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Posts posted by unbiasbob

  1. I arrived here back in March of 2004 number 8000 and something. I came here why? I did a search to find out about getting a visa for my situation. Back in those early times the visa section was an unhelpful place for anyone in my situation which was under 50, not working and not married to a Thai. I was dealt with like a fungus by members and received zero help and comments telling me to go home. I got pissed and told some people off and got suspended. Shortly after that forum became the most tremendous help to people in my situation with the likes of Lopburi and later on with Mario, UbonJoe, Astral and others. That period of unhelpfulness didn't last long but was very frustrating indeed while it did. I had been on pretty good terms with Dr Pat Pong back then and a few years later I asked if he could unsuspend me and he did. I am grateful for that and very happy to see how this community has grown and become so helpful in all areas of living in this country and then some. For those early weeks it did not look promising

  2. To be honest I only ever use my UK passports..

    But I have never had them ever give any indication of being aware of multiple uses.. Tho I dont get short term visa's.. Just use em for 1 years..

    I am sure hey CAN check through.. What I am saying is they dont seem to without a reason.

    When someone drops off a passport at an embassy or consulate for a visa, the passport history is checked as a part of the routine for visa issuance. This will be amplified after these visa limits go into effect

  3. Livinlos says

    "So far it would seem as if they dont actively track..

    I have multiple passports and at no point have they ever stated or shown any indication that they are ever aware of that..

    Anyway whats the worst they can do ?? Say no ?? Which is where those same people were anyway"

    Not talking about 2 passports from separate countries like you have livinlos, you can believe that the consulate knows when someone turns in a same country passport for a new one and the history of that person's entries and exits to and from Thailand

  4. Doesn't seem to me to be a major unexpected change. Most could see that the limit on number of tourist visas would be the next shoe to drop. Makes sense actually. I can see the Thai officials logic in "pushing" most foreigners residing in LOS back to their home countries (or out of Thailand at least) if they suspect some/many are undesirables of some sort (economically challenged or people with criminal backgrounds). I, for one, would be happy to see all these tattooed steroid monkey English and Continental football hooligan types you see all over Pattaya booted out. I suspect most are of very limited means (or engaged in petty criminal behavior) and these regs are directed at them I suspect. Hopefully, they will push many out of Thailand (if not back home). Those that meet the basic de minimus standards for a non-imm visa can get one while back home and then return. Not much of an issue really.

    Would suggest that most clean their record by getting a new passport from Bangkok embassies. At least then, everyone will have a clean slate to start with...unless someone can confirm that past T-visas will not count towards the new 3 max total. I suspect this would be the case as otherwise, just about everyone would have to immediately return home at the expiration of their current visa. TThe 3 NEW T-visas from the date of the new regs would basically give everyone about a year to arrange their affairs in LOS and return home to get a new Non-imm visa is they qualify. In the alternative, it gives those who don't wish to stay or don't qualify, a year to settle their affairs, sell up, and move on.

    Great suggestion by a concerned citizen, I'm sure the consulate could never figure out that you have a new passport and how many tourist visas you had on your old passort.

  5. One thing I don't understand is why can't the OP open a bank account. I have a bank account in Bangkok Bank and a passport and cash was what I needed. :o

    I was refused to open a bank account at SCB 3+ years ago (Soi 11) so I know what the OP is talking about. I did manage to get a savings acct open later across sukhumvit at Bangkok Bank. I would not at all be surprised if they stopped opening accts for farangs w/o working papers. Nice catch 22 for new long term visa applicants

  6. As was said, way back when most people came here for visa info. Then and now nobody had a clue about how an unmarried under 50 person could get a long term visa. In those days at least you could get a triple entry tourist visa but nobody posted about it

  7. Since last 1½ years I have 5 tourist visas in my passport, 1 from Stockholm, 2 from Malaysia, KL, Penang and 2 from Laos, both in Vientiane.

    (Stockholm, Vientiane, Penang, Vientiane, KL)

    Last time I went to Vientiane they stamped my passport with this:

    Nasty red stamp

    That was just before the new visa rules, 15 sept 2006. I went to KL 3 months ago and got a visa without a problem. Since the new rules I just left the country one time, and have no 30 day stamps in my passport.

    What are my chances of getting a visa in Vientiane this time? According to the rules I should be allowed to get a 30 day stamp right??

    I've read alot but it seem to be different experiences, like someone who wasnt allowed back, not even a 7 day stamp!?

    Anyone with the same red stamp as me? What are your experiences?

    a year and a half as a 'tourist'? oh well

    I've been a "tourist" for 5 years. What's the big deal about it? I've had no problems and am a legitimate "tourist". What kind of visa are you on anyway? A marriage to a Thai visa? LOL

  8. Stay away from cheap developements if possible.

    I was in a place yesterday and most don't have air-con so the doors are open with a dozen different TVs and Radios playing, kids screaming down the hallway on bikes, maintenence was lacking and the place was turning into a dump, fast.


    Skipper, how about telling us which development your talking about. Regards, BD

    Stick with condos 4 Mil up I'd say. You get what you pay 4

  9. i still dont see why this is such a huge problem...

    i think they are right to do what they plan to do.

    if your legally here, then fine. show your work permit, visa etc.

    people who are here legally will have everything they need.

    people who are here illegally then you deserve what you get for doing what you do.

    most people here when they are back in their own country's probably didnt like all the immigrants in their own country...

    look at the uk... do you agree with whats going on there??


    well your doing the exact same as them over here...

    in the end, if they do enforce it, ( prays they do ) then the people here legally with permits, visa's etc will reap the benefits.

    i cant wait for teacher wages to go up when there is a shortage of teachers...

    myself and my farang girlfriend are more than laughing at this scenario...

    sitting on a years permit, and a 3 year contract i dont see what we need to worry about.

    apart from going with the highest bidder to hire us.

    Highest bidder?

    Mike hope you and your girlfriend have a nice time gloating over other people's troubles.

    No wonder you live in minburi

    Typical suburban mentality

    Gloating about that increase in teacher pay he stands to get, 30K/mo to 31K. roflmao

  10. lets face it, by living here in the past using the free visa exempt entires you cant really blame them, its the governments fault for making it to easy to stay here.

    Well said. Looking at some of the OP's other posts, I can't help but wonder if maybe thaivisa has been infiltrated by a spy (or should I say troll) from immigration...

    Yes he is a troll and an enormous one at that. He feeds off other people's misery. No he is not from immigration at all.

  11. For me, I love living in a foreign country. As for my immediate surroundings, dwelling of where I reside, I've tried the living and mixing among locals and couldn't handle it. It was different and weird for me, people hanging outside the doors of their rooms. I was uncomfortable and now live amongst other Americans, euros and Japs and it's much more peaceful. All I got to do is walk out of the building and I have my locals

  12. The OP is trying to abuse the system. trying to find a loophole in the rules as was the endless boarder runs.

    This is what I believe the Thai authorities are trying to stop.

    In trying to do so, they also are tightning the rules for all of us (3 months 800k as an example)

    It is not good in the long run to try and beat the system.

    If you are not able to fit in one of the categories that the authorities have set, you need to find alternative plans or risk to be stuck at the border or at some consulate with a refusal to continue the abuse.

    Good luck to all

    How can people be "abusing the system" when nobody really knows what that system is anymore? I see what you are trying to say, however.

    I think it is quite simple

    Short stays from certain countries = no visas for maximum 90 days within 180

    Longer stays need to fit within one of the immigration designated categories and comply with the requirements (visa, extension, etc.)

    It is like that for most other countries around the world as far as my experience goes.

    Thailand has been 'soft' up to now in allowing their system to be abused (used as not intended)

    I think it is up to each of us to make sure we have a B plan as nothing is secure or eternal not even in our own countries (laws, rules, benefits, etc.)

    That's right, nothing is secure anywhere so you just keep doing what you're doing until you can do it no more, then you do something else

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