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Posts posted by Shiver

  1. 4 hours ago, digibum said:


    I don't care where you live.  Defensive driving is defensive driving.  You either learn it or you don't.  The point I was making was that even in a country with rules, that is not overpopulated, defensive driving is important.  In Thailand, given exactly the reasons you've stated, high injury/death rates are inevitable.    

    When I was getting driving lessons in UK as a nipper, the instructor told me to leave the main road by taking a right.  I stopped at the centreline whilst indicating, and checking rear view mirrors as I saw a car approaching me from behind at fairly high speed.

    The instructor asked me what I was waiting for and I told him (just as the car was passing on the wrong side of the road.  He asked "do you think you can think for everyone on the road?  Just do things properly yourself",  Well I saved that instructors car from a side swipe, and elected to consider my own opinions on risk rather than blindly listening only to others - in many walks of life.

  2. On 4/16/2017 at 9:24 PM, Destiny1990 said:

    So how will enforcement of wearing the plastic 150 bht helmets lower the tsunami of road accidents? Especially since all reports say the problem is speed and alchohol.

    If you run your head into a wall, with/without alcohol, and with/without a helmet, then the experience may suggest something.


    I'm not suggesting cheap helmets cure all.  I'm saying it's something that is very easy to implement and would make a noticeable change to their statistics.  That's just the opening gambit though, not the end game.


    They are seen as 'un cool' though, so perhaps fashion or hello kitty have something to contribute.

  3. Surfactants do conduct electricity, even the 'non ionic' ones.


    I don't know how the foam parties operate, but presumably there's some kind of air blower that got wet(?).


    I guess most of us have had some kind of run-in with electricity in this country, even if just touching something metal and getting an uncomfortable buzz.


    As for this real life event I have empathy for all those that knew her.  I've had a beautiful girl needlessly taken away also, and the fallout across many areas (not just self but Thai family) still ripples to this day, despite a happier outcome than the above.


    Respect to all those that knew her, and hope those in positions responsible for events like this get some training on how to safely handle electricity.

  4. I think the manufacturers as in the clear on this one.


    Aside from 'earning' a licence and getting points on it, using helmet etc, how about fixing potholes properly (or building the roads properly in the first place), keeping the sides of the roads gravel free, lane discipline (in HK 60% of all traffic accidents occur when lane changing).


    Only thing a manufacturer could do would be to refuse to throttle out of a bend without enough vision to see what might be behind that concrete wall on the corner and detects no traffic approaching where the bike is projected to be.  All complex and expensive stuff.


    Anyhow, the simple one is helmets and can be implemented today.  The police can fine and issue discounts to helmet shops that they own for bonus tea money..  After 1 year reassess and move to step #2, 3, 4 etc.


  5. On 3/30/2017 at 8:17 PM, speedtripler said:

    Core has launched a new plan to activate segwit via mandatory UASF (User Activated Soft Fork) on the 1st August)


    I respect all opinions but I think the way forward is a dynamic blocksize and that's what I'll be directing my resources towards.... 


    We can STILL have LN WITHOUT segwit, anyone who tells you different is lying 


    Let the chips fall where they may.... 


    One chain will gain the support majority rapidly due to the inherent design of bitcoin



    Nakamoto consensus rules still apply so the Chinese are going to steamroll over Bitfury if push comes to shove and the longest chain is the valid one




    I didn't know there was an activation data for UASF, thanks for that.

    I did ask on the Bitcointalk forum a couple of years by why couldn't  the block size just shrink and grow according to demand.  I can't remember the exact answer, but it was made clear to me that it was a non starter to go smaller as it would open a new attack vector, so I guess it's growth only.

    Hopefully in a year or so we can look back and have avoided a hardfork, perhaps increased block size in spite of seg (much easier to implement LN with Seg though, apart for fixing some other issues, then if the SPV's come along purely as users on 'lite' devices, the rest of us can be full node in archie capacity, and hopefully we start to see some of the heavy mining being done in other parts of the world rather than just one nation.  There must be quite a few hot spots for low cost electricity surely(?).

  6. On 3/29/2017 at 4:20 PM, speedtripler said:

    Whether Bitcoin forks or not, you still get a coin for both chains.... 


    In my opinion, anyone who buys bitcoins now in this time of uncertainty in the market will be handsomely rewarded when the scaling battle is resolved (by softfork, hardfork or a compromise between both sides) 


    I buy every week and dollar cost average it out and have been  since 2011

    Looks to me like a long drawn out wait for the soft fork, and BU has very little chance of activating  Even BitFury has committed to SegWit now, whatever Ver (the bitcoin Judas) says about hashing power, the users have spoken.  If you take out all other hard for kattempts  though (BTX etc) it still doesn't reach 'consensus' of 96%, but we can see what happens when Rootstock goes live end of June (20,000tps on chain, 200,000tps off chain), not to mention LN.

    I guess you can tell by my writing that I'm on the Seg side, but I don't have plans to spend any time moving coin near this event, so can still see huge (much larger than we've seen in a while) short term volatility while they duke it out.

    I was just installing an alpha 'eclair' LN on my spare computers node when I glanced across this page whilst waiting for the download.  Just doing my bit for the community.


  7. On 3/17/2017 at 4:58 PM, Halfaboy said:

    Does it really need a long and complex code to get access to your account ?

    If you're talking about your public address (a long string of numbers and letters) then that can either be copy/pasted or use the QR code. which contains the same information - then the answer is no.  Ideally you'd use a different public address for every transaction which is generated automatically, just so you know whether you used it to buy a washing machine or a car to keep decent accounts of your own.  There is nothing stopping you using the same Public address over and over if you prefer though since is unique to you.

    Your *private* key you never ever reveal to anyone, and preferably keep on a couple of hardware wallets on different continents..  They start at about $20 and up eg. Trezor wallet.

  8. I'd have handed over 1000 baht, and when asked "do you have smaller?" I'd say no, my change is for a different purpose, so do you want to stop somewhere to change the money or let it drop?


    Then some of the change I'd put in the womans hand and thank her for being a good corrupt citizen (and throw in the odd jai dam comment without using any expletives).


  9. On 2/21/2017 at 6:25 PM, Karry Yokie said:

    Yes, I have seen this before. The problem is though, it's completely unworkable whilst the human race is enslaved inside a monetary system. Understanding the very basics of how the banking system works is not rocket-science, but it's easy to see WHY the rich get richer while the poor get poorer. It's due to perpetual debt. There is simply not enough money in circulation to pay back the banks their principal + interest! Reducing the population will not make these bastards richer. They NEED as many people as possible to fuel their ever-burning desire for banking globalisation.

    Almost every single crime committed on this planet has some connection to money or poverty. Get rid of money and the crime-rate drops by some 80%. There's no need for politicians to make laws and no need for a police force to enforce them. Since around 1% of the population own 50% of the world's wealth, while thousands of people die from hunger each day, it's quite easy to see that something is 'wrong'.

    I'm no 'libtard', and I abhor religion, but as long as we continue to believe that authority is the truth instead of the truth being the authority, then we, the human race, don't DESERVE to survive!







    Need more people yes - but more tax payers rather than people collecting their dues.  Mathematically and ignoring all other aspects, that alone adds up.


    On 2/21/2017 at 6:25 PM, Karry Yokie said:










  10. 14 hours ago, SiamBeast said:


    1) Virginity

    2) Complete family with a mother and father who are happily married

    3) University diploma



    Each to their own I guess.  I met a virgin with complete family and paid for her to start (not complete) University.  Although she loved me as much as I loved her, the parents *told* her to drop me and find a farang with enough money to raise the family's perception of where they stood in Thai social hierarchy.

    She didn't love the guy, many of her friends said that she repeated that often, but family trumps the farang card.  She was married within 6 weeks and a little over 9 months after that she was a baby making machine.


    Virginity I don't care much for.  I'd prefer her to have at least some experience of a normal relationship (I wouldn't date a working girl, I just mean someone who has had at least one other relationship.  Virginity wouldn't put me off, it would just mean I have my work cut out for me - basically it just doesn't score very highly on my list.

    University is the curse of the poor.  They start adult life in debt and pay to be indoctrinated rather than creative free thinkers.  They could spend that time and make as much money and be debt free and skilled in a good career rather than 100K+ in debt (often goes over 200K because they can't keep up payments because they can't get a well paid job and haven't been taught how to be a self starter and build a successful business.

    Anyhow, painful losses have a way of driving you, and I learned the ropes of the country a little.  I saw my weakness as not having enough money, and today (no work permit required, little command of the language, and being a foreigner to boot provides a few set backs that they are already gifted with.  It wouldn't surprise me if I had more cash worth than all of her family in cash and assets combined.  I must write and thank her some time.  Btw, one time I did see that she had a Thai copy of "Rich dad Poor dad" which impressed me.  I asked her what she thought of it.  She'd never bothered reading it.

    Now with my only 2nd GF.  She was nearly orphaned when I met her, and just recently with some family member losses she is now matriarch and beholds to nobody.  She got the University loan issue which I said I won't pay back (where would the learning pain be in that?), but I'll carry the interest on it for a while if you'll work with me on setting yourself up with your own business and I'll fund the business, but I have first charge until all debts are paid and then she's her own boss, won't need me (at least I'll know she's not with me for money - not that she gets an allowance any more, we've proven that she doesn't know how to manage money yet, and when I asked she couldn't tell me how many baht were in 1 million baht.  She said University was "Website & farmiiiing and SME".  I asked her what SME means.  She doesn't know.  I asked her what ATM stands for, she doesn't know.  What she does know is to be an attentive and sensitive giver to her community, and has won the hearts of pretty much all my friends both male & female.  She does everything she possibly can to make my life easier and more pleasant which leaves me free to learn whatever interests me, and delegate any tasks that need specialist knowledge that I'm not allowed to do without a work permit.  Her needs are simple:  Enough friends to enjoy somtam and new clothes on a pretty much weekly basis (she's a bargain hunter).  She needs to give some away as they take up a lot of room.  She doesn't quite understand that part.


    So for requirements 1-3, I guess everyone might fill in different things there, and fortunately there is lots of variety in the world.

  11. On 2/16/2017 at 4:57 PM, Catoni said:

        Because viruses... by their very nature... are infectious to life forms and invade and attack the cells of the host body and reproduce in the host body...   

         Unless the alien life form is like a solid rock, (be difficult for it to move around), or it's body temperature is normally twice as high as ours.....  (our world would be very uncomfortably cold to it if that is the case), or it is like a ghost...(not too likely)  then chances are excellent that it would be carbon based, as we are, with a cellular system.... a Earth virus that we have some natural immunity to, would be deadly to it. 

     I didn't know a virus could plug into the receptor of just about any cell.  So glad I gave myself a distemper shot yesterday,

  12. 4 hours ago, rickudon said:

    Conjunctions between Jupiter and Saturn occur about every 20 years. As far as changing the earths orbit, I doubt if it changes by more than a couple of miles, if that.  Next is 2020.


    Winter here in Thailand has been abnormally warm this year, and in the UK December was around 2 degrees centigrade warmer than the 30 year average. Europe was also warmer, with no snow at many Ski resorts before the new year. And of course, 2016 was globally the warmest year on record (3rd year in a row). I wouldn't worry about a mini ice age yet .....

    I live in the Issan area, and this has had some of the coldest days I've ever experienced here, and we didn't really have much summer (that being usually less than 40C I mean).

    There have been ski reports closed down within the last month because of too much snow!


    I guess we just look for the answers that we want to find - all of us.

  13. I've seen a video explanation where it shows the gas giants Jupiter and Saturn are 'generally' in opposition, but when they move closer and makes the earth orbit become more oval than round, that extra couple of hundred million miles can throw things off a couple of degrees celsius off our temperature.  Nothing at all to do with the big ice age full of woolly mammoths stuff, but noticable.

    We're near a solar maximum right now, and yet it is lower than what is considered a solar minimum.  Just one look into the sky can tell you that sky and sun colours aren't the same as when we were kids.  It's more of a white out on some days.


    Bottom line is I expect our winters to become a bit cooler for a few more years yet.

  14. For me it's adapting to the mini ice age which is already upon us and peaks (I think) around 2024.  I expect poles to melt to a large  degree, only to reform elsewhere on the planet with new lands becoming visible.


    Before these things there tends to be some clement weather (remember just 2-3  years ago), it's a bit like mild deflation just before hyperinflation.  It'll rain in deserts excessively, snow will get deeper still in some places.  I don't know much about the phenomenon, but where we are geographically seems pretty good as northern hemispheres go.


    Purchasing I expect to fall in expensive houses and cars, and that resource be re-purposed into incredibly high food prices due to scarcity.


    My Great Grandfather used to skate on a dam in the 1900's, yet when I was a kid it was rarely for it to be more than a couple of inches ice.


    But to answer your question, yeah I think we'll still be here as a race, but not as we know it Jim.


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