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Jeff Jarvis

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Posts posted by Jeff Jarvis

  1. Some of those dinner cruises are not so great. Too crowded, lousy food and the band playng full blast thru cheap PA speakers. Aaagghh! :o

    I booked the boat named Wan-Fah for a dinner cruise. Old wooden barge.

    Better than most I believe.

  2. "An ex-boss of mine maintains the theory that there are no stupid questions, only stupid answers."

    My ex-boss had a theory that there are no stupid questions, only stupid people.

  3. Millions of people die from contanimated water every year.

    The Stirling engine concept is being perfected and may be available soon.

    This machine can provide electricity and clean water in remote areas.

    They are being tested in a pilot project in Surinam and Appalacia.

    Dean Kamen, inventor of the heart stent, drug pump, kidney dialisis machine, IBOT wheelchair and the SegwayHT has the solution to the end of contaminated water with a revolutionary, Stirling engine.


    //edit by RDN: any more of this spam and you're out of here. Get it?

  4. :Instead of your 90 mins tour, how about this one ?

    Should only take a couple of ticks me think.

    1. Start from your site Soi 4 Nana.

    2. As you mentioned in a previous post, lets go to Soi 5 as at 9 am I feel like breakfast. Lets try Foodland.

    3. Next, lets go to see a friend on mine at Bungungrad Hospital (spell me not to good ) Soi .3

    4. After that back to your site on Soi 4, Nana. So how about that then J.J."

    Doing this route in a car would prove my point! :o

    I'll go for that but rather you treat me to the buffet at Amari...

  5. 1 Instead of an ignition key, the Quark uses a "removable interactive interface," which is a PDA-style device that plugs into the chassis to provide rider ID authentication. It also serves as an information panel.

    The Segway has a similar key called an I Button, 64bit encrypted.

    2 Normally, fuel cells require bulky water-cooling systems, but the Quark is air-cooled, reducing overall size and keeping the system from freezing in low temperatures.

    Segway unveiled the fuel cell SegwayTransporter last year.

    3 The 9-liter hydrogen tank can be pressurized to 10,150 psi, giving the Quark a range of up to 80 miles. The tank is designed to be popped out when empty and swapped with a full one.

    The Segway has a range of 25 miles with the latest batteries, requires zero service, can fit thru a doorway, park next to your desk and recharge for 2baht.

    I can't tell you what 9liters of hydriogen cost.

    4 Each 17-in. wheel is fitted with an electric motor that produces 74 lb.-ft. of torque. These motors also can be used for regenerative braking.

    The Segway motors are the smallest, most powerfull motors ever put into production. They have a neodynium, floating rotor, have redundtant windings for safety. Similar to motors used by NASA on spaceships. Expensive.

    Regenerative braking recharges the batteries.

  6. Now that is sexy, and i bet they didnt take 75yrs man hours to design it either!

    Very cool machine. Look for many new types of transport coming along,

    like this: http://collinfo.annauniv.edu:6060/sme/reso...asp?articleID=9

    Segway Co. is not interested in flash. They painted it the same color as the stealth bomber.

    Cramming all that technology into the base is a technological feat.

    You'd agree if you had a clue. :o

    Some things that can't be seen have value.

    The software in your computer for example.

    Hundreds of man years, it's invisible and worth billions.

  7. "Take a second to think about the oil companys. How many billions of dollars of liquid capital do you think they have? "

    The efficieny of a Segway equals 450MPG. Definetly not OPEC friendly.

    "we must first think about the oil companys and all of thier millions of employees that will be put out of work. Once they are all out of their jobs don't you think that the worlds ecomonys will feels the impact?"

    We could wait till the oil runs out then lay them off......

  8. "the only way to get people out of cars is to tax them exhorbitantly and unfairly for using them in cities , this has already been done in one brave city (london) with some success"

    You hit the nail on the head!

    All cities are looking for solutions to traffic and will follow models in places like London and Singapore.

    Cars are getting squeezed out already. Look at the average speed, average trip length, cost per mile and damage to the enviroment.

    You really believe that in 25 years that cars will be welcome in downtown areas?

  9. Cars were a tough sell 100 year ago.

    I bet that the people riding horses had similar remarks.

    20 years later, the infrastructure was in place and cars took over.

    (big mistake considering the average speed in Bangkok is slower than horse and buggy days)

    The average speed in 20 years is predicted to be 2kph.

    Most cities were developed before the car and the car has ruined things for pedestrians. Cars have no business in downtown areas and should be left at the city limits.

    Better public transport like Skytrains, Subways, electric busses, bikes and PEVs will all contribute to make our cities great places to live again.

    Pedestrians, bike riders, and silent compact PEVs will demand more space one lane at a time.

    Less cars means more room for parks and a safer, healthier enviroment for pedestrians.

    No hard feelings, just come by for a free spin.

  10. Tough crowd :o

    "At nearly US$10,000 each, I'm sure actual sales, versus "hits" on a website, must be very brisk... "

    $4,500usd + a 60% Thai duty. We are working on getting them exempt or even subsidized by the authorities. Thaksins son is a big Segway fan and this admin. is wanting to project a high tech image.

    (we have excellent condtion,used Segways starting at 200,000bht)

    The new Airport is looking at them for security, managment , medical personel and engineers.

    Police departments, Convention centers, factories and security folks are some of the largest purchasers.

    We had inquiries last week from Dubai, Kuwait, Qatar, Borneo and India.

    I remember when home sattelite TV dishes cost $6000usd and were 4 meters wide.

    20 years from now a decent PEV(personal electric vehicle) will cost about $500 and will be as common as Cell Phones, Computers and TVs.

    "on the segway tours of bangkok , how does the machine deal with raised kerbs , potholes on the road, uneven paving (sometimes a drop of about 6").

    would such obstacles render this contraption redundant."

    Our Segway ride has been carefully planned to keep our riders safe. No serious obstacles.

    (sidenote:Dean Kamen took a Segway wheelchair from the Paris Metro to the restaurant in the Eiffel Tower.)

    Why don't you come by and watch me take a Segway down stairs sometime?

    The solid state gyroscopes sensors are constantly measuring, yaw, pitch and roll to keep the platform level.

    The standup Segway Transporter has problems going up over any obsticle over 6 inches.

    It has a clever power assist mode for humping it up a curb or steps.

    I'm not saying the PEVs are perfect but they can replace 80% of cars being used on the city streets.

    Why would anyone choose a car for a 12 block errand if they had an alternative PEV?

    "nobody will buy someting that reduces them to a joke , thats why clowns costumes havent been sweeping the market"

    Try taking a car from Soi 4 to Soi 5 sometime. :D

    Sitting in a car in traffic with a huge red hot engine spewing toxic fumes looks trendy I suppose.

    The investors built a factory capable of producing 40,000 units per month.

    Maybe they forgot the dork factor in their business plan?

    800 hits, wow!

  11. "I was driving past two foreign men on Segways at the end of Sukhumvit soi 4 on Friday morning. You then? "

    Probably me.

    We have a scheduled ride every day at 9am and 5pm.

    Thanks for asking :o

    Next time, stop and say hi.

  12. Are you flagging down taxis in front of your hotel?

    Taxis parked outside hotels are usually waiting for someone to take advantage of. They often don't want to do legit taxi work.

    This is prime hunting grounds for them and controlled by a 'taxi mafia".

    Honest taxi drivers are not allowed and intimidated.

  13. "I like segways Jeff but use the good ol' 'beer scooter' . You have any..."

    I've had a few close calls on the beer scooter myself.

    (that's why I went with the self-balancing model)

    Similarly after a Segway Tour a large portion of the passenger's in-pocket cash is taken :o

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