americans a bad name.

    I missed the reference to Todd being American. Can you kindly point it out? Thanks a bunch.

    Yes I was thinking the same thing myself. Just because he demonstrates an attitude consistent with that of an American does not necessarily mean Todd is an American.

    "I do High End Security, Protection, and Guarding along with some few ex-Thai Naval Spec Ops Guys"

    When I read this sentence I automatically assumed the author was American because of the terminology. Brits and Aussies just do not talk like that. Anyone taking bets?

  8. I met an orinthologist one evening at the Orn Pat bar in Soi Diana. He was from London, it must be the same bloke. He did not appear to be everybody's idea of a bird watcher and I thought he was joking until he started telling me about blackcaps being seen in London after many years absence. He was very knowledgable about our little feathered friends. He also seemed quite fond of the human variety and was partial to drink.

  9. I am looking for a ride departing central Bangkok on Fri. July 3. I would want to meet from 4:00 - 5:00 p.m., depending on our meeting point, with the objective of arriving in South Pattaya at 7:00 p.m. I am willing to share the gasoline cost. Please send me a Private Mail, with details as to how I can contact you.

    You might be better off trying to find someone who wishes to share a taxi (and the fare). You're unlikely to find a car owner willing to arrange to meet you and run you to Pattaya for a contribution towards the petrol money

  10. They seemed to disappear from Pattaya just after some farang was almost beaten to death by an irked shoeshiner one night on Soi 7.

    Do a search for the story circa 200

    It was only a year or two ago a falang was beaten up by shoe shiner and his pals outside Tim's bar on 2nd Rd. This was during low season and the falang had refused to have his shoes shined. This was reported on the Pattaya TV News channel.

    It was about the same time the watch sellers beat up the two Scotsmen in Soi Diana. I witnessed this and it uncalled for but the Jocks should have just said 'No thank you' instead of '<deleted> off". Thai fellows are small but fast and stick together. They can be very vicious and fight to win. This was also reported on the TV news.

  11. Zorro said "and lets face it if not for the bar scene and hookers there would be 5% of farang left in BKK and NONE left in Pattaya".

    I 100% agree with him. I can only speak for the men in Pattaya I know. The social life for a bar hopper is second to none, you meet fellows of your own age from the same backgrounds and experiences in life. Therefore you have things in common that you can discuss, the most common topic that arises is how our native countries have gone downhill in the last few decades.

    Many blokes from the European cities moan about immigration, enforced celibacy and high prices. Some of the expats who have been in Thailand a long time moan about Thailand but when they go home for a visit have had enough after about a week and can't wait to get back to LOS.

    Solitude can turn you doolali but there is no reason to be lonely in Pattaya, it's easier to make friends there amongst expats and holiday makers than in our Western cities. If you want a sexual partner for the night, a girlfriend (or boy friend) or a wife they are always available. The only folk to avoid are those Dr Jekylls who turn into Mr Hyde after a few drinks.

  12. Agree. You'll have the time of your life! Expect rain everyday. A heavy shower that is. Ever been to NYC in the summer? Now give that 10% more in temp and humidity.

    Coming at this time the girls will be more than happy to see you :) Stay on the beaten track, smile and jai yen (cool heart). Use the taxi stand at the airport, don't jump in the first taxi you see - you'll see a line of tourist as you exit arrivals: made.

    chok dee

    "Use the taxi stand at the airport, don't jump in the first taxi you see - you'll see a line of tourist as you exit arrivals: made.

    chok dee"

    I also hope to arrive in July at the airport but do not understand above advice.

  13. Every one of my friends who has sampled the oysters in those expensive sea food places in Walking Street has been laid up in bed for 2 or 3 days as a result and had pay out 4000 or 5000 bt Doctors bills to boot. I love an oyster but would not touch one in Thailand if they were giving them out free.

    And your complaints if you bother to make them will just fall on deaf ears. One of our pals had to spend 16 hours in the clinic on a drip. Maybe we've just been unlucky but eating oysters in that tropical heat is a bit risky.

  14. ...

    Maybe it is time for the govt. to actually encourage tourism......no, they are not doing that, unless you are from China (# of Chinese tourists down 80% from same time last year, by the way).

    According to my contacts in Pattaya-Jomtien, not only is it a Ghost Town, but prices are still high........what happened to the big discounts and free rooms?

    First of all, I do not believe that most Thais have adequate understanding of marketing techniques to "encourage tourism", or make effective use of pricing tactics.

    Secondly, would you mind quoting the source of that "80% decrease" in Chinese tourists? That would be quite a drop, if true. I'd also wonder what the real number would be for the Korean bus tours that we've also seen many of over recent years.

    IMO, many permanent resident expats would be happy to see the true "tourist" industry here drop way off. We've seen many express a desire for the area to "upgrade", and become more family oriented. Whether you agree or not (I'm not trying to resurect that discussion here), I think that would happen if the "sex and alcohol" elements of the tourist trade died.

    If all (or most) of the prostitutes were to go back to their birthplaces, the tourists seeking that type of entertainment would certainly find other towns in the world where they could satisfy their desires. The large hotels, and other "family" tourist attractions, might actually see an increase in patronage. Such people might be able to convince the myopic government to make serious upgrades to the beach. The same upgrade might follow for the businesses supporting permanent residents; although, frankly, there's a healthy number of such businesses now in place.

    So, if Pattaya - the party town - were to die; would it, over a few years, with all of the business already in place, shrink to a safer, cleaner, permanent residence and family resort town? I'm not saying that the "sleeze" elements would totally disappear; simply that they might not dominate as the personality of the town. Just asking.

    Pattaya will never make it as a family holiday resort, It can only be Pattaya.

    Can you see parents bringing their children thousands of miles from Europe and the US to bathe in the sea and frolic on the sands of Pattaya Beach. They'd be stuck on planes for 12 - 20 hours for a start. They'll visit their traditional beach resorts in the Med and the Caribbean before they'd subject themselves and their kids to all that travelling to swim in the filthy sea off Pattaya and be pestered all day long by vendors.

  15. ...

    Maybe it is time for the govt. to actually encourage tourism......no, they are not doing that, unless you are from China (# of Chinese tourists down 80% from same time last year, by the way).

    According to my contacts in Pattaya-Jomtien, not only is it a Ghost Town, but prices are still high........what happened to the big discounts and free rooms?

    First of all, I do not believe that most Thais have adequate understanding of marketing techniques to "encourage tourism", or make effective use of pricing tactics.

    Secondly, would you mind quoting the source of that "80% decrease" in Chinese tourists? That would be quite a drop, if true. I'd also wonder what the real number would be for the Korean bus tours that we've also seen many of over recent years.

    IMO, many permanent resident expats would be happy to see the true "tourist" industry here drop way off. We've seen many express a desire for the area to "upgrade", and become more family oriented. Whether you agree or not (I'm not trying to resurect that discussion here), I think that would happen if the "sex and alcohol" elements of the tourist trade died.

    If all (or most) of the prostitutes were to go back to their birthplaces, the tourists seeking that type of entertainment would certainly find other towns in the world where they could satisfy their desires. The large hotels, and other "family" tourist attractions, might actually see an increase in patronage. Such people might be able to convince the myopic government to make serious upgrades to the beach. The same upgrade might follow for the businesses supporting permanent residents; although, frankly, there's a healthy number of such businesses now in place.

    So, if Pattaya - the party town - were to die; would it, over a few years, with all of the business already in place, shrink to a safer, cleaner, permanent residence and family resort town? I'm not saying that the "sleeze" elements would totally disappear; simply that they might not dominate as the personality of the town. Just asking.

  16. Thailand is becoming more prosperous by the year. With prosperity comes higher standards of living and higher prices.

    I remember Bangkok in 1984, it was a mass of shanty towns with dwellings made of corregated iron and scrap pieces of timber, they have nearly all gone. There were few skyscrapers and modern buildings. I do not remember any motorways and the vehicles on the potholed roads were jalopies that would be confiscated and crushed in any Western country.

    Thailand is going down the ecomonic route taken by the other SE Asian countries like Japan and South Korea and the prices will continue to increase until they mirror those in European and American holiday resorts. In a few years or decades it will be a reserve of only the wealthy tourists.

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