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Posts posted by jarhead50200

  1. could not resist, gossip from the ladies who sit around on the equipment, what about the gossip from the old farangs who sit on the equipment for an hour and gossip with their buddies while i am waiting to do a quick set, but anyway too bad, someone does not seize this opportunity to buy the chiang mai wow at a cheap price, front load 10 years worth of memberships and then file bankruptcy in a year, what a concept? ha ha 5555

  2. chiang mai is still open (sort of open) there is repair signs on over 50 per cent of the machines, classes have been cut back because staff has quit, i just got my bill to pay my quarterly fee of 2400thb, yeah right, i pay the fee and come in next week and there is a sign on the door, (SORRY OUT OF BUSINESS, HA HA YOU GOT SCREWED). The sad part is they don't tell anyone what is going on. Chiang Mai Calif Wow always had good enrollment, why are they letting it go down the shitter?

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  3. i started this topic and i stand behind what i say about this new restaurant and no he did not offer me a job, from some of the negative responses on here and i know everyone has an opinion and some people have actual experiences whether good or bad, but you folks that bad mouth a good restaurant like this i firmly believe if you won the mega million you would fault with that or you probably would find fault with the taj mahal or mother teresa, or maybe you are just miserable and stay in you room all day and pout and feel sorry for yourself.

  4. ate at the new DUKES last night, outstanding.............. beautiful decor and ambiance, the waiters/waitresses friendly, courteous and smiling............. took my wife and between us with more food than we could finish it came to a little over 450thb. i must commend the new restaurant as it will bury the competition as to the huge selection of thai and farang food, and my water glass (i like cold water) never went below half full. good location, plenty of parking and a river view. i must admit the DUKES at all locations runs circles around the local boys, as to quality, and quantity for an affordable lunch or dinner. little things like keeping cold water in my glass means a lot.

    thank you for this nice restaurant.

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  5. thank you all good info, just a couple questions:

    1. what is tambien baan?

    2. and i live just off tunghotel road near the india consulate, what district office would i go to?

    again thank you for your help.

  6. a thai girl from udon thani and i am from the usa are getting married. can you tell me what papers she needs and what papers i will need. we want to get married in chiang mai and where in chiang mai do we have to go?. legally married. i would like to hear from someone who has done this, thank you have a nice day.

  7. Everyone has a position in life based on their experiences, I proudly served as a U.S. Marine, and i am now retired in Thailand so i speak from my experience. Some of the negative derogatory posts on here are reflective of the posters experience which is probably sitting in front of the computer all day and this may be the only life they have which is pretty sad. The III Marine Expeditionary Force besides conducting exercises with other international military units also brings to Thailand engineers, plumbers and electricians who help repair the damage from this years floods. So what if they go out in town and have a beer and a good time or meet a girl. You posers/posters on here talking garbage what are you doing all day except being on your computer. Leave your smelly little room, take a shower, shave, put on some clean clothes and go out and enjoy life and quit trashing the folks who are living a good life in thailand and quit trashing the countries who are trying to help Thailand. thank you



    Events during the exercise include a computer-simulated command-post exercise, field training operations, and humanitarian and civic assistance projects that increase the standard of living for the Thai people in surrounding communities.

    III Marine Expeditionary Force / Marine Corps Installations Pacifichttp://www.dvidshub....EF#.TzJQC8WP-sE

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  9. i have been here 3 1/2 years and have really enjoyed all of Dukes food at all locations, i like to eat so it is sufficient in quantity and quality for the price. My own experience is that if i don't like a food establishment i quit going there to eat, simple as that. As many places as there is to eat in Chiang Mai I am sure you could find somewhere to satisfy your sensitive palate. David is a good guy and he runs a good restaurant business. Have a nice day.

  10. dukes has the best quantity and quality for the price bar none, whether ribs, or burgers or spaghetti, whatever is on the menu, big portions and cheeeeeeeepppp.......................... and dave is a good guy toooooooooo.............

  11. someone correct me if i am wrong, but when you raise your right hand to swear to the affidavit that costs $50 you testify or swear under penalty of perjury that your income is ??? and i also believe that Thailand Immigration requires a minimum $ amount in order to qualify for a retirement visa?????

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