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Posts posted by Rawkus

  1. lol, 29 bucks for an OS upgrade right when Windows users are being told to fork over big money for Win 7 to make the Vista debacle a bad memory. Brilliant marketing on the part of Apple, as usual.

    So far reports are that Snow Leopard weighs in at 6GB *less* than Leopard, anybody care to tell me the last time that a Windows release used less disk space that its predecessor? lol

    Smug!?!!? Sure, I'm a smug Mac user. Why am I smug?

    1) I use my computers to make money as opposed to playing games or rebooting every 15 minutes.

    2) I have enough money that I don't need to build a computer from spare parts.

    3) I don't give shiat what you think.

    Does Win 7 still use things like the Registry and DLLs? Thought so. Can any program you install corrupt the registry at will? Thought so. Personally I would be panicking if I was running Win 7, an OS using out-dated technology desperately clinging to a brand name.

    MS need to GTFO of the OS market and focus themselves on making products that people want (hint: Zune isn't one of them).

    I will give Microsoft credit for one thing though, their mice are far better than Apple's. So they have that going for them.

  2. Plus

    It works fine

    No, it doesn't. On my computer it doesn't.

    Are you telling me it does, and those "destination unreachable" errors do not exist?

    That's a great way to prove a point that Linux is a troublefree operating system.

    The problem exists between the keyboard and the user's chair.

    If you are really incapable of getting a Linux machine connected to the internet then you are better off sticking with Windows and dealing with all the issues that that will entail.

    Just relax in the knowledge that if you do manage to connect your Windows box to the internet (and secure it) most of the sites that you visit will be served up by machines running Linux.

  3. First, apologies for the accusations. I messed up Rawkus and your post. The post in question where I got the "splitting hairs" from is here.
    Oh, and your bias is showing quite loudly. While I admit bias, I still have enough decorum to respect people's beliefs and not resort to attempts to belittle their diety or excise the importance out of their religion's name. Would I be in the wrong to assume that you're a Muslim?

    I would like to apologise also, generally I try to respect people of faith (if they shut-up and don't proseletyze), even though I disagree with them intensely. I understand that many people derive great personal strength from their religious beliefs and it would be wrong of me to denigrate that, for that I am sorry.

    You would be very wrong in assuming that I am a follower of the Islamic faith, I am an atheist, I have been for over 30 years and probably nothing short of Jesus 2.0 himself performing miracles* in my front room would change my mind.

    *such miracles may include convincing me that SuSe is better than Slackware - especially now that Slack has a 64 bit release, but may also include convincing me why a Bible written under the direction of an English king with an agenda to push is considered the innerant word of a god, but I digress.. :)

  4. And do note, I am not promoting Christianity. However, it is the lesser of the two evils being discussed here and has done much more for the world.

    Dave, you are splitting hairs here. For every passage in the quran exhorting people to kill you will find equal passages in the OT (Deuteronomy?) saying the same.

    The 'god' that the xtians grovel in front of is responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths in the old testament alone.

    If you really consider xtianity to be the lesser of two evils then please explain fred phelps and his ilk or the protestants and catholics bombing the shiat out of each other in ireland (with financial support of the USA). Any organised religion can be used as an excuse for any sort of behaviour.

  5. Dispropotionate responses. They attack that which we hold dear and we attack something they hold more dear. I figure this should get me in trouble, but if there's a terrorist attack again in the States or in an ally, I propose that we nuke Mecca. Let the Muslim world know that is going to be the penalty. That should grab their attention and force them to play nice.

    A couple of questions?

    1) What if the next terrorist attack is in the country of a Muslim ally?

    2) Would you also advocate nuking the Vatican if another Timothy McVeigh comes along?

    It seems that you haven't thought out your cunning plan...

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