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Everything posted by Presto
You only mention 'German' sounding Swiss names. As far as I know Switzerland has four different language regions, so probably four different 'typical' Swiss names. I'm from the Netherlands, and I have a name that looks like it's from Spain or Portugal. And my family tree goes back at least 250 years in the Netherlands. Imagine how the reactions would be from the usual xenophobes on this forum if I ever appeared in Thai news. So someone's name is basically totally irrelevant, that's my point.
Honor goes both ways. Lounging on my car (an assumption) is not a show of respect or honor.
What's a typical Swiss name? And what does it matter?
If you mean by 'peace agreements' the Abraham Accords, the only thing it has achieved is handing over 2 billion to Jared Kushner, plus many millions each year as 'management fee'. Of course it ignored the Palestinians completely. It was all about greed, and worked out well that way. It has absolutely nothing to do with peace in the Middle East.
Thanks for changing the subject, as expected. My father taught me, if you do something, do it good. Biden has been a disaster in foreign policy. He is too slow, too scared. And allows Netanyahu to put the middle finger to him every single day, while being complicit in genocide and war crimes. If Biden really wanted to help Ukraine against the illegal invasion of Russia, he should have acted quickly and decisively. He is not capable of that. That's Biden's legacy. Besides, by his weakness and incompetence, handing over the presidency to a vile person like Trump.
Interesting, but a completely different discussion. Russia uses the narrative that it felt threatened by even the possibility of Ukraine becoming a NATO member. It also uses the narrative that it invaded Ukraine (going to Kiev, remember) to rid Ukraine of the fascists. All bogus of course. Putin's real aim was and is, to revive the old Russian empire, Russia's greatness. And secure himself a place in the history books as the greatest Russian tsar ever. He's not very successful so far. But if he succeeds in Ukraine, next will be Moldova / Transnistria.
This has always been a mystery to me, maybe you can clear it up. It's ok if Russia launches missiles from hundreds of kilometres inside Russia, has air force bases there so Russian warplanes can attack every city in Ukraine it likes from the air, but Ukraine is not allowed to use the weapons it has to attack those places in Russia where the attacks come from? Please explain.
Ok, a war of attrition. A very long war of attrition. I get that, I got it already. The whole Donbas region is about 53.000 km2. So your arithmetic seems to be way off. Don't include Crimes, don't include the Donbas as illegally occupied since 2014. Only the gains since February 2022. Not that it matters. My question again: for what? If you don't know the answer, please let us know.
A gain of a 100.000 km2 in over two and a half years. I'm not sure that's correct. In the Donbas region the gain is having pushed the line about 30 kms to the West. That's not really impressive, is it. And please take into account the region of Kursk, lost to the Ukrainians. And consider the 100.000 to 200.000 Russian soldiers lost, the thousands of tanks and artillery pieces, the Black Sea naval fleet decimated, etc etc. North Korean soldiers needed. And for what. In over two and a half years. Not exactly impressive. More a sign of the rampant corruption and incompetence in the Russian army. That doesn't mean they can't win of course. And, win what? What was the goal?