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Everything posted by anterian

  1. So whwew is it smuggled from and why can't Thai farmers compete with this price,
  2. That's cheered me up, I needed a good laugh after all this rain.
  3. What this really demonstrates is that Thailand is an intrinsically unsafe environment for tourists and foreign residents who are used to strict health and safety standards. Defensive driving on the road becomes defensive living in Thailand.
  4. well that plus the F35s and the sub should be enough to hold Thaksin at bay.
  5. I deal with many online sellers, Lazada, Ebay, Chilindo and others. I always assume that their aim is to part me from my money with the least effort, so my rule has always been "caveat emptor". It is the sellers that try to fool the buyer and Lazada, for example, will take your side if you involve them in a dispute. Never negotiate directly with the seller, even though the seller urges this.
  6. All my cats are bilingual they also know sign language and body language.
  7. it needs to be asked, ''where is the rest of the snake'', did some other passengers get a protein bonus.
  8. about 14 years ago I applied to open an account with SCB. They said no problem but you will need to take our insurance first, so I said ok and supplied my passport details, Some time later the manager appeared and said sorry their computer said I was too old, I still got my account, 4 accounts in fact.
  9. In the elephant park of course,
  10. ''The mobile application was created by experts and staff from seven government agencies'' according to legend in a similar situation this created a Camel.
  11. These words cannot be in a vocabulary if the concepts do not exist in the culture.
  12. '' they had to arrest her and move her to another spot to let her calm down.'' Isn't this a contradictory statement?
  13. Thais do not know how to say ''sorry'', they will cringe to a superior but not an equal. Normally they give an embarrassed grin.
  14. If a mig29 is that poor at navigation then the Karens are safe.
  15. Simon seems like a younger version of me, I was a science teacher, electronics was my hobby, particularly Aerial systems and power supplies. I have been married three times, love travelling but no longer physically possible.
  16. Is a ''Green burial" permissible in Thailand?
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