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Posts posted by DogNo1

  1. It does sound as though the card is faulty.  It may be best to buy a new one with a guarantee to return it if it doesn'r work.

    Every item that I have bought at Phantip this year has turned out to have some problem with it.  Cheap Chinese stuff.  Lazada has been pretty good. Maybe they will let you return the card.  If not, turn to invadeIT as Jai Dee suggests.  Good luck.  BTW, IT City at the top of Phantip guarantees their stuff to work.

  2. It sounds as though the USB ports are not powered.  If you continue to use this card you will need to use drives that are powered by an adapter or pull power from  another USB port.  Since most modern drives don't do this without special cables (Y cables which have one male A that plugs into the USB 3 port and one male A that plugs into a powered USB port ( won't be on the same card.)    Your alternative is to return the card and get one with the correct specs.  FYI, every single USB 3 hub that I bought at Phantip this year would  not work.  Returned to Japan and bought one on Amazon for $10.00 that works perfecty.  Be careful of these local stores that sell Chinese Junk.  On the other hand everything that I bought from Lazada works just fine.  Good luck!

  3. Of course Thai laws should be enforced but the outrage expressed seems disproportionate to the crime.  I suspect that the psychology operating here is the scapegoating of, presumably just white, foreigners.  Government leaders have used the displacement of internal discontent to a foreign enemy to their advantage for a long time.  In Europe it has been, and still is, although more covertly, naming the Jews as the villains. 

  4. Yeah, the problem with planning to fly home is that you may not in the physical or mental condition to do it.  If it's a heart condition or a mild stroke, just the flight could make you worse.  I have had three procedures done at Bumrungrad - two heart catheterizations, with three stents installed each time, and one cataract removal (both eyes.)  They were OK but I will not have much future care done at Bumrungrad because, at least for me, they have raised their price by 100% since 2014.  Samitivej or St. Louis will probably provide my care in the future.

  5. For a while, the fitness center at my hotel handed out bottles of the hotel-brand water filled from the tap.  The water tasted different and made me feel bad.    The bottles were indistinguishable from the original bottles until you noticed that they were too easy to open..  For anyone who thinks that Bangkok tap water is safe to drink, try running your tap water through a reverse-osmosis filter for a couple of days and tell me what you find in the filter after that.  You will be amazed at the black junk that you'll find.

  6. This is jumping ahead but if the OP wants to be in control of his money he should use his bank's online banking.  He can double password protect his login and set up five challenge questions that only he can answer each time he accesses his account.  If he can't remember the passwords, he can purchase and use RoboForm to fill them in for him after he enters his RoboForm PIN.  That leaves only one password to remember and it can be discretely written down somewhere.  He can open a joint account with his wife at Bangkok Bank and transfer money to their New York branch as he needs it.  It will show up in his account in Thailand,  If you are incapacitated, accessing your accounts from any phone, tablet or computer is the way to go.  Just as a person needs to learn to use a walker or crutches if his legs are injured, he needs to learn how to use the Internet to solve his problem.  Other methods will be laborious and complicated.  As a previous poster pointed out, if he only transfers a certain amount to his bank in Thailand each month, that's the only money that will be at risk.

  7. Many posters write as though America's withdrawal from the Paris Agreement will stop efforts to combat climate change everywhere.  I think that the greening of America will continue apace as green solutions are made more affordable.  So far as America losing its role as a powerful and respected power, I think that the crux of the matter is that America won't be donating billions of taxpayer money to various countries to get them to reduce their emissions.  Perhaps Michael Bloomberg and others will step up.  It makes sense for those who can best afford it to fund green solutions, not the American government.  America now needs to take care of itself as there are many pressing problems that will require a lot of funding.  Repairing America's infrastructure will require a huge amount of money and America will be crippled as its infrastructure collapses.

  8. Did everybody miss Trump on CBS news saying that America WOULD become a green country - one of the greenest.


    What's with the hysteria?  So Trump puts some coal miners back to work.  The scientific research toward producing green energy, developing varieties of coral that can thrive in warm water, exploiting the soil and hybridizing food crops that can grow with less water will continue apace.  And what is economically feasible will emerge.  Coal mining will probably stop in the USA at some point but in the meantime, those miners need work!  Keeping people working and changing slowly is well understood by Japan's leaders whose aim is to avoid social disruption and human suffering.

    Cut Trump some slack and think of various perspectives of what he does, not what he says.  Trump seems to instinctively understand that good jobs promote self-respect and that even people who can't adapt to the requirements of new technical jobs need good jobs and self-respect.  We need to stop worrying about what the Europeans think of us.  They have disparaged us for the past 50 years.  We need to worry less about how little they think of us because they have never thought much of us.  If being the leader of the free world means spending more and sacrificing more, maybe we need to step back and let Germany, France and others assume that burden.  Our children have been short of school supplies because of the horrific amount of money that we spend on foreign affairs.  Just think about the three billion per month that we put into Afghanistan.  Of course we shouldn't abandon our foreign obligations but, as Trump says, partners should contribute more.  America really needs to repair her infrastructure and prioritize the infrastructure needs ahead of leading the free world.  America is a great country.  After it recovers from its self-neglect, it will be an important player for helping with the world's needs again.

  9. Recidivism is a problem everywhere.  It can be reduced by psychological counseling and a supportive program for reintegration into civil society.  I'm willing to bet that not one baht is spent on that here.  Some jurisdictions in the US provide counseling and halfway houses but many times taxpayers won't pay any costs for easing the transition from inmate to citizen and recidivism is high as a result.  Society suffers when there is not enough counseling and guidance for prisoners who will rejoin society at some point.

  10. Please be on the lookout for a YouTube spoof that will steal your Google ID and Password.  Last night when I tried to run a YouTube clip, a message appeared on top of the clip saying that I needed to update YouTube before I could run the clip. The next screen asked me to confirm (enter) my Google ID and Password, which I did.  The clip then ran OK.  I later received an activity report from Google that a Linux machine had logged onto my account.  I don't own a Linux machine.  I have changed my password and strengthened it but I won't find out what was stolen from the account until something goes wrong somewhere.  Please protect your Google accounts and be on guard to defeat this spoof.  This happened on my Android tablet by the way.  I am used to different applications needing to be updated while I am using the tablet so I was caught off-guard.  Now I see the automatic updating that goes on with Android machines as a flaw although being asked to enter my ID and password should have been a red flag to me.  It was late and I was reading in bad so I wasn't being careful enough.

  11. Do you have file history turned on?  Did you have an external backup of your books?  All of my data files are saved to several external SSDs.  I also have non-sensitive files saved to the cloud.  Having operating systems go bad in the past and losing the data stored on the system drive, I learned that I needed to keep my data where it would be safe.  I now have so much redundancy that I don't expect to lose data ever again. 

  12. Do posters know that Windows backups can be made within Windows without using any additional software products?  Just backup to an external drive and create a flash drive to boot from. You can find it under Settings - Backup.  You can't access the Control Panel to find Backup any more by using Windows- X in the newest version.  It will come up if you type it into the Run box.  Also you can copy and paste the icon onto your desktop.

  13. Hotmail and other Microsoft mail clients have all been folded into a client called simply "Outlook.". I have had so many problems with online version and the software version that I have simply given up and use gmail exclusively with Yahoo mail as a backup.  I spent many hours trying to get my folders to agree with the Exchange server that Microsoft switched to when they transformed Hotmail into Outlook but failed. Microsoft couldn't help me. I don't think that the technician who I talked with knew what the new folder structure on the server is. I'm very tenacious with computer problems but had to give up on this one.  Gmail has been constantly reliable so I depend on it. It's a pity because Hotmail worked reliably for many years and received messages faster than Gmail.

  14. RigPig:  I use Gmail on all of my machines and have had no problems sending attachments.  If the attachment is very large, Gmail will store it on Google Drive and send a link.   My suggestion is to download CCleaner from Piriform and use it to clean all of the Google caches and cookies.  Also install Malwarebytes.  Malware can really mess up your computer and it needs to be taken off.  If you buy the pro version of Malwarebytes, it will guard your computer from malware being installed in the first place.  I have fixed the computers of many friends and malware has usually been the problem, not the OS.  BTW, I don't think that Microsoft issues security patches for Windows 7 any more so using it can be risky.  For Windows 10, you don't need Antivirus software since the built-in Windows Defender is good and receives frequent updates.

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