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Posts posted by OldAsiaHand

  1. Cuban cigars in Thailand are pricey. Over the years, although prices everywhere have risen, Thai prices have stayed consistently about 25-30% above duty free prices in Singapore and Hong Kong.

    My experience is that qualitity is spotty here as well. While the best upmarket shops are fine (the Oriental and All Seasons Place come immediately to mind), many places sell cigars that have been poorly stored and badly treated. I have never had a problem with anything bought in Hong Kong or Singapore.

  2. Hey jing jing masterful dude, did ya have to go and mention the Apple Pan? OMG those are the best burgers worldwide hands down and their coffee aint too shabby either. For those who do not know, there is but one Apple Pan and it is located in LA. In N Out also grrrrrreat. Tommy Burger has those hour long lines for burgs at 1AM for good reason.

    How could you forget Fat Burger, 'The World's Last Great Hamburger Stand,' where they fix it up for you while you watch and give instructions? If only somebody would...uh, borrow the concept (it ain't brain surgery) and open one in Bangkok.

  3. A USA friend of mine is naming me in his will; the will is a USA will and I am an American.

    I have a US address that I do use (at least for now) and a Thailand address; I intend the Thailand address to be my "permanant address."

    He has asked me which address and phone number he should use for the USA will.

    I am more likely to be contacted at the Thai address as that is where I will be living, but is there any legal/financial reason why I should advise he use the US address instead?

    Not sure if this topic is categorized properly ...

    Based on what you've related above, it wouldn't make any difference. If he's naming you as a heir, your inheritance will not be subject to income tax anyway. If he's naming you as an administrator, all that matters is that you be easily reached. There are no residency requirements (or tax consequences) to being an administrator under a will.

  4. I think I am a little late for this post but I didn't see the best burger joint on the post. I been searching and still searching. One of the best burger joints is hidden in one of the hi-so malls of Bangkok, The All Seasons Plaza on Wireless Road. The last place I thought I would find a burger joint with good draft beer and kick ass atmosphere. Check it out if you get the chance on the second floor, its called Garage or Filling Station. I might hit it up today... got my belly growling for some meat!

    I used to eat there occasionallly, but it was only out of desperation. I never thought the tast was quite right and the meat tended to smell strangely.

    The earlier poster who tipped The Big Mango Bar in Nana Plaza gets my vote for being right. Every since they started cooking up burgers there, I haven't been able to hack The Garage anymore. The Big Mango is actually run by two young Americans who know what burgers are supposed to be and they brough in another American with a strong restaurant background to make sure they got it exactly right. Man, did they ever. The best burger I have ever eaten outside the continental limits of the USofA. Jing jing.

  5. happens every year...

    No, of course it doesn't. To say so is both glib and inaccurate.

    As another poster pointed out, over a period of about 72 hours, a number of Singapore banks were heavy baht buyers. The unusual demand drove the rate from circa 41.5 quickly up in the direction of 39.5. Remember the law of supply and demand? Currency is just another comodity like oil or gold. Greater demand for a currency (or falling supply) means higher prices for it.

    Now whether this baht buying out of Singapore is or is not the result of a SingTel deal to buy Shin Corp I have no idea. The Singapore banks are the major market makers in Thai baht so, regardless of the reason for the demand, it would probably be routed through Singapore anyway.

    The more important question is whether the baht will continnue to strengthen. The excess baht demand happen to come against a background of unusual dollar weakness (the USD weakened 2% against the EUR during exactly the same period) and the odds against an early repeat of such a perfect storm are pretty good. In other words, there may be more strength in the baht, but don't count on another 2% pop anytime soon.

  6. Hi,

    I am moving to Thailand this year and will be looking for freelance proofreading work. I will be moving to Chiang Mai.

    Does anybody know how easy work will be to pick up and can anyone give me any tips or possible companies to contact.

    I am both qualified and experienced.


    proof read my book if you want (seriously), unfortunately, i can't pay you anything.


    ....and that pretty well sums up the problem you will encounter here doing freelance proofreading work.

  7. Hi,

    I am moving to Thailand this year and will be looking for freelance proofreading work. I will be moving to Chiang Mai.

    Does anybody know how easy work will be to pick up and can anyone give me any tips or possible companies to contact.

    I am both qualified and experienced.


    There is one English language weekly newspaper in ChiangMai. The pay would be very, very poor, I'm sure, but it it might at least be worth a try. Run Google for an address.

    I doubt you would find any steady source of freelance proofreading work in ChiangMai. A couple of guys do that kind of work in Bangkok, but even here they have to do other things as well in order to piece together a living.

  8. I've entered on one way tickets a number of times with no difficulty. If you are on a tourist visa, every country's entry rules (as far as I know) require you to have an 'onward ticket.' That could be satisfied by you ticket having a 'stop' in Bangkok and then an onward leg, say to Singapore; or it could be satisfied by having a separate ticket to someplace else, not necessarily a return ticket at all.

    Having said all that, those are just the rules. As a practical matter, no one has ever asked to see my ticket (and that goes back about twenty years). I've never know anyone else whose ticket was inspected either.

  9. ... even cretins can self-publish.

    Oh my, this is where I started, isn't it? With the observation that, on the whole, we just don't like each other very much. Certainly, based on what you write here, I don't like many of you; and clearly, based on what I write here, many of you don't like me either. Fair enough....

    What I was trying to do, of course, was to get a conversation going as to whether there is more confict among foreigners here in Thailand than you might normally expect to find in any random collection of people. I really think there is. It's most apparent in the constant, deeply personal clashes between the...well, what terms shall we use to try and avoid more abuse? Let's say the nightlife folks and the non-nightlife folk. How about that, huh? Politically correct enough to satisfy everyone?

    Still, it's a subject that is clearly a mistake to try and talk about here. A shame really. It might be interesting.

    Never mind.

    Is this post the "intellectual" way of saying..."boo hoo hoo I'm taking my bat and going home" :o

    You just can't stop with the personal attacks no matter what I say, can you? Take a couple of asprin and lie down for a while. Maybe you'll feel better later. But probably not.

  10. ... even cretins can self-publish.

    Oh my, this is where I started, isn't it? With the observation that, on the whole, we just don't like each other very much. Certainly, based on what you write here, I don't like many of you; and clearly, based on what I write here, many of you don't like me either. Fair enough....

    What I was trying to do, of course, was to get a conversation going as to whether there is more confict among foreigners here in Thailand than you might normally expect to find in any random collection of people. I really think there is. It's most apparent in the constant, deeply personal clashes between the...well, what terms shall we use to try and avoid more abuse? Let's say the nightlife folks and the non-nightlife folk. How about that, huh? Politically correct enough to satisfy everyone?

    Still, it's a subject that is clearly a mistake to try and talk about here. A shame really. It might be interesting.

    Never mind.

  11. Well, I suppose I've just succeeded in moving the personal attacks to another thread, haven't I? The plain fact is that most people here seem incapable of distinguishing between a sharp response to what was said and a sharp response about the poster himself.

    One example, and I will keep my peace, although I know I'm going to regret it opening this can of worms.

    A poster above labels me as 'nasty' for a posting in another thread. Somebody asked about how to open a US bank account and the first reply was something along the lines of 'why would anyone want a US bank account.' When I subsequently tried to answer the question asked, I apparently also said something to the effect that the first answer was 'stupid.'

    Let's try to use that as an illustration of my point then, shall we? Someone asked for help and information in a perfectly sensible way, and then gets a silly answer like 'why would anyone want a US account?' What use is that answer to anyone? Did it help the poster? Was it even amusing? Saying then that it was a stupid response does indeed have some basis in fact, even if you disagree with my characterization. Regardless, it was not a characterization of the poster, only of his posting.

    By contrast, the posting that led me to begin this thread was one that called me a liar("I DO NOT BELIEVE YOU!"). I'm not sure what that could be other than a completely personal attack. I was asked a factual question, I answer it, I was told bluntly that I was lying. What possible purpose does a posting like that serve other than turing a conversation with sharply differing points of view into a purely personal attack?

    There is a distinction here that matters and therefore this seemed to me to be a point worth trying to make in an effort to improve the level of discourse here; however, as I said above, I have a feeling that I'm going to regret even trying.

  12. It really seems to me that these book threads generally errupt into nasty, personal conflicts for a pretty obvious reason.

    It has always been my view that a central truth to life in Thailand is that most of the foreigners here really don't have much regard for most of the other foreigners who are here. The various novelists we usually discuss, if that is the word for what we do, seem to me to appeal almost exclusively to just one strata of our little local society here (if 'society' is the right word either). By attacking the novelist, you attack the kind of people who read his novels.

    The barflys hate those who aren't barflys. The educated hate those who aren't educated. The winners hate the losers. The poor hate the rich. And around and around we go.

    Who wants to be the first to contemptously sneer that I obviously don't know anything about Thailand when I say the various strata of foreign life here are generally contemptous of the other strata of foreign life here?

    Your honor, I rest my case......

  13. One of the threads a couple of months ago started with a discussion about the books written by Pira Sudham and Old Asia Hand tore into them in a vitriolic fashion then.

    I don't know Pira Sudham, and sometimes it's better not to know an artist or musician for their character may affect your opinion of their writing; but his early books about growing up in Issan are evocative of village life, the pace described as dull By OAH may be atmospheric to others.

    I wonder if OAH has ever been burnt by a lady from 'the weeping plains' or nearby?

    Nope. I just think he's a lousy, boring writer who doesn't deserve his overblown repurtation, and thanks for pointing out my consistency on the subject.

    If I have sounded 'vitriolic' in any of my comments, it was probably motivated by my contempt for the Nobel Prize garbage that Sudham has been peddling through the years to a certain sort of eagerly gullible, more-Thai-than-thou foreigner. To find two gold-plated examples of the species, just read back over this thread.

  14. I disagree with a point of view you expressed and your response is this kind of bitchy garbage?

    You went beyond disagreeing with my point of view about his writing quality, and proceeded to assasinate the author's character ("self-promoting", "idiot", faking nomination, etc.). Following that, you then continued on by attacking my motives and character. I can take it, but you kill the discussion in your misguided efforts.

    Unable to separate the point of discussion from personality issues.

    Over the top.



    Well said. And we still don't know which books OldAsiaHand read [if any]. :o

    ***senseless insults deleted*** Do you really think you can demand anyone who disagrees with you prove his bona fides to your personal satisfaction?

    I made one effort to go down that road in the spirit of good will and honest conversation and what response did I get? "I don't believe you."

    I suppose now you want....what? Notarized affidavits? ***more senseless flaming erased***

  15. Jake Needham's KILLING PLATO and LAUNDRY MAN.

    Unfortunately both books are hard to find in Thailand since so far they've only been published in hardback size.

    I have seen both "The Big Mango" and "Killing Plato" in paperback in a number of places.

    Both excellent reads.

    Never heard of the "Laundryman" is that new?



    LAUNDRY MAN was published before KILLING PLATO. Needham's books have been difficult to find in Thailand ever since he switched from Asia Books to an international publisher. According to Stickman, the reason is that Asia Books has refused to distribute any of Needham's books published after THE BIG MANGO, the first version of which they originally published themselves.

    Still, Needham's books are well known and get a lot of attention outside of Thailand. They seem to be readily avilable in places like Singapore and Hong Kong, and occasionally some of the Bangkok book dealers import them directly.

    It's a shame more people in Thailand don't know Needham's books. They make for an intelligent change from the bargirl cliches with which Thailand-set books are generally associated.

  16. And how exactly is this related to whether the man can write a coherent sentence, let alone an entire novel?

    I dealt with that in the following paragraph which you conveniently chose to ignore.

    You are actually underscoring the very point I was making. If it weren't for a few patronizing, I'm-More-Culturally-Aware-Than-Thou academic snobs (such as yourself?)

    Ouch! Do I detect a little inferiority complex raising its ugly head? Nevertheless, I would expect someone of your ilk would resort to the illogical defense of "poisoning the well" rather than continuing to coherently discuss the point.

    His heart may bleed, but he's a lousy writer.

    I also discussed his level of English and writing, which point you also chose to ignore or omit. You missed the point a second time in a row. I believe you'd flat-out flunk my "introduction to debate" course after the first exam. Please don't apply.

    And by the way, I've known him for almost ten years. Satisfied?

    Nope. #1) I don't believe you, and #2) If it's true, it just demonstrates your poor judgment of character.

    What a jerk you are. I disagree with a point of view you expressed and your response is this kind of bitchy garbage?

    "I don't believe you"??? Gee, I'm just crushed. Go suck an egg.

    (That ought to get the discourse down to a level worthy of you of a ass like you)

  17. Hi There,

    My friend told me yesterday she is thinking about going to this clinic in Bangkok (forgotten the name, but can ask her) for a tummy tuck.

    She said a few people here in the UK have recommended this clinic.

    So I thought I go on this forum for her to see if anybody out there has any experience with this clinic or if you have heard any reports on it.

    If its necessary I can get the name ( don't really know how many clinics that do this sort of stuff are out there).

    Any advice that I can pass on is welcome.

    Vanity surgery is a huge industry here. Every major hospital promotes 'medical tourism,' a good deal of which is of the variety you are asking about. There must also be hundreds of private clinics. By the way, several hospitals (including one in Phuket) specialize in sexual reassignment surgery, if you'd like to go all the way with your make over......

  18. Regarding Sudham's books:  "Complete and utter rubbish...The novels themselves are so poorly written..."

    I have personally met Mr. Sudham a half-dozen times over three years.....In my first-hand observation, Mr. Sudham has a genuine passion for righting the wrongs endured by the people of Isan over the last several generations

    And how exactly is this related to whether the man can write a coherent sentence, let alone an entire novel?

    You are actually underscoring the very point I was making. If it weren't for a few patronizing, I'm-More-Culturally-Aware-Than-Thou academic snobs (such as yourself?) who insist on trying to set social standards for the rest of us ordinary folk, no one would ever have heard of Sudham. His heart may bleed, but he's a lousy writer.

    And by the way, I've known him for almost ten years. Satisfied?

  19. Your right George, as I grew up in Chicago and compared to the midwest and the east coast california pizza sucks, but if you think pizza in california is bad wait til you get to thailand.

    Alas, absolutely right. I read through this entire thread hoping someone would be able to suggest a place that might prove me wrong. It has had exactly the opposite result. Darn.

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