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Posts posted by dotcom

  1. So what to do? I need to bring in a pile of sterling dosh to buy a car in May/June. Bring it in now or wait?


    Well I would bring it in now if you have it..... dont get stuck with legal trouble....bring it in $3,999 lumps so no Gov officials get wise to your cash infusion! Unless you want to pay tax bring in more than $10k :-)

    You buyin something that smells funny???? just kiddin-

    if you want to save money bring it in now :-)

    Hi Forestcall can you explain more about Government taxes on bringing in more than $10k?



    Pure Poppycock. I wire in big amounts - like $10,000. Several times a year. No Tax - EVER.

    If you are buying a house you need to inform the bank ahead of time & they will earmark it as such.

    I also go to immigration ONCE a year, not every 90 days & have never been told different by imm in 10 years.

  2. "Gonna be driving through Chiang Mai to Lampang in the next couple of days!! I'll be on alert! I'll probably only have to use my horn a mere 1- 2 thousand times!!!!"

    Yep - I still honk at anything that moves. Wife thinks I am a nut. She keeps saying "One of these days you are gonna get shot" & "I am not going to do or say a thing"

    "Your mother will have to come get your dead body"

    Size 9 to the door ?- Haven't had to do that yet. 2 bikes & a car. Sometimes fantasize about ripping off someone's wing mirror, someone driving with one wheel over the white line.

  3. Yes I think that if Toxic Taksin declares tomorrow that his kiddies will pay capital gains taxes on the sale of their Shin Corp. shares that would go a long way toward getting the plebs back on side.

    Of course this is not going to happen.

  4. Weather Forecast (From TMD) During March 13-14, the rather intense high pressure system from China covers upper Thailand. Thunderstrom, gusty wind, hail in some areas and drop in temperature are expected in the areas. During March 15-16, high pressure system covering upper Thailand will be weakening. Southerly wind prevails over upper Thailand. Hot is expected in the areas.

    Warning : During March, 13-14, people in upper Thailand should beware of natural diaster. During March 14-15, rough sea with waves height 2-3 meters. All vessels in the Gulf should proceed with caution.

    There: You have all been warned. If you go outside take care. Do not say you have not been warned. The only part I believe is "Hot" . Safe Bet!!!

  5. Quote: "In a word: Incompetence." - Respectfully Sir: Not True.

    Those officers sitting on the ground floor prepare a package of documents - according to the rules in force on the day. Once all the required originals (especially the bank letter) & you & your spouse have signed all the required photostat copies (TaBien Baan etc.) & you have paid the fee, under the new set-up they pass it back one row for the approval (usually one month) of the duty officer.

    The actual approval happens upstairs. Anyone who has lived here for very long will tell you that if that package of documents hits the desk of the Deputy Director or whomever on the second floor without ALL the proper documentation a) You will not be approved & :o the persons involved on the ground floor are going to get a tongue lashing at minimum.

    The officers I have dealt with are very courteous & efficient. If I don't have the correct documents they will tell me exactly what I do need. I never wait until the last day, it go in person with my spouse around 2 weeks prior to expiration/renewal.

    Original bank letter, TaBien Baan copy etc. are required each & every year. Those who operate inside the rules will have more success than those who bemoan how the system is set up.

  6. ``TOT should not be blamed now since the problem is because of AIS,'' he said.

    No one would ever dream of blaming you.

    Rather than solving problems let us focus on who should not be blamed.

    Until recently AIS had more capacity then it needed & leased bandwidth to the upstarts. Then TOT interjected itself between the carriers & now there is not enough capacity. Will leave it to the reader to decide where the fault lies.

    Thai Government = Incompetent.

  7. What is the real issue here?

    Underaged drinkers?


    Drug abuses?

    'Unwanted' trashy tourists?

    Saving power?

    They change their goal posts every time...

    <<< What is their agenda? Seems plain enough. To legislate morality.>>>

    I had the same thought as SriRacha John. In case the "mob protest" goes forward - don't let them load you into military trucks; can prove harmful to your health.

  8. Literature

    2 points. First I encourage people to read "Private Dancer" by Stephen Leather. An excellent insight into Thai culture wherein he discusses situations like the girl who is tied to a tree & raped by her brothers & their friends. The book is free. A good place to get it is here: http://www.bangkokbob.net/literature.htm

    Second I would encourage The Nation - to send out their hotshot reporters; hire the best legal firm in Thailand & do an expose on what is legal & what is illegal here in LOS regarding sexual misconduct. The Aids infected German fellow (while despicable) quite possibly broke "NO EXISTING LAWS" Point being maybe laws need to be enacted to protect children in this country. Now this Brit - if guilty - quite possibly did violate some existing law regarding the age of consent. Buggery certainly violates the law of a higher power. And yes he will likely get lots of his own medicine in Thai lockup.

  9. I don't understand what the discussion is all about.

    Thai immigration laws are the faremost "open" to foreigners than many countries around the word.

    What do you exspect...?

    I can understand the Thai government doesn't want to support these "scums" coming into Thailand thinking they can have a "easy life", spending their pension on hookers and thinking they are something special.

    We in Switzerland just voted them OUT and dare anyone who thinks he has a right to question the Thai immigration politics before questioning himself!

    You have seriously missed the point. The frustration is about people who enact a set of rules & then empower each & every immigration offical to "use his own discretion" - in essence throw the rule book out the window. TIT. It is sort of like finding a statute on the books from 1965 which says that any person wanting a tourist visa at an airport or a border crossing must show 10,000 baht or 20,000 baht cash - even though to carry that amount of Thai currency out of the country would be a crime punishable by jail time. Through the looking glass.

    You did not make it clear whom you "voted out of extra white switzerlamd". Danish pedophiles? Euro sex tourists? Thai Immigration Police? Corrupt Swiss politicians?

    The POM's are complaining that they have Swiss cost of living without Swiss salary levels. Amsterdam would be the place to see prostitues. Another point you are missing Axel - is that we didn't create the Thai sex industry - the Thai people invented the Thai sex industry.

  10. "I am told that Immigration is encouraging people to get a proper visa at home before they leave. The extension process is causing them hassles. "

    It makes me want to break down & cry to think that some Immigration Cop would actually be forced (against their will) to do some (excuse the profanity) WORK.


    Snip /Admin


    Please - all you whining Falangs (root of all problems in Thailand) - please stop flaming hard working cops trying to extort a living. Go elsewhere to spend your tourist dollars. We simply don't want you stinking up our beloved homeland, given to us by God almighty.

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