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Posts posted by krbkk

  1. I have this Battery, and to today no Problems

    I buy at Link Navamin, but they close this shop and move to Soi Pakeo

    I am out of home and can not look in the invoice.

    the best way is to go to a bike Weekend, or the Bangkok Motor Show,

    Link has mostly a booth there

    or use google

  2. the SYM Scooters are the only one for Farangs.

    I Need my Scooter for every Day Shopping, that mean, I Need a big Space in front of Driver for cooling Box or 2 Box of Beer

    HONDA has nothing, Yamaha has only one, the Filano, all other has also nothing

    I have not the data sheet here but I remember, that the Filano is only for small Thai Ladies.

    betwenn Scooter weight and max-weight are only 58 KG

    My weight with 90 kg, plus Cooling Box 20 kg and sometimes my Boy with 30 kg

    normaly you can drive with this, but if you hit a hole or a bumper, the Scooter can brocken

    and the Brakes are also only for this small weight.

    at the SYM Scooter you a lot of space and you can ride with 2 Farang without a Problem.

    but for this, the own weight is higher as the scooters from Thailand

  3. "Can't find this Etong city on google maps. Is it near Pilok? "

    have a look on my inserted map, left side on Boder to Burma, End of the road 3272

    the Problem here in Thailand are the different writing of names.

    In Garmin-Map the Name is I-tong

    the GPS-Data ist N14.68104 E98.36287

  4. you start at the very wrong time.

    If I make this ride, I start in the morning at 6 o clock, it is beginning with day time and it is not so hot, and NO cops are on the road

    I was riding the way via Thong Pa Phu to Etong City at one day, I come back at Bangkok at daytime at 18:00

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