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Posts posted by bangkapi

  1. Put yourself in his shoes.

    He is a hand-to-mouther who lives every day with the stress of wondering where his next beer will come from. Never mind the rice.

    Of course he will have a short fuse. He didn't plan for the situation he is in.

    I'd get the real owner involved or just move out.

    And if you have only a one month security deposit and you will try to stay one month without paying, then who will pay your last electric and water bills?

    Any good businessman, and that is every one of us by default these days, would try to find an arrangement that is beneficial for all parties involved.

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  2. When there is a little drama, there can always be a lot. It can come seemingly out of nowhere. And for your freedom you won't miss your assets.. You will cut off a body part to get the hell out.

    You can and should live with her for a trial period to see if marriage is in the cards.

    Once you do it, she can and likely will turn on a dime at some point to make your life a living hell.

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