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  1. The article says 4.3 M for the new IM6 SUV, not a pickup, however press releases say IM6 will be 1.2 to 1.8M so it’s just a typo.
  2. Xenophobia - clearly all foreigners are akin to the devil ! 🤣
  3. Absolutely ! I just wonder what would happen if they tried this in the UK, asking the UK public to grass up anyone they suspected of being there illegally. The Border Force guys would have to round up millions !!
  4. absolutely agree with you. The only thing I can’t figure out is why on earth they are doing this.
  5. Articles like this always make me feel so welcome
  6. See plenty of stories of monks and priests abusing children - nothing “unbelievable” here, just something utterly disgusting.
  7. Should either be left to rot in jail or deported. UK has gone mad.
  8. I think it’s supposed to read “as the end of the high….”
  9. Just copying the local lads
  10. I have no evidence of this particular incident, but having experienced Patong TukTuk drivers i would say that story is highly unlikely. A driver asking the guy to politely move his bike and then returning to the drivers seat to wait seems highly unusual. Every similar exchange I have had with them involves being berated and surrounded by a large number of drivers within seconds. i remember a couple of years ago, stopping on the beach road for two minutes to drop off my elderly, disabled mother, and a group of them surrounded the car shouting at both of us to move the car. A group ot aggressive men shouting at an elderly lady in a wheelchair sums up their behaviour beautifully. This has been going on for years, and is a reason that our family will never visit Patong again. Ever. Covid was the perfect time to introduce a proper public transport system, removing the current fiefdoms and “taxi clubs”, but it will never happen. Too much money flowing to powerful people under the current arrangement. B0ll0cks to tourists and their safety, let’s fleece them at every opportunity.
  11. Singapore has plenty of public toilets so I can’t see this happening. hardly a day goes by without us seeing a thai fella at the side of the road having a wee. its hardly the crime of the century. But the article is right - Phuket needs far more public toilets.
  12. My mother is exactly the type of tourist they should want: wealthy, well travelled, loves eating out, always stays in lovely hotels, enjoys shopping and high quality trips. But can she work a smartphone? Not a chance. Different generation.
  13. absolutely agree. We have left the uk already !
  14. That’s a great statistic. Probably used figures from roads that had previously had roadworks on them. When the roadworks are gone, traffic flow speeds up. But on a more serious note, it did always look like a lot of the traffic was created by manual switching of traffic lights by individual police boxes with no automatically coordination with the next set of lights down the road, so any technology to improve this is welcome. London fiddled the statistics with the introduction of the congestion charge by the way. They increased the amount of time given to pedestrians to cross every junction, therefore keeping traffic at red lights for longer, for more than a year before the charge was introduced, which created almost gridlock. ”Look at the terrible traffic” then introduce the charge, reset the lights and as if by magic, traffic improves ”Look at the improved traffic flow because of the congestion charge” I don’t trust any of them.
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