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Posts posted by teachermark

  1. Sometimes i speak nid noi pidgeon englsih to thais who havent got good command of English,but not with my my thai gf of 4 years.She speaks good english,khmer and some chinese.

    Sometimes I speak a little pidgeon English to Thais who haven't got good command of English,but not with my (my) Thai gf of 4 years.She speaks good English,Khmer and some Chinese.

    I can see why !! .. :)

  2. There is cities all over the world that are below sea level... what you got to take into consideration here is displacement of water... should the sea level "rise" then it will take up more land, more land means more area for the water to go, which again means much less raising of the sea level then you'd think. Example, if the ocean rises by a meter, you would have to put a meter of water on top of the entire ocean, plus the entire surface bordering the ocean that is below that mark... even with all the ice melting, every river emptying itself, every lake being emptied out and every cloud putting it's water in as well, it would be simply impossible as it is not enough water to do that. If this would/could really happen, it would never reach London as there is Land between the ocean and London that is higher than a meter above sea level.

    When reading this .. Imagine that the poster has a German accent .. has a big moustache and a white lab coat. .... it's more funnier then!!  :)

  3. yeah no worrys Teacher Mark enjoy Laos talk to you then. (Cambodia is closer for you. why did you choose Laos for your nonb? i have heard there is dificulty getting them from there true/false?, was that a factor? just wondering because i am due next week.

    Cambodia !??? .. Unless something has changed there during the last 2 weeks it's a waste of time trying to get a Thai non B or a tourist visa from the Thai Embassy/Consulate ? there.

    I suspect you are just joking with me though.

    Somebody shoot me !!!  :)

  4. Well I don't know about you guys ... but I'm REALLY confused !

    I already sent a couple of PM's to W.Ego ..days ago .. I'm sure the last one mentioned I was going to Laos on a visa run .. which is where I am now .. looking at Thailand across the river.

    I said I would check the place out/contact the landlady when I get back from Laos next Monday. Today's Thursday! .. Slow down mate ! .. I don't own a time machine !

    When I check it out I'll be SURE to sent you a PM or post the outcome here AFTER I check it out on Monday.

    Now calm down .. have a hot cup of cocoa and a biscuit and the nurse will be along shortly.

    Then there's this guy "finished" .. who is this "blow in"??

    - Is he looking for an apartment too?

    - Is W.Ego helping him too?

    - Is W.Ego expecting "finished" to have access to a time machine too?

    The "Plot Thickens" .. stay stuned !


    P.S "Nurse" .. hurry UP! ... ( for me ! .. not "W.Ego" .. he can sort it himself)


    Millions of women genitally mutilated !!

    Amnesty International estimates that over 130 million women worldwide have been affected by some form of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), with over 2 million procedures being performed every year. FGM is mainly practiced in African countries.It is common in a band that stretches from Senegal in West Africa to Ethiopia on the East coast, as well as from Egypt in the north to Tanzania in the south. It is also practiced by some groups in the Arabian peninsula. The country where FGM is most prevalent is Egypt, followed by Sudan, Ethiopia, and Mali.


    Nobody's joking and laughing now !


  6. In Chinese writings, centuries before America or Americans, are known to have mentioned the prostitution in Siam!

    P.S. considering the U.S. has barely been around 200 years, I very much doubt it is anything more than ignorance to suggest they invented, created, discovered, or are otherwise to blame for prostitution.


    The only one displaying "ignorance" here is youself. If you look back a few posts you would see me talking about a "sense of humour" We ALL know that prostitution is "The Worlds Oldest Profession" and the U.S is NOT the Worlds  oldest country.

    Duh ! Duh !

    Same goes for you Frosty.

    I KNOW some Americans have a sense of humour .. it's just that none of them here have one.  :)


    P.S. considering the U.S. has barely been around 200 years, I very much doubt it is anything more than ignorance to suggest they invented, created, discovered, or are otherwise to blame for prostitution.


    The only one displaying "ignorance" here is youself. If you look back a few posts you would see me talking about a "sense of humour" We ALL know that prostitution is "The Worlds Oldest Profession" and the U.S is NOT the Worlds  oldest country.

    Duh ! Duh !

  8. you may want to ask at Tourist Info box near Gem market

    Mmmm... it was an ordeal just getting a map of the lone guy sitting in there .. still .. it's worth a shot, it's just around the corner!

    Anyway .. I've found 3 contenders just by "hitting the pavement" .. but wouldn't mind more suggestions.


  9. Yeah, my history book agrees. More or less, we Americans invented the entire prostitution industry, and certainly there were no prostitutes in Pattaya or even all Thailand before the Vietnam war.

    Prostitution -- yet another thing for which the world is indebted to Americans.

    I can't wait till they open up the first Mcdonalds on the Moon. With the low gravity, they could build a set of "Golden Arches" 10 kilometres high so lovers on the beach down here on Earth could gaze up at the Moon and be reminded how much we are indebted to Americans ! .. How romantic! ..God bless America!

  10. That was not my statement but that of a Pattaya Lady. The Pattaya sex industry 1st started back in 1962 and established by American servicemen just prior to the full outbreak of the Vietnam war (God bless America and thier abuse of other cultures) This is fact and can be found on web research check it out.

    Yes, yes, yes .. We all read that in the Lonely Planet book YEARS ago

    Pattaya was a fishing village until exploited by the dam americans who have made it what it is today. Maybe your laundry lady is past her use by date and I belive on todays standards that would be about the age of 25 yrs. You no longer have the young 20 yr old american soilder but 50+ fat balding smelly old men looking for 16 to 20 yr olds.

    OK .. the "fat balding" bit is true.

    Kirmara speaks the truth.

    This bit is crap.

    If you honestly believe and agree with this stupid "Kirmara trollop" that ALL women in Pattaya are in the sex industry .. then what can I say? .. Oh I know .."You're an idiot" .. try and venture few kilometres from Walking Street on your next visit.

    (Why do I bother? .. my Dad said "never argue with an idiot .. you'll never win" .. sorry Dad .. I forgot! )

    I have been all over Pattaya and see the same thing everywhere it is like a virus there. I agree with Kirmara. I would not raise a child there and I don't think any caring parent would not a good safe enviroment for children

    But ALL women??? I think you guys need to look up the meaning of "all". I just can't stand pontificating twits making broad sweeping generalisations like that.

    I have been all over Pattaya
    What does this include? along the beach front as far as Soi 1?. I lived in North Pattaya for 6 months and it seemed like any other "normal" Thai town to me. Thousands of normal Thai men, women and kids going about their lives without a whiff of the sleeze 3 or so kilometres away. Even in the heart of Walking street there are hundreds of normal Thai women engaged in non sex industry activities. Street side vendors, 7-11 clerks, cooks, waitresses,hotel staff, police, cleaning staff, street sweepers, bank tellers .. the list goes on !

    If anyone still insists that ALL women in Patters are shags for rent then fine. Continue along your deluded merry way .. and I'll try to remember what my father told me above.

  11. That was not my statement but that of a Pattaya Lady. The Pattaya sex industry 1st started back in 1962 and established by American servicemen just prior to the full outbreak of the Vietnam war (God bless America and thier abuse of other cultures) This is fact and can be found on web research check it out.

    Yes, yes, yes .. We all read that in the Lonely Planet book YEARS ago

    Pattaya was a fishing village until exploited by the dam americans who have made it what it is today. Maybe your laundry lady is past her use by date and I belive on todays standards that would be about the age of 25 yrs. You no longer have the young 20 yr old american soilder but 50+ fat balding smelly old men looking for 16 to 20 yr olds.

    OK .. the "fat balding" bit is true.

    Kirmara speaks the truth.

    This bit is crap.

    If you honestly believe and agree with this stupid "Kirmara trollop" that ALL women in Pattaya are in the sex industry .. then what can I say? .. Oh I know .."You're an idiot" .. try and venture few kilometres from Walking Street on your next visit.

    (Why do I bother? .. my Dad said "never argue with an idiot .. you'll never win" .. sorry Dad .. I forgot! )

  12. Good see that Kirmira admits that all Pattaya women are in the sex industry. The world has known this for years. good on you for telling truth.The only thing Pattaya is known around the world for is the industry. Tell someone you going to thailand and they oh you going to Pattaya be carefull. las vegas is known for it's gambling and Pattaya for it's cheap do anything sex trade women children anything sorry but a true fact of life

    Of course no one here on TV need worry about that. We're all here to take photos of ancient wats and elephants aren't we??????

    As for "ALL" women in Patters are in the sex industry ....... REALLY??? There was a nice old lady that laundered my shirts when I was working there last year. I wonder much she would charge for an hour with her knees up in the air? .. Ok Ok .. maybe she also laundered go go dancers bikinis which would be an involvement in the "industry"

  13. She should nave bit his balls off too. Nothing like sausages and eggs for breakfast.

    Oh! my goodness Newbie you are such a naughty naughty girl :D:D:D:):D:D

    Oh my goodness Post Counting Advanced Member up on your high TV perch you are such tosser.

  14. Hi

    Here I am in the "Riverside Guesthouse" Chanthaburi till the end of the month. I need to find an apartment to move to at the end of the month. Somewhere around the 2000 - 3000 Baht range. Anyone know of any. I'm looking for something in town. I work at a school near the Bus Station.

    I found one near Robinsons for 3800 Baht .. but it's a bit small for the price. Plus the balcony has a view of a concrete wall 3 feet away! I had an apartment in Korat twice the size with views of trees next door for 3000 Baht! What? .. are they all crooks down here or what?

    Any ideas?


  15. If it is just a visa run, why not just go down the road to ban Leam?

    Thanks .. It is a "Visa Run" .. i.e .. I have to get a "Visa" (non imm :D If it was a "Border Hop" .. for the free 30 day (or is it 15 now for land crossings?) entry stamp or an activation of a second entry visa I would go to a Cambo border crossing, but not to Ban Leam .. I'd get a song taew outside Robinsons store to Ban Pakard .. 100 baht return. 1 1/2 hour trip. I was lucky enough to find that info through Google .. but nothing about the local Baw Kaw Saw setup.

    Anyway .. for the information of anyone else getting this thread in thier search results .. I've received the answer from another forum.

    There are NO direct buses to Nong Khai from Chanthaburi. However .. there are direct buses to Udon Thani .. which is close enough. From there it's about an hours trip on a local bus to Nong Khai for about 25 Baht.

    Also .. like I mentioned in the OP .. there are also direct buses from Rayong and Korat and there are direct buses from Chanthaburi to Rayong and Korat also.


  16. Hi .. like the title says. I just moved to Chanthaburi and need to a V-Run to Laos in a couple of weeks. I know there are direct buses from Rayong or Korat and "could" get a bus to either of those places first ...... but are there any "direct" buses to Nong Khai from the Chanthaburi bus station?

    I called the station .. but I couldn't get any sense out of them. Google just returns the usual 1000's of hotel booking sites.

    Thanks :)

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