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Posts posted by ILOOKFORWORK

  1. Remnants of Apisit trying to linger around and change immigration policies as long as they possibly can. They're just mad that the lang schools are getting the money and not the immigration dept. Costs for getting visas have gone up tremendously over the past 5 years or so, and immigration is more corrupt than ever. laugh.gif

  2. Thaksin is already promising to bring the USD back to 40/THB and 30 million tourists a year in LOS - he has all but actually proclaimed himself the real PM. Ta-da! The joke is no longer just a joke. A whole nation (or at least most of it) has fallen for it.

    I don't think the Thais are that stupid.

    Maybe that's what they wanted Bob!

    Bob may also believe the middle and wealthy class Thai mindset that was given to them by the coup leaders in 2006... that "The poor in Thailand don't understand democracy." ... In other words, the poor are stupid farmers that will vote for anybody that gives them 500 baht and various promises. I see this mentality quite often in Bangkok. A true contempt for the poor or lower classes. jap.gif

  3. Thaksin might have abused his position somewhat and "lined his own nest" ...


    The hard-working Thai people in the villages LOVE him !!

    Of course they do... He paid them to vote for him !

    I got news for you, most everybody gets paid to vote in Thailand. The Dems were giving out 500 baht per vote in my area last week. That's the oldest hypocritical excuse I've ever heard.

  4. Maybe the mayor can prove this by taking a spoonful during the press conference.

    Good Idea. This is going to blow up in their faces because they're trying to smooth everything over and not being forthcoming (they haven't been since this first began). Another thing their "health expert" failed to mention is that the route of exposure is very critical in terms of health effects. The insecticide used did not kill the people because they took teaspoons of it. It killed them because they inhaled it all night in close proximity to the vapors. He also failed to mention that many other factors are involved in explaining why the hotel manager or others did not die from exposure (ventilation, length of exposure, concentration differences, etc.)... he also did not say whether or not every room was sprayed with that particular organochloride. Why doesn't he just come out and say that somebody made the concentration too strong and thus inadvertently poisoned the guests at his hotel (and probably at other nearby hotels). Land of massive censorship.ph34r.gif

  5. They will get frustrated. They don't have the majority support or the moral authority to pull off what they are demanding. ((remove)). You figure it out ...

    They have the majority support. If an election were held today, Peuah Thai would win again. And the military would dissolve the party. This is not democracy. This is moreless a fascist and/or elitist system. A system where some people's (the majority of the electorate) votes don't count; or don't count as much as other wealthier voting groups.

  6. Just blame Taksin for this, just like for everything else. What kind of news story is this?? Of course there is going to be individual cases of violence. There was violence during the yellow shirt protests as well, everyone knows this. Why does this website seem to keep generating news write-ups that portray a narrow view of events related to politics in Thailand?

  7. Why should Google respond? Surely, if the International Courts have not ruled on the border, "cutting it in half" is the fairest thing. Maybe Thailand should ask for "land rent money" from Cambodia, for half of the Temple...... :)

    International court already ruled on it long ago; and gave the temple back to Cambodia (as it is a Cambodian temple). This seems like very simple logic, but the clowns in the Apishit admin don't want to admit the truth. I think the article misnames them as Thai "nationalists". Rather, it should be renamed "fascists".

  8. I've never heard of "zebra crossings", but I have heard of a "crosswalk".

    Anyway, police were making money on people all over Bangkok last week (Thursday I believe) for not using the crosswalks and many other trivial things. Any other day you see them directing traffic and looking right at people as they walk across the streets, far from any crosswalk.

    People drive crazy in Thailand, period. Accidents galore as many people probably already know. It will continue until the government does something never before seen here; that is, do it's job.

  9. I would be interested to know how many of these accidents, deaths and incarceration are related to alcohol.

    Scott, good question. I don't know about in reference to particular nationalities (the relation with alcohol) visiting Thailand or residing here; but I have read some stats on previous studies among the general population. These were supposedly randomized cases where data was documented at the hospital, including blood-alcohol test results. The few studies I have read place showed somewhere between 70-80% alcohol-related (total accidents, fatal and non-fatal).

    One study (I forget the title, but wish I had it for referencing you to see) was particularly impressive. It found a 12.6-fold difference in fatality between subjects wearing helmets versus those not wearing helmets. This was a very large study spanning 1 year's time, with around 5,000 accident cases involving motorcycle accidents in Thailand nationwide (I believe it was data from the year 2005). The results were somewhere along the order of the following...

    Percentage of deaths due to motorcycle accidents (in which contact to the head occurred) and helmet was worn: % 7

    Percentage of deaths due to motorcycle accidents (in which contact to the head occurred) and helmet was not worn: % 88

    Most common cause of death among accident subjects (both groups): Subdural Hematoma (Acute) (Acute brain injury)

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