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Posts posted by AmeriThai

  1. I just wonder what they will do with the thing if they run all their tests, and don't discover anything ? It doesn't appear that the biggest machine on earth is useful for much of anything else except scrap metal.

    (or perhaps it can be used to bombard certain elements with concentrated streams of protons, to create a P Bomb, in a similar fashion to the way in which weapons grade uranium is made. Surely someone, somewhere, is trying to figure out a way to weaponize this thing. If it can shoot protons around a circle at 99.9% of the speed of light, what would happen if it were configured to fire a beam of protons at a distant object ?)

    If it doesn't discover anything, no one will continue funding it. It could be turned into something to generate an income to reduce the financial loss. Some kind of gigantic underground storage facility to secretly hold aliens and captured UFOs? The world's largest museum? An underground amusement park? A subterranean hotel? Use it as a tourist attraction to visit the 7th dimension?

    It'd be kind of hard to turn it into a weapon. It wouldn't do much except make particles travel around the circle. Gigantic magnets are used to keep the particles from straying out of line, otherwise they'd just fly off and disappear in all sorts of directions.

  2. A minor irritant is the incorrect usage of 'already'.

    For example: "Let's go already!" or "stop complaining already!"

    Incorrect verb tense makes it sound silly.

    I am not sure where it originated but seems to be cropping up more & more often in print & on tv.

    I just wish it would just go away already. :o

    LOL! Ages ago, it was "Let's go - yesterday, if not sooner!"

  3. Also slang is constantly evolving, back in the 60's everything was swinging (good) but you don't hear that term any more although the negative dodgy (bad) is still used.

    I agree that slang is constantly evolving. During the 60s in the US, "cool" meant something good, "far out" meant something impressively good. A decade or so later, "bad" became popular to mean something good. Go figure. (Can't remember when that became a popular expression though.)

    Slang and expressions in the US not only change over time, but can often be regional or ethnic in origin.

    Even language itself changes over time. I'd guess in a couple of hundred years (if not less), people will probably not understand some of the expressions and slang (maybe even much of the language) that's used today.

  4. I agree that "Enjoy!" is often used as a shortcut to mean to "have a good time", or as related to food, to suggest that the food is good and a pleasure to eat.

    Another overused expression is when parting company and one person says, "Have a good one!" similar in meaning as "Enjoy!"

    Another odd expression is "snarled traffic".

  5. Hiya all,

    I consulted with sheryll a while back regarding my syptoms. Since then, I have had a CT scan, MRI and a Electrodiagnostic report. Nothing!

    Doc's at Bangkok Pattaaya did trace a tumour/mass upper right thigh which I had removed today at Samitivej Sriracha..the mass has been sent on to to pathology, so won't know until next week if it's benign. I still however have the numbess and pins/nessdles, so the removel of this tumour/mass has made no difference. Doc's at Samitivej don't know the answer.

    Any ideas? :o

    Years ago, my son had a similar problem with numbness and tingling in his arm. An exam discovered a tumor near his elbow. It was removed and found to be benign. It seems the numbness was because the growth was located near or around some nerves. Unfortunately, the numbness continued, evidently because of the surgery trying to remove the growth. Or it may be the nerve was already damaged because of the growth. The surgeon repeatedly said the numbness would go away in time, but it never did. His arm is still a bit numb, but he's gotten used to it and doesn't really think about it anymore.

  6. ......is there time to make another cup of coffee - or will I be able to enjoy many as we slip along the accretion disk for a while before our atoms are torn apart and mashed together. :o

    Surely a black hole is a sphere - but just looks like a hole?

    You probably wouldn't be able to enjoy your cup of coffee because long before you reached the event horizon, you, your coffee, as well as the cup, would all be smashed to bits by other matter and vaporized into a burst of radiant energy. Although, if the black hole was located in an area where there is no gas or solid matter it can capture, and you were the only at the extreme edge of the gravity well distorting space-time, that cup of coffee might seem to last a long time as time itself would slow down. If you were far enough out from the hole, you might slingshot away from it just like space probes use the gravity of planets to gain speed. If not, then you'd be destined to be like an insect that gets too close to a UV bug zapper.

    A black hole isn't exactly a sphere, although it acts like one because it pulls in from all directions by an infinate singularity point. It's an extreme effect of gravitational force that's defined by whatever surrounds it, just like a hole in the ground doesn't have a shape but is defined by the soil that surrounds it. So wondering what shape a black hole is would be like wondering what shape gravity is. But that's just talking about massive black holes.

    Mini black holes that are thought might be created by the LHC are different. These things would be so small and disappear almost instantly that they wouldn't be able to "gobble up" anything. It would only be detectable by the even and uniform trails left behind quarks. Virtually everything from the collision of lead atoms would be blown away from a center point. These trails would probably resemble a spherical pattern, the only thing left behind indicating the brief existence of a mini black hole. I'm not sure it would even be fair to call it a black hole, but more like a simulation of a black hole. And if it is a black hole, it would be too small, too weak and too brief to attract anything.

    The whole point of the LHC is like a microscope that can hopefully "see" what would otherwise be unseeable. The mini black holes are only one offshoot experiment of the LHC. Detecting additional dimensions, and new unknown particles are other possible offshoots. One main objective of the LHC is to hopefully detect the Higgs Boson particle. If it turns out that the LHC is unable to produce any or few results that prove or disprove various theories, then it's not likely any additional funding for it will be provided.

    We can all breathe easy and have another cup of coffee, or party to celebrate that we won't be stretched out like an infinately thin noodle any time soon.

  7. As I said before, the collisions that will potentially create black holes won't take place for a few weeks. September 10 is just when they switch it on, so to speak. They will be sending things around, but no collisions until about October. So, you all have at least 20 days to live.

    My understanding is that the collisions that could potentially create mini black holes probably won't happen until next year, maybe Feb or so, when they run the system at or near maximum power. The plan is to gradually increase power over time.

  8. Yes but it's an even bigger joke.

    This from the Bangkok Post:-

    Samak out, not down

    Sacked Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej has accepted the People Power party's decision to nominate him again on Friday to lead the government, according to high ranking sources in the coalition parties.

    The Constitution Court Tuesday afternoon disqualified Mr Samak from the job of prime minister for violating the constitution by hosting two cooking shows on commercial television.

    So it appears the PPP can overrule the Constitution Court.

    Rest of the story here : http://www.bangkokpost.net/topstories/tops...s.php?id=130537

    The term banana republic springs to mind but I think Thailand's politicians don't even measure up to that description.

    Quite true Phil, but that the story also hit the news outside of Thailand certainly says something.

  9. Thai Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej has been ordered to resign after being found guilty of violating the constitution over a TV cookery show.

    His entire cabinet has also been ordered to step down.this is the same cookery show that he was doing before and after his election for 8 years. what a shambles, the people at the top of Thailand, have just exceeded their stupidity. well done. and dont anyone tell me theres anyone better to run the country or less corrupt

    Read about that yesterday.


  10. At what speed would a black hole consume earth?

    in super slow motion, so that everything could coexist with it for hundreds of years, and you could stand on the edge, looking how it is getting slowly bigger and bigger?

    or in a matter of minutes, so that dedicated housewifes could finish their dishes?

    or in a fraction of a second? like, oops, a black hole and gulp, earth is gone?

    It depends on the size of the black hole and whether you're a distant observer or the one going for the ride. For the former, it might seem instant. For the latter, if light is unable to escape a black hole, then time would slow down approaching the event horizon and would cease to exist once inside the singularity. Wouldn't matter though because you'd be vaporized long before getting anywhere near it. I'm not all that convinced black holes even exis.........


  11. i keep my vits in the fridge but not my meds

    and am starting to think

    its better dry and warmer than cold and moist

    i think its too moist in the fridge

    i use silicon packs from rice crackers and foods to help reduce moisture

    any thoughts???

    Seems to me many meds, including vitamins, recommended storage at "room temperature", and avoid direct exposure to sunlight and moisture. Exceptions to moisture would probably be liquid based meds or medicated lotions and salves.

    By "room temperature", it's fair to understand that to mean it shouldn't be too cold or too hot. Silicon packs can reduce moisture, but if temps are frequently high, you might have some risk (over time) with maintaining maximum quality. Cool, but not necessarily cold, is probably a safer option. Best to read the labels or ask your physician or pharmacist about storage requirements if you're not certain.

  12. I'm opening an estate planning business in Thailand (Dream Lives), would the OP like to drop me a line, I provide full service for farang's wanting to do marriage businesses in they're twilight years. I go from Customs Checkpoint to the Grave. No arrangements are too much to ask. We pickup at the airport, drive you straight to a market in Nakorn Nowhere. We give you one week to interview all the products on sale, anything from freshies for the young bucks through to used models with 5 kids. The choice of a lifetime is yours. Just think, no more cooking for yourself, no need to clean, you won't have to empty another rubbish bin in your life, washing, dishes they all disappears in the blink of an eye. Even a back rub or too whilst your watching your favourite Premiership game (or NBL or AFL or NFL or insert your favourite sport) on UBC_True TV.

    Now don't let yourself down, get to Thailand now. Supplies although appearing unlimited, can be difficult to provide bargains. The greater the hurry you are in sourcing this new model, the harder we work. Finding the right partner within your price range is our mission. We never fail, believe us, WE NEVER FAIL. Sin Sod, brothers, sisters, cousins, nieces, nephews, grandma_yais, grandma_yas, grandpa_das, grandpa_boos, kids, kids of kids, village headman, uncles and aunties, no problems is TOO BIG, the neighbour, the neighbours neighbour, the street sweeper, the waterboy, moma and poppa store down the street......... We arrange PAYMENTS to all. We guarantee a bargain. There is nowhere else to go when you want piece of mind. We have experience you would not believe. Knowledge is bargaining power, we are a force to be reasoned with, we are the masters of the business.

    Now when all is said and done, nothing like experience can help you here. We offer you the chance to meet the ladies (and associates) of your dream. Don't wait, don't hesitate. Don't leave it one minute longer. GET WHAT YOU DESERVE!!!!!!!!!

    Sale starts today, 4 DAYS ONLY. Yes, 4 days only. Everything 50% off. Yes, we have done it. So many have requested this, 50% off, that's 1/2 price for only 4 days. Sign with us your "Customs to Grave" contract. The greatest "piece of mind" you will ever invest in!

    We will be with you for the rest of your living days, our commitment is our promiss. What else could you wish for. Immigration to the grave, where else will a company offer this commitment to your very end. Believe us, we have done this so so so so many times before. It's so easy, commit today, sign one of our 1/2 price contracts, and your life is in our hands.... we love it. But don't forget, you must sign over everything the day you are gone.

    Would you believe it, YES, OUR SERVICES GOES BEYOND THE GRAVE. We ensure your funds are ALL brought into the beautiful community even when your gone and dusted. We can handle sale of any international assets you might have forgotten about and have all transferred to the coffers for your extended family.

    What else could you WISH for, we at "Dream Lives" make sure your taken for a ride, the ride of your lifetime! Our solumn promise!


    Does this involve implanting memories for "Total Recall"? :o

  13. The OP's first of his two posts:
    I would like to know what the general practice or custom is for extended family .

    I plan on getting married to a Thaii Lady ,which has a couple of younger children. I have no problem in supporting her ,her mother, and the children.

    What is the rule on the rest of her family she has 5 brother's and 2 sister's and her mother is seperated or divorced.

    Am I expected to support them all ? Her five brother's are all healthy and are all over the age of twenty and except for two of them they all live close to Bangkok.

    When we go shopping she expect me to pay the grocery bills for the children that belong to her brother"s and stay with her at her mother's house

    I am sure you are aware that Thai family leave there children at Mother;s Place .

    What would be my proper position. All comments from someone that is in a simaliar situation or can advise what would be best Thanks

    Sadly I have a hunch that he is not a troll.

    My advice is............. DON'T DO IT!!

    YIKES! Assuming the OP isn't a troll, it's pretty clear he hasn't spent much time in Thailand. I doubt he knows the language, so how would he ask Pah-Maa? Not only would he be providing for the little lady, but her kids, her parents, all her brothers and sisters, any nieces and nephews, grandparents, aunts and uncles, and most of the neighbors.

  14. As I understand it, fat develops because the amount of calories taken in are greater than the amount burned off. And those excess calories build up after a while and is stored as fat. A person can also have fat build up that you don't see. What I mean is the fat that can build up internally around the organs. You need some fat, but excess is what can be harmful.

    True, AmeriThai.

    There is a caloric suplus, caloric maintenance, and a caloric deficit:

    surplus, you gain waith, maintenance, you stay the same, deficit you lose weight.

    By losing weight this does not mean you only lose fat. You can lose muscle (lean body mass, LBM) and or water.

    Don't look at the scale, you at the mirror with only shorts on or less.

    As for body fat around the organs, this fat is the hardest to get rid of, and over a long time there can be negative health consequences.

    As for losing fat "around the middle" that means you have to reduce to your total body fat percentage, as spot reduction is indeed a myth.

    Best of luck to the OP and others. It's up to us, and only us to get the results we want.

    Some fats are essential, but too much can be a problem. I agree, body fat can indeed be a problem and potentially cause serious health problems. People can do certain kinds of exercise to target or "sculpt" certain areas, but like you, I have no idea how you can target fat loss in certain areas. You either lose fat all the way around or you don't. To get rid of fat around the organs means a person needs to exercise and make some dietary adjustments. Like I indicated, it takes time. but by maintaining exercise like brisk walking, cutting out the crap foods and increasing balanced nutritious foods, the excess fat will reduce around the organs. I'm not really sure what the process entails. No doubt some of it is used by the body, while the rest is elimated from the body. I gather it must sort of liquify. It is the hardest kind of fat to get rid of, but it can be done as long as a person sticks with their routine.

    The mirror can give an indication of how you're doing, but it's so gradual that it's hard to notice results. For me, the scales give a faster indication of the progress and help ensure that I'm on track. I'm not obese, and except for the gut, I don't really show any fat anywhere else. I've been up to around 200 lbs, but I'm now down to about 185. Admittedly, the weight does fluctuate a bit, but it's generally going down. I can finally see the one-eyed trouser trout again. LOL! I'm aiming to get down to around 165 or so. According to my physician and a hospital nursing nutritionist, most of my fat is around the organs where it isn't noticable outwardly.

    You're right that it's really up to each person to put in the effort to get the results they want. It's not enough just wanting to do it. You have to be willing to commit yourself, and actually take the steps necessary to do it on a regular basis. It seems like a hassle at first. But it becomes a normal routine after a while.

  15. Well, the article said they will just start shooting beams on September 10, and the collisions will come a few weeks later when they're ready for them, so we've got until at least the start of October before the black hole sucking starts.

    Nope. A few weeks later will just be a run through the entire system, but still at lower speed. It would need to run at full speed to see any indications of black holes and that won't happen until sometime next year. Even then, it may or may not show the presence of so-called mini black holes.

  16. In most instances, it took time to gain extra fat in the first place, so it's going to take time to shed it. Jogging and doing all sorts of jogging or gym-type exercises are helpful for reducing excess fat, but not everyone is up to such rigorous activity. However, brisk walking can also be helpful. If you have access to a gym and want to go that route, that's fine. But you can also get out and just walk around the neighborhood on a routine basis. Use the stairs when you can. You can start out with shorter distances and time, and gradually increase.

    In addition, modify your diet by cutting out fatty junk foods. Eating fatty foods once in a while isn't going to make a big difference. The biggest problem is when a person's diet consists of lots of fatty foods on a regular basis and in larger quantities. Eat healthier foods, and in smaller portions. Skip those second helpings and frequent snacks in between meals. And be sure to walk off those extra calories. As I understand it, fat develops because the amount of calories taken in are greater than the amount burned off. And those excess calories build up after a while and is stored as fat. A person can also have fat build up that you don't see. What I mean is the fat that can build up internally around the organs. You need some fat, but excess is what can be harmful.

    Another thing is not to become discouraged if you don't see any results right away. For some people, maintaining a record of what they ate and how much exercise they did may be helpful. But it isn't always necessary. What is necessary is to stick with a routine on a daily basis. If you find yourself slacking off from it, don't put yourself on a heavy guilt trip. Don't give up. Just start in again and keep at it. After a while, it starts getting easier.

    Use some scales to weigh yourself to monitor your weight. Personally, I weight myself after I've taken a good crap and showered. but before dressing. As I said, you might not see much in the first few days or so, but eventually you will start seeing a difference.

    Set a flexible but realistic goal for yourself. How much should you lose for your age, size and frame? 10 pounds? 25? 50? More? It depends. Start out with a goal of losing say 10 or 15 pounds. When you see you've hit a loss of 5 pounds or so, that can be a big encouragement that you're on the right track. You might find it goes back up again, but again, don't be discouraged. Just keep at it.

  17. Issues associated with customs: Can you clarify a bit?

    Thai customs and how they might clash with western values.

    Okay, I understand. Just wanted to make sure you weren't talking about "customs" on entry to the country.

    So you don't understand customs and cultural differences, but you're trying to 'help empower' this girl with her family problems? Just curious, but how much time have you spent in Thailand? How well do you understand the language?

  18. I've read this article and it is just beyound belief.

    To create a black hole would also create a white hole. What goes in must come out and there is no mention of white holes in this article.


    Why would a black hole create a "white hole"? None have been detected that I've heard of. With a black hole, what goes in doesn't come out.

  19. As I suggested, and Sheryl expanded on, it's possible the OP might need a different medication. My wife has BP problems and had to go through several kinds of meds until finding out what worked for her. She's now taking Metoprolol, Paroxetine, and Hydroxyzine which seem to be working pretty well for her particular circumstances. But different people may require different medications. The main thing is you shouldn't delay medical check ups very long if you have high BP problems. If the OP is not going to be in Thailand anytime soon, then seeing a doctor in the U.S. needs to be done.

    I agree that medications from hospital pharmacies or larger pharmacies that are better climate controlled (in Thailand) reduce the risks of ineffective medications for the reasons already mentioned.

    I also agree that many medically-related things are much cheaper in Thailand than in the U.S. But not always. I'm wondering how old the OP is?

  20. Our solar system is revolving around our galaxy, and we are about in the middle. Yes true, systems close to the center, are being sucked into the black hole that is in the middle, but we got a couple million/billion years before it sucks us in. Just saw it on NG. Maybe things are better on the other side :o

    Is that NG as in Newgrounds?

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