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Posts posted by dotcom

  1. I voted B King for 2 reasons. First it's chain drive & a bigger swing arm c an be fitted. Plus shaft drive upsets a bikes balance if you get on or off the power too fast.

    Second the B KING is for sale in BKK.

    MY buddy rode a V Rod & he said it was crap. He wants a normal Harley.

  2. well , letting my imagination run riot , i would say that he puts his head and neck in the bag , ties the knot around his neck and jumps , the knot tightens , simutaneously decapitating him and closing the bag , the body falls in the river and the bag is held by the knot.

    I saw that once in that movie "Mission Impossible" forget what number.

    So totally it can happen.

    Bangkok Dangerous.

    btw - it's not me I'm still alive

  3. Now wait a bloody minute. This is all a load of bloody codswallop.

    First, and most important, mate, that is NOT a 'small red dot" over my parts, OK? That is a pretty bloody large red square, or rectangle, rather. Hefty, I would call it, and if it weren't for the exertions associated with my alleged beating of the living shit out of those bloody pint-sized armed sissies, which resulted in a certain amount of manly "shrinkage", let me tell you that that red tent-pole cover woulda been as long as a Thai arm.

    Secondly, I genuinely forgot to pay at the 7-Eleven, distracted as I was by the constant bloody ding-dong of that bloody front door, which these squat little buggers over here never seem to notice, being so busy saying some long-winded Hello to every other short-arsed bugger that walks in.

    Furthermore, I did not steal that <deleted> motorized sewing-machine they call a bloody taxi, sod it. I was just trying to be helpful and demonstrate to the so-called driver (if you can call this funeral procession 'driving' over here) the correct way to burn rubber when exiting the curb.

    And the argy-bargy in the paddy wagon? High spirits. That's all.

    "Hooray", I thought to myself, "We're going for a bloody ride."

    That's all, mate. And the pepper spray? I thought it was deodorant! I was really bloody insulted. Well, OK, I'd worked up a bit of a muck-sweat, I'll admit, with all my alleged exertions. But forced deodorizing? That was the last bloody straw.

    And that, your tiny Honour, is why I find meself standing in front of you this morning with me drawers round me ankles. Now, if you'll all just calm down and admit your mistake, I'll just bugger off, then, and no harm done. OK?

    'The Aussie' :o

    Nice try pal except they spell it KERB.

    You are an American.

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