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Posts posted by mattcodes

  1. Okay great thanks for the help, will speak to a friend about an earth so no more shocks. Also could this affect hardware?

    I just thrown out a dual dvi graphic card because it was showing lines (not the drivers fault as this was happening at bios boot time all the way through), no amount of resitting, cleaning, changing cables sorted it. Also one of my monitors now randomly switches off (happens several times a day), at first I played with the cable and i would after a few tweaks come back, now i jump hit the thing and comes back, weird. And now the speakers have gone, grrr.. Could just be bad hardware but I've never had so many problems in such a short amount of time with computer equipment.

    An earth resolves the problem in its entirety or just shifts the leakage? i.e. is the leakage the issue with hardware or the absence of an earth?

    I have an APC UPS but no difference, obviously not everything connected to the PC goes through the UPS tho.

  2. Any mainstream relational database server on modest hardware can handle 70 million records easily, that's small fish, thus your problem is not mySQL vs SQL Server or [insert-choice-of-rdbms]. The suggestion of moving to a document db or key/value store is crazy, the guy has choose Access for simplicity, lets not drink the kool-aid of the day... 70million is not twitter or google style, 70billion maybe.

    If you can verify your queries (presuming they are not greedy) fail and its MS-SQL or mySQL fault then I'll be utterly shocked, I reguarly work with projects using all flavours of rdbms and have no issue with billions of records, correct queries and setup of indexes etc.. is something you need to consider across the board. Granted that mySQL is often faster for read operation due its weaker transactional support, by faster I mean micro-optimizations - your is bombing and I do not believe the issue lies with your RDBMS choice.

    I further assume that in this scenario Access should theoretically be able to handle the data since Access is only used to build the SQL queries, query the data from mySQL and then display it.

    We can assume the guy is using Access to simplify things, unfortunately Access enjoys doing silly stuff "SELECT * FROM Table" or sometimes only part of predicate and doing the filtering on the client, 70 million records goodbye network bandwidth and local memory, you'll also witness aggressive locking if using form e.g. SELECT FOR UPDATE etc... At least this is what I've seen in applications upscale by numpty sysadmins with Access 2003 as the client. To get an idea of whats causing the problem you need to profile the SQL queries generated by Access. If you are handrolling your own SQL and paging logic etc.. then you're probably find it easier to do some drag and drop asp.net webforms development.

  3. I continual get electric shocks whenever i touch my PC chassis (a HP quad core - no mods - a few months old), plugging in the ipod Nano requires me wrapping my hand in two pairs of socks. I've tried a two houses (recently moved) and same result. How best to troubleshoot/fix?

  4. You can upscale an Access database to SQL Server backend via a wizard, of course this implies you have the data in Access already. You can connective natively from Access to SQL but requires more work. Ive worked in many a small business that have Access and upscale to SQL Server and think its the end of their performance problems, the problem is Access way of working doesnt map natively to T-SQL, and thus you'll often see locking issues at db level and the local file level, transactional issues, and with some of the filtering and predicate logic, access will request the whole 70million records back and do the filtering locally on the client. I hate to say but Access just isnt suited to databases that size (despire some people making it work by a thread).

    What work do you have to do the data? Your best importing to SQL Server or mySQL, and using an analytical package to analyze the data. stackoverflow dot com will get more dev responses.

  5. I use www.cloudnext.com, £10+vat a month,

    sudo apt-get install squid

    nano /etc/squid.conf and add

    acl localhost src (where 42.43 are the first digits of your external IP - use whats my ip websites etc..)

    /etc/init.d/squid start

    then just change your browser to VPS-IP:3128. Alternatively use putty to tunnel localhost:3128 to vps:3128 and then you dont need to setup any squid rules.

  6. Two months into a CAT Hinet adsl 2mb/1mb connection contract and I want to change address (same area just moving computer to small office, availability okay), how much do CAT charge for move? Or do I have to cancel contract (at 6 months expensive)? Cant find out direct today as CAT closed, anyone know so can decide if move worth it or not?

  7. Detox fad time.

    Where can I find some decent/healthy cooking oil, non-refined, preferably organic? The closest I found is 100% sunflower oil (REFINED), I see plenty of variants of refined naff Palm Oil.

    And some healthy wholemeal untreated brown rice?

    Normal jar instant coffee that doesnt require a machine, the 3 in 1 I used to use contained a shocking 52% sugar?

    Anything else which I should substitute? We dont have to go Daily Mail level of suspicion just the obvious...

    How does one say 'No MSG!' when ordering food

  8. The stupid thing about it was they didn't check with the bank -- I had already paid the bill on the charge.

    Slightly OT. That's not stupid, it's impossible, a bank simple won't release that information and in most systems it wont be visible to merchant side of operations. It doesnt matter weather you've paid the bill or not, its doesnt affect one's ability to chargeback or in consumer terms 'dispute the charge'

  9. Do not use the big Honda shop by the Bophut traffic lights, despite a hassle free sales process I have still not received the ownership book (6 months now) for my 2nd hand Honda Click, everytime I go in they are extremely rude, girlfriend even walked out because they were disrespectful so much, then they lost copies of passport/WP etc..

    Also, the second hand bike I purchased had 4200 something miles on the clock, not bad I thought, I took it home and noticed that it wasn't ticking over i.e. it was static at 4200, anyway straight back the shop, they fixed it, but reset it to 3000 miles, so dont trust any mileage?

    Im just gonna take the invoices etc.. to Nathon and sort myself now (and the small cost0, bloody inconvienence as this was promised to be included and pick up from the shop a few weeks later when I purchased the bike.

  10. I love seeing the russians asking discount everywhere, we should follow them. 30b a coke, too much, how about 25? rolleyes.gif

    Russians ask, the lithuanians demand. Russians can be resolved by quoting 33% extra than normal and accepting their -33% offer. The lithuanians is another matter, best to make some excuse as little money ever leaves their pockets.

    The chinese/japenese/korean can be good business if you can spot the heard leader, get the leader and get the 12 sheep that follow.

  11. The road marking in pai leam relate to the intraflash/vinotech event. They organised a fun run 5km and 10km on 2nd this month, i participated in the 5km, well organized although attendance was a little low perhaps due to advertising. I think they are doing a marathon in feb although again not seen it official advertised, not sure about an april thing might be another company. you'd have seek assurance - past events - contracts - (as a basic and crude thing) check they even have a company/work-permit - they are so many bullshitters on this island its unreal.

  12. Better with a personal mail on a website.

    Hmm.. yeah often on a shared server supporting 500+ other websites, email etc... with no redundancy (server goes = hours/days downtime until recover backup - if they even exist) running several services that could become vunerable at anytime (FTP,SSH, POP3, IMAP4, Apache/HTTP)... Don't believe the negative hype around. Google doesnt read your email like you put it, their software scans for keywords and chooses suitable contextual advertising when it plucks the email from their storage, if you say it like that even Horde/Neomail any webmail "reads your email", how does it get from the hard drive, though the operating systems, through the application layer php etc.. it is read from the disk.. Relevant ads or not? I'd choose relevant..

    Google mail rocks. And the commercial edition $50 per user per year (min 1 user) includes 25gb, no ads and an SLA

    You'd be amazed at their ability to know what you are doing at anytime.

    I'm going for a beer... i bet when i get in and log onto google tonight and i'll see ads for hangover cures.. hmmm

    You'd be amazed at how people jump on the bandwagon of speculation..

  13. I am considering opening a small IT training school and getting people from abroad to come and study for a week.

    I have a company and WP and if descriptions or list of activities need changing then no problem.

    However I'm wondering what the situation will be for my students, they are here for a week, they wont be learning thai, do they need an ED visa? Is there a short term ED visa?

    Does my company need to register with the ministry of education for students to be visa-safe? and what does that cost?

  14. I'm thinking of signing up with CAT Hinet now the prices has fallen under 2k a month.

    From the URL here it says they are open to 8pm tonight (sunday):


    Anyone know if the times listed as accurate? I'd rather go down and signup this afternoon/evening so I can get on with some work tomorrow if so.

    I called the number listed 07742 1130, but its all Thai recorded greeting and no human picking up.

    Anyone with recent experience know what are the current install times?

  15. Where's the best place to get ink refilled. I have an epson all in one and the black has ran out (73N), I see in tesco the official cartridge is about 450baht. I went to Ink world round the corner from tesco and they wanted 390 baht to refill with their cheapo ink, i had to laugh.

    What is the going price out here? I remember being able to buy non genuine cartridges for about £2 in the uk (when in bulk 10+)

  16. BannanaIT (near tesco) prices are very reasonable and have a large selection of stock. Custoemr service is hmmm... , anyway, but its a monitor, plug&play and backed directly by the manufacturer.

    Be careful second hand for two reasons:

    1) Most people on Samui will tell you the price they paid it for, take off say 40%,50%,60% off and then advertise it as a bargain price. What they dont factor in is the new/retail price is 60% less than what they offering now (not they sell non-widescreen LCD anymore), then take off the lack of warranty, cosemetic damage, fair and tear. e.g. just look at the ads in the buy & sell magazine, there's some crazy person there trying to shift a 6+ year old medicore-at-the-time celeron PC for 10k with one first of the LCD monitors (all in worth about 3k tops). Im sure that's not the care with Comehome, but just bear in mind when looking, compare against today offerings & prices rather than the invoice/reciept they show/claim.

    2) Most monitors will come with 3 year manufacturer warranty which is handy. I had 2 Philips LCD 19" widescreen fail on me within the first 6 months.

  17. Anyone tried the Body Shape Coffee, that 7/11 sells, has a pack for man and one woman, 5 sachets, 70 baht. I not sure how effective it is, but being behind on some work lately, I can tell you that having one about 9pm, has get me coding to about 4am and even then I dont want to sleep. Has ginseng and l-argtina or something I believe to accelerate metabolism?

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